(5)its a war from now on!

Does your forehead hurt and your fever rises?

"This will be better if you apply medicine."

Shhh! I wanted to do something to treat the second brother's forehead as an excuse for treating my heart, but I just endured it.

Besides, Cabel's condition was a little strange than usual.

Erich, who heard the commotion, opened his mouth as he looked at us.

"What are you two doing there now?"

What are you doing?

"I'm checking my brother, and what are you doing?"

Cabel was still stupid and staring at me stupidly. And whether he like it or not, Erich come and approach Cabel, my hand, which was holding onto his face, was slaped.

"Don't pretend to be close to my brother!"

Ah, maybe he was dissatisfied with the fact that I was stuck with Cabel. It was right then, penny whom next to me greeted Erich and barked her tail.

Seeing penny, Erich stared at me more.

"Don't pretend to be close to Penny!"

"Who tell you can play with penny? Oh, you gave snacks to Penny earlier! It's me who can play with Penny, and it's me who can give Penny a snack! Not you!"

Well, hey, Erich. Why, you, I think you seem more worried about Penny than about Cabel. Is it my illusion? You know, I knew, you like penny more than Cabel.

But he's your second brother, for god's sake. I stared at Cabel's face with less red color than before.

At that time, I suddenly noticed somewhere, and when I turned my eyes, I noticed that the servants and maids were looking at us in every corner of the hallway.

"Yeah, then you play with Penny."

Well, my arm hurts anyway.

"Hah! I would do that even if you didn't say that!"

Maybe I do seemed to feel better about the idea that he took Penny from me, but I only had my arms down. Now I just want to stop being mixed up with them and go to my bed.

"Hey, you, hmm, hmm."

Just then, Cabel, who had not left his position, suddenly called me. He look embarrassed.

"I will hang out with you!"

He didn't ask me, but Cabel told me as if he knew I will be grateful.

"I don't fight with weak kids like you! So you can play with me, with me…okay! Catch it!"

It wasn't until long ago that his forehead was hurting, and then it seemed like he was getting better.

"I'm glad, but I must refused."


"No. Why do should I play with brother?"

Then Cabel started blinking his eyes

wide open. He was embarrassed as if he had heard something he had never thought of.

Probably so, after I came to this house, I didn't say to Cabel things like 'I don't want to do it' or 'I can't do it' anymore, so I was just dragged around as by him.

"Why not?!"

Soon Cabel yelled at me as if he couldn't believe it. Ck. Ck. I noticed that you were shocked by my rejection.

"Because it's not fun to play with you, brother."

Do you know the word "nuclear jam"?

Honestly, when the second brother said to played together, there was nothing interesting for me because he always acted as he liked.

And now, frankly, the difference was between the mental ages, so it was more troublesome.

"Why isn't it fun to play with me?!"

"It's more fun to play with Penny than my brother."


Cabel stumbled as if he were shocked by a second. Oh, I'm going to bother doing more here. I decided to win him at this point and again raised my hand to Cabel's forehead.

"Isn't your forehead hurting more than that?"

But Cabel, who met my eyes again and again, was stupid and look like he want the petting more.

"Ah, ah…"

However, it's just like Cabel's brother. Isn't it hurt? I knew it.

"Yes, yes! Nothing hurts! What's hurt? this? Really! It's nothing!"

Cabel pretended to be as if he had

waited for me, then puffed his runny nose and sneeze again.

"Hey, it's for you, eat it!"

The second time he shook his pants pocket and threw it at me, it was a cookie that I didn't know. I took it reflexively and made a subtle glance.

"I, I carry it in my pocket. It's annoying, so don't give anyone else and eat it all by yourself! Ok? Do eat more, is it a tree

branch or an arm?"

I've had a similar experience like this before. Congratulations! The winning over the hulk! No, no. In this case, I have to say that the second is still 9 years old and not a hulk!

But wait a second? The moment he threw, I heard the sound of a popping pop in my

ears. Are you throwing cookies? Nice to meet you anyway, pushover, Hoho!

"Thank you, brother Cabel!"

I smiled at the second brother. I will record today as a historic day when the second was born as a new person!


But at that very moment, Cabel took a breath and became stiff. Huh? Why are you doing that all of a sudden? Why did you like as if you never see something like this?

"Oh, why?"

The strangest thing happened the next moment. The second step back and forth from me and began to stutter the most severely.

"Hey, this! You! Why am I splitting up all of a sudden!"

"Even if you smile, it's crazy. Oh, don't smile! You, smile in front of me in front of me… hiccups."

Do you hiccup while you step back?

it became more and more spectacles. Cabel ran awkwardly, covering his face with the back of his hand, and then ran over to the other side of the hallway.

So what was it? I looked at the back of Cabel, who was running like a lit fire with a glance looking at a sick child.

Huft. Is Eugene's reaction like this the last time, and is it that I smile like that? Strange.

"Miss Hari really like the second master."

A heavy voice came from the side when I was in doubt.

A half-year-old middle-aged man who was approaching and looking down at me was Hubert, the butler of Ernst dukedom.


"Are you not calling me Mr. Butler today?"

Oh right. It's only since I got older that I called Butler Hubert by name.

"Hehe. Hari wants to be an adult as quickly as brother Eugene!"

Butler Hubert was still a blunt face 20 years later and now. I was scared of Hubert, who only wears flat facial expressions.

So maybe he was a little surprised when I smiled at him.

There was still not much facial expression change, but I felt a slight emotional change in his eyes that were slightly widened.

"You're right."

Soon after, Hubert smiled at me, and I was amazed this time. Even more incredible, he even touched my head with a clumsy touch.

"But it's not good to be an adult too quickly. A young child better remains a young child as long as she can.

It's a good thing to be."

While I was surprised and said nothing, he went back to his original blunt face.

Then, as if nothing had just happened, he lifted his hand from me and began to move his feet with a measured step.

"Did you clean up the grocery storehouse?"

"Yes, yeah! I just finished it all over."

I stared a little in the distance from Hubert's back, speaking to the maids and servants. Surely. This is his own way. Did he worried…?

I touched the place smoothly as if I were drawing the hand that sat down on my head. Ugh. What, what.

Uh, somehow this is make me a little shy. I hurriedly daylighted, and then ran to my room.

"Are you all ready?"

Today, it was the day Ernst's whole family

decided to go on an outing.

After the violent blizzard came to an end,

the winter suddenly fell and boasted warmer weather than before.

Most of the snow piled up outside was really melted that there was no crowd even when riding in a wagon.

"Hari may get a cold again, so you must wear warm clothes."

Because the floor was still slippery, I often had to walk slow in order not to fall.

"Mom! where's my gloves?"

"I've put it on the table, haven't you seen it?"

"No. I can't see it anywhere."

In response to Erich's call, Mrs. Ernst eventually went back inside, but I knew that Erich was speaking a lie. That glove, he just hid it in the drawer!

Anyway, he can't see myself when I'm stuck with his mother.

"Yeah! We're out! Go outside! Ooh oh oh"

"Cabel! Where did you put your outer


Cabel was so excited that he jumped out with less clothes and was dragged back inside by the Ernst's wife.

"I don't want to go with you."

"Really. So what do you want to do? I like going with you."


As he was surprised, the third's mouth opened as his eyes widen. Oh, but this look is pretty pretty.

On a day that this guy was speechless, only looking at me was much better than opening his blunt mouth.

Erich started to look at me again after adjusted his look and his ears. Maybe he was teased by me more than one.

"Whatever. If you want to go with me, you ride there."


"You guys, are you really ready now?"

"I'm ready! Oops!"

Mrs. Ernst came out with Cabel's weird command. Duke Ernst and Eugene also appeared immediately.

Duke Ernst, Eugene, and Cabel decided to ride the same wagon. Mrs. Ernst, Erich, and me is in one carriage.

"Now, let's go."

She grabbed our hands one by one and headed for the wagon we had to ride.

When I reached the carriage, I stared at

the third with slender eyes and pulled Mrs Ernst's hand with my puppy eyes.

"Can I sit next to mother?"

"Oh, of course."

I looked at Mrs. Ernst and smiled at her. She below her head again and Erich could not see my face. How is it? I hate you. Do you want to hit me?

I just did it before you do!! Yo man, take a look at you now! As expected, Erich threw off the his mask and yelled at me.

"No! I'll sit next to mother! Go away!"


He was frightened by Mrs. Ernst's word and frightened more. I was thinking of putting Erich on a little more.

"You can't do it."

"No, I want to sit next to my mother."

"Our Erich is a good kid who can give way to his sister. Yes? Isn't it?"

It wasn't even that the Ernst's wife scolded him. She just stared at Erich

and whispered in a bit of coarse, but I was very glad after that the third words fleeing for a moment.

I saw his lips start to writhe.

"She is not my sister…."

"Erich. My baby is a good kid who listens to his mother."

Gradually, a shallow water gradually began to appear in the clear eyes resembling Mrs. Ernst.

Erich opened his lips as if he wanted to say something several times, but in the end, he couldn't say a word, but looked at his mother's face.

"Now, let's sit in front of her mother."


Finally, Erich replied in small voice and drew his head down. It was the same after climbing the wagon.

He was just sitting quietly and bowing his head halfway, never again struggling with me, and without being thrilled as a young child.

I looked at Erich's round head without saying anything.

"Hari, is this the first time we're going out together?"

I turned to Mrs Ernst's voice. She's looking at me with a smile that's soft as usual.

"Yeah. It's better to go with Erich and brothers together!"

"When you arrive at the destination, it will be more enjoyable."

I felt that Mrs. Ernst's bright laughter was slowly getting bitter. It was because I just realized what the sense of incongruity I had felt a while ago.

"It's not too short to travel in a wagon, so sit comfortably like Erich."

I heard Mrs. Ernst's words. I looked away from the window. The rapidly passing landscape was all white with color as my eyes sitting on the branches.

I looked at the sight, and after a while I

closed my eyes.