Preface- The Curse of the Key

Blood Links is the first part of a trilogy that contains the story of one of them, with its conclusion in Blood Pacts - the revenge. In this initial presentation, we have a young woman who was brought to a pack as a child with a destiny to fulfill. In your hands would be the power to bring balance again to magic ...( DREAME)

My name is Marcia Gioseffi. The name at the book. Was from de main character.

According to some currents, Hécate would be a Peeira. Descended from Titans, she was one of the most ignored myths in Greek mythology. Hecate's power extends to hell, on land, and without the sea. She prowled on new moon nights and at sea she loved. Sailors consider her a titular goddess and always begged her for good crossings.

It is also believed that she appears on New Moon nights with her horrible pack in front of travelers who travel the roads. She was still considered a goddess of magic and night. With her powers of enchantment, Hecate could send night terrors and specters to simple mortals. Then Ichichos and Burials appeared evil and cursed creatures for the purpose of punishing.

Hecate also frequented places of terrible crimes and murders, thus becoming a lady of magic. black. The goddess would be a lady at the gates between the world of the living and the underworld of shadows. She was a conductor of souls. Its oldest legends are still related to the passage through the Earth at sunset, to collect the dead of that day. She was a witch and could not be seen by humans. She was a protector of women's independence and a defense against violence and oppression of women.

They said that the Moiras wove, measured, and cut the threads of a mortal's life and only Hecate would interfere in the threads of destiny. The powerful goddess had control over the secret forces of nature, being a goddess of sorcerers. A visible and invisible lady. Thus a world totally mystical and hidden from humans came into being: Garrone.

Observe past, present, and future and wait until the right moment when the decision of the direction to be taken is decided. She doesn't choose the path, we choose it. Her grace is wisdom and profound insight over illusions. It teaches men to be fair and tolerant of those who are less fortunate. Its name means distant, but it is always present in times of need. She always helps to find a new path through new beginnings, despite the confusion of ideas and uncertainties when we face inevitable changes in life.

Continuation of Blood Links - the awakening.

A cursed love and an enraged goddess. The stolen 4 pieces have the power to change the destiny and the reality around them. Cassie and Morgan together will have many trials until they finally reach the Lands of the Frontier. A terrible secret is yet to be discovered. The missing child of the sorcerers' clan is the reason for a war between species for years. In the midst of a battle against Graves, once again the guardian of the Sacred Pieces is summoned again.


Cassie forced a smile, her stomach churning as she ran for the door. Before she opened it, she was in his foster brother's arms while stunned Faith shouted her name.

-God loved. Are you aware of the concern you caused? Jackie complained although he held his sister tightly enough in his arms. - Alone. There is a war on that damn island. What if something happened to you? "He pushed her away enough to do the eye exam as he continued: Look at you! Have you seen how you lost weight? If someone...

-She's fine, Jackie. - Faith protested, stroking her little sister's hair. -You are suffocating the girl like that. She is no longer a child. Of course, she's fine. She's not dying from a few pounds less.

-What is this girl doing right here? - Mayra shouted possessed, advancing across the room.

Cassie stared at Morgan lividly, fully aware that she hadn't been in the situation yet, oblivious to her fear. Jackie's expressions were furious as he faced his friend, revealing pure adversity.

-What is she doing here, looking for you? He asked in a whisper, feeling the floor open under her feet.

Everyone was talking at the same time.

Morgan could rage, only accusing green eyes looked at him with too much hurt to be ignored.

-I can explain, honey. -He started talking awkwardly getting out of bed. - Cassie ...

-Explain? Explain to my sister why your lover is looking for you? - Jackie howled like an animal. - How about explaining how you took advantage of a child?

-If you enjoy her?! Lover? More than outrage. Philip Morgan. You certainly won't let one of your friends treat your wife like that! - Mayra straightened up in disgust. - I've never been so insulted!

-And since when are you Phil's wife? - Faith glared at Mayra. - You are one of the harlots who live in Madame's house. It's not because you go to his bed that you have rights ... Oh, Cassie ...

Morgan's attempt to get close to Cassie only stoked the heated spirits. She stepped back instinctively at the words before Jackie pushed her away decisively and moved toward Morgan.

New screams echoed from the women when the confrontation began with an exchange of punches. The chair shattered, receiving the impact of the men who struggled on the floor. Morgan contained a plague. Jackie wasn't even giving him time to explain the situation. The anger his friend was experiencing increased his strength. Another punch hit him in the chin under Mayra's scream of horror and Faith's protests.

What an incredible wedding night! It was going to be a feat to explain to Cassie Mayra's presence there in the gypsy village.

- Damn it, Jackie. If you can calm down ...- Morgan shouted angrily. - Damn, Cassie! Come back here!

Angry, the alpha retaliated to defend. He needed to reach Cassie before she got far enough away and put herself in danger.

With all the demons! How was the presence of a lover explained to a wife?

-You're not going anywhere, girl! - Faith shouted with growing impatience, blocking the exit. - It's late. Where do you think you're going like this dressed like that without a weapon? And what clothes are these? Since when did you start wearing dresses?

Cassie was going to complain. A lump in her throat made her experience terrible pain. It was not enough to behave like a fool! How much fun it should have been for an experienced man like Morgan to deal with an unsightly girl like her! It was worse! It was definitely worse. Her throat was starting to burn and it wasn't just the sensation that ripped her inside with that betrayal.

There was no way she was going to feed like he was one of those wolves!

- Can anyone explain all this confusion? - Richard arrived sighing when he looked at the family with displeasure.

The confusion was total. Faith could crucify with Mayra's glares. Morgan and Jackie faced each other with punches and kicks. Mayra exhibited an irritating arrogance for anyone and that girl standing in the corner of the room... Richard shook his head, penalized by his brother.

God! Was she Kassuim?

-Someone could have knocked on the door before! - Morgan exploded out of his mind. He was not going to be able to explain the whole situation to his wife. He saw it in the hurt eyes that avoided his. It only added to his bad mood.

- Thank you so much, Jackie! I can assume that I will not receive congratulations on the wedding. Even considering your providential appearance on my wedding night.

Jackie stepped back pale, his hand clenched in the air and frozen.

-Marriage? - several voices spoke together.

-Woman?! Asked Richard in awe. - This can only be a joke!

-Since when did you, would you be interested in a ragged brat like that girl when you have me by your side? Mayra whined plaintively in a torrent of tears as she threw herself into Richard's arms.

- Rick! - Faith shouted with her hands on her hips. - Richard Morgan! You better get this .... this ...

-Don't get me in this mess, miss! - Richard warned seriously, getting rid of Mayra's arms with difficulty, putting himself between Faith and Mayra.

- Did you marry Cassie? Jackie pressed, rubbing his aching chin.

-I think I got married! IS! I think I married, with all the hell! "Morgan burst out dry and sarcastic. - If you could ask questions first...

-No one said anything! - Faith shook her sulky head looking at her younger sister. Cassie, honey...The girl swallowed the tears that made breathing difficult.

-Do not you dare. Don't you dare touch me! She complained stiffly. The tone of her voice sounded to Morgan like a wounded animal.

-Be reasonable, petite loup. - He argued tensely as he ran his hands through his hair, overtaking a furious Jackie. -I can really explain.

"Hell, am I really going to explain to my wife that Mayra was my lover?"

-Is she your lover? - the question was very low.

Morgan swore loudly, staring at Mayra as he shook his head, taking a deep breath.

- I'm not his lover. I'm his wife, you little brat ...

-Shut up, Mayra! Morgan hissed possessed. He looked at his wife apprehensively. There was no way to prevent her from knowing what was already everyone's comment. Curse. - Mayra is, in fact, she was my lover. Hell, Cassie. I'm a man. Any man alone has lovers!

Mayra looked at the man in front of her, white with rage. Was she a sloppy girl who attracted the captain's attention? And he was explaining himself. It was a reason to laugh out loud. Morgan was not serious. She touched his arm in bewilderment.

-Let's go! Philip Morgan! You must have exaggerated the wine a lot tonight, darling. You are going to tell me that you are interested in this ...- Mayra smiled triumphantly as she adjusted the low-cut dress she wore coquettishly.

-Mayra, we'll talk later, okay? Morgan sighed deeply, noticing the reproach in Richard's serious gaze. -I never deceived you in those years that our relationship was just...

-Just ... - Mayra stamped her foot indignantly. - And if I told you to just give, I carry your heir? Should you explain to your family how it happened?

Cassie slammed her eyes shut. Pregnant? Was Mayra pregnant? She leaned slightly against the dizzy wall. What had she expected? She turned to leave the room and groaned in a wail, feeling the steel claw that held her wrist.

-I believe that we can maintain the minimum of dignity in the circumstances, Mayra. - Morgan cut dry as acid, without hiding contempt. -Just you should know that I took care that no child was conceived.

Be careful that he hadn't bothered to take it with his wife. The perception left him stunned, striking him like lightning.

Mayra's indignant cry surprised everyone. Cassie raised her hand to her face, sweating cold. Her stomach contracted in an undesirable urge, causing surprising discomfort.

Morgan watched the wife's reaction cursing closely.

Beloved God has mercy on him. It was still early, wasn't it? Too early for that kind of complication. He hadn't taken any care with Cassie that frustrating night. It was not possible that only once he could bring ... He shook his head in a daze.

It was her scent.

It was clear that it was different.

More appealing and attractive than usual. The smile froze on his face and strained expressions.

It was the curse of curses. The spell... He hadn't bargained for so long with the goddesses of Fate. The Key to Hecate's Paths should never be used by a mortal.

He was about to learn that. His dreams slowly crumbled...

And Richard...