
Alice Clarke was a Hispanic woman who died we do not need to know more just that, to many this would seem strange but this is how it is, that is not important for now, Alice Clarke died is the end and even so it is not her essence was transferred so to speak to another place in another universe.

In that universe a butterfly flapped its wings and caused a tornado, in that place Hibari Kimiko gave birth to her second child who turned out to be a girl, the essence of Alice, at that moment Alice Clarke definitely ceased to exist and Hibari Meyling, a December 5 with 7 months of gestation and a pair of fragile lungs.

Daughter of Hibari Masaru and Hibari Kimiko, sister of a Hibari Kyoya, she was a fragile little thing in which the doctors had no faith, but she was a Hibari and as such she prevailed she fought and won, to the pride of her parents and brother Hibari Meyling existed