Worthy swordsman

Shawn fired the Wraist twice, the first bullet flew through the air just slightly slower that the Razor bullets but this was much larger than those ones and the bullet itself seemed to be made out of some red colored metal.

The swordsman with a look of disappointment sliced the first bullet out of the air but as soon as his sword managed to slice the outer casing of the bullet an explosion took place with firepower about a quarter of what the grenade had produced but it was more than enough for the swordsman who was not expecting it to explode.

His swords was thrown away from his hand leaving him completely defenseless and the second bullet was following close behind. The second bullet landed squarely in his chest and the explosion from that had thrown the swordsman backwards almost 15 meters.

The swordsman was just laying on the floor for about a second before he managed to get back to his feet with his sword somehow back in his hand. A smile spread across his face as his blade coated itself in a dark green aura.

Shawn fired two more bullets that flew towards the swordsman but with a horizontal motion of his blade a green wave began flying towards the bullets which caused and explosion spreading dust and debris all over blocking both their visions.

The clip fell from Shawn's gun and as it was falling he kicked it into the smoke in the general direction of the swordsman since he could no longer see him. An explosion followed that was much larger that the previous one but somehow the swordsman had managed to block it before it came within lethal range.

[Wraith skill used]

As the smoke cleared, wanting to keep his opponent on his toes Shawn emptied the clip towards the swordsman who had managed to create the same amount of green slashes to block the bullets.

Then the swordsman image began to flicker. Then another person that looked identical to him stepped from out of his shadow. The first swordsman man who charged at Shawn began using some sort of teleporting ability to close the distance between them.

It was not like Shawn's flash step where he momentarily moved at insane speeds, the swordsman seemed to be moving in and out of existence as he closed the distance between them. Though based on how it had been used the whole battle it seemed to be very close range only able to travel maybe 3 meters per teleport but he seemed to be able to cast it many times back to back without any visual drawback.

Shawn allowed the swordsman to close the gap before suddenly creating a spherical barrier as soon as the swordsman was within range, while dropping a grenade on the floor within the barrier.

The grenade went off as soon as it touched the floor creating a very powerful explosion destroying the barrier from within. A smile spread across Shawn's face, though he couldn't see anything if his calculations were correct the swordsman should have been caught in the explosion.

To Shawn's surprise the swordsman was unscathed on the other side of the portal even though his body seemed to be smoking.

"The explosion almost caught him, I tried to delay it as long as possible to ensure I hit him but he was able to teleport through my barrier. I expected my mana to interfere with his ability but he was able to by pass it, somehow"

"But it was just in the knick of time. If his teleport delayed by even a milisecond he would have been incinerated by the explosion" though Shawn as he grabbed Jack from his cloak and loaded a different magazine into the Wraith as he predicted what the swordsman was about to do.

There were now two swordsman standing on opposite sides of Shawn. Both of them were wielding glowing blades, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what there next move would be.

I guess this is what you call a pincer move. I had used I from time to time when a wanted to catch an enemy that had superior numbers off gaurd. Decide and conquer, tricking the enemy into believing that I had the advantage in both number and tactics before cutting them down to size this truly brings back memories.

[Greater Mana Sense maxed]

The swordsmen just like I had predicted both began firing those green slashes towards me. I could feel the slashes coming towards me and I could even predict their trajectories but I was not fast enough to dodge them both simultaneously.

I began to fire at both the clones with my two guns [Razor bullets]. While trying to the very best of my abilities to dodge the incoming slashes that would slice me to ribbons if I was not careful.

The Razor bullets couldn't do anything to the actual slashes because they got consumed by the slashes power but shooting at the swordsmen while they were trying to throw out those slashes was causing them to be less accurate than if they were just standing still. After all my Razor bullets were not lethal but getting hit by too many of them would definitely be problematic for anyone.

I managed to graze both of them in this weird dance that we were doing but they both reacted when they got shot so it was extremely hard to tell which one of them was the real one and to make it even more difficult they had similar levels of mana. And based on how the battle was currently going they would win if they could keep throwing the green slashed infinitely.

"Though it was very unlikely that they had more stamina than me, it would not be wise to get in a battle of attrition without know their limits" thought Shawn as he tried to figure out his next move.

"It's do or die time and the second option doesn't really sound that pleasing" Shawn thought as he allowed one of the slashed to cut his waist so he would be able to execute his plan.

Two canisters appeared from his jacket, each of which he threw towards the swordsmen. As the smoke began to fill the hall ways Shawn closed his eyes and rushed towards the furthest enemy, the swordsman realized in the knick of time as Cro-Van was inching towards his throat. He somehow managed to gather himself fast enough to teleport backwards but he did not expect the bullet that was fired the instant he managed to teleport out of the range of Cro-Van.

The bullet tore through his abdomen and left his stomach a bloody mess as the bullet exited from his back.


Just for good measure Shawn made sure that the swordsman was incapacitated by shooting him in the knees before turning back to make sure that the one infront of him wasn't the clone. But he did guess correctly, because the clone had turned into in an inky black puppet before sinking into the ground and disappearing.

"You fought well human, if you were just a little stronger you may have pushed me all the way to the edge but now you must die. I can see in your eyes that you are a warrior. Tell me your name that I may never forget this battle"

A smile spread across the swordsman's face as he spit blood from his mouth off to the side of him.

"It is funny that you call me worthy, I can feel it. You were nowhere near your limit, if you needed to you could have defeated me if you went all out from the beginning but still thank you".

"My name is Kenny, they used to call me the demon swordsman but I guess the demon got slain by an elf. Funny atleast I died to the hands of a warrior, go ahead send me to Valhalla" said the swordsman as he was on his knees with a smile on his face as he held his hands out to the side.

Shawn halted as he saw the smile that spread across Kenny's face as he was about to kill him.

"The loser does not get to decide when trhey die, the winner does. First answer my question. Why are you smiling are you stupid or do you not understand that I am about to end your life. Why do you smile in the face of death" Shawn asked, he had seen very few smile while dying.

Besides those who were insane, or riddled with disease and longed for the release of death he had seen few mortals who actually genuinely smiled before death and most of those people were soldiers that he had trained.

"Well. Death comes for us all eventually, fearing it is foolish. Running, screaming, crying it is all pointless, out running death is not possible. His cold black scythe will find you wherever you are and gut you whenever he feels like it. I am just glad that I died at the hands of a powerful warrior. I lived life on the edge always chasing a good battle, many called me insane or foolish but I have no regret. If it is my time then so be it" said the swordsman as he awaited Shawn's final strike.

A smile appeared on Shawn's face as he was about to execute Kenny. "Very well, then a warriors death you shall receive Kenny. Raise you weapon"

Somehow, with both his knees shot to hell Kenny somehow managed to stand up and face Shawn with his sword drawn.

Shawn channeled a his power to his legs as he performed the fastest flash step he had ever done to date stabbing Kenny straight through the heart with his hand killing him instantly.

"Beatifully said warrior" Shawn said as he felt the life drain from Kenny's body. A shame you couldn't grow stronger Shawn lammented as he began to pull his arm our but stopped as he got a notification.

[A human has managed to impress you and imprinted upon you. His soul is about to enter the soul realm]

[Do you wish to bind this soul to your own]

[Soul is vanishing.]

[Yes. Beginning the binding process. There will be a slight discomfort, do not move]

As soon as the system said that an unbelievably amount of pain began running through Shawn's body. It felt like his bone was being grinded down, while his skin was being fried and his brain was put in a pot of boiling acid. Even through all of this he didn't even make a sound. He just stood there as red tattoos appeared on his arm and went into the wound that he had made on Kenny's chest.

[Finished soul binding 1%]

It was a hard fought battle but Shawn had managed to come out on top, it is a real shame that the quest was taking his exp because that would have definitely given him atleast one level up. Well onward, maybe more battles await me Shawn thought as he made his way down the hallway.


Name: Shawn

Title: War God

Level: 12 (20/400)

Class: Gun Slinger

Age: 18

Species: Greater Dark Elf

Current state: Impatient/Curious

Points: 0

Passive: Stealth, Futile struggle, greater mana sense


*mana 5100000

*speed 800

*health (600/600)

*strength 850

*stamina (133/ 600)


*range lvl 3

*accuracy lvl 3

*instincts lvl 1


One Will

Mana Onslaught

Intense Bloodlust

Mana Barrier lvl 3

Flash Step lvl 2


*forging lvl 7

*building lvl 3

*luck lvl 3



Cro-Van. {skill : 2x throwing speed}

Shifting Wraith. {skill: explosive clip}

Parasite. {skill: link}

Jack.  {skill : Red dot}

Metal lined Razor bullets (152) {slash}

Chilo drill bullets (150) {drill}

Alloy bullets. (125) {puncture}

Thermite rounds (92) {explosive}

T parasite (35) {track}

N parasite (24) {link}

Smoke bomb. (5) {smoke}

Grenades. (3) {impact, heat}

Flash bang. (0) {light}


Cactus {Bicorn}