Uegene's resolve

I remember! Mrs. Ernst plan screamed like a chunky wall. Eugene shook his eyes at her word.

"I can go alone."

"It's hard to keep watch at all three children alone. Cabel doesn't know where to turn his eyes, and Erich…"

Mr. Ernst glanced down at Erich, who wasn't close to him. Soon she smiled and talked to Eugene and me.

"Because there are so many people, it's easy to get lost, so the two of you should hold your hand and go. Hari must be well attached to her brother."

I had to try hard not to rot my face. I could notice what Mrs. Ernst's thoughts were.

Auntie, are you trying to reconcile me and Eugene right now?

Since Eugene and I seem to have been awkward since the last candy incident,

you're deliberately sending the two of us apart, right?

But no matter how much it is, it's not easy like that! Even Mrs Ernst overlapped my hands with Eugene. At the touch of the hand, both Eugene and flinched.

"Carefully, come and go!"

Eventually, Eugene and I awkwardly grabbed our hands and went out on the road.

At the streets, where I and Eugene walking alone were, of course, so awkward that I feel like want to die.

I looked up at Eugene with a sneak glance between the people coming and going. He was walking with his face staring straight ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

Since the candy incident at that time, I have never had a conversation with Eugene. It wasn't like that i don't what to say.

After that day, Eugene was stuck in his room, excluding meal time, making it difficult to see his face. They said he was studying.

In fact, Eugene studied at Arlanta's largest academic institution from the

age of 11 to the age of 17.

Right now he's not in the semester, so he's at home, so maybe when spring come he will be back to school. So it might not seem like an excuse to study in his room.

Oh? But what did you just say? Anyway, I just thought what Eugene had said to me. I was in a different thought and raised my head to his face.

Then Eugene opened his mouth again without looking down at me.

"Do you still want to go back to where you were?"

I was puzzled. Why are you asking me this thing without hesitation? Oh, and when I saw it, it wasn't long before I first realized

as I opened my eyes where here is.

Did you say do I want to go back?

"Yes, I want to go back."

Of course, Eugene would think that the place I was talking about was the street of Meltington where I used to live as a child, but I didn't think I had to correct it, so I just replied.

After that, Eugene was silent.

What the hell are you thinking, but for me, Eugene was a difficult person at any time, so it wasn't easy for me to dig his heart up even when he was young.

Eugene and I walked silently through the gap between people who came in and out, like low tide and high tide.

Unlike my hand who wearing white mittens, Eugene was bare. His hand, which held my hand, remained a little red and frozen for a moment.

It was then that the power around my hand was loosened.

On the slowly fading hand, I opened my mouth to call his name, but before his name flowed out of my mouth, his hand shook from me first.

The cold air in my hand, where the warmth disappeared, struck.


I stepped forward one or two steps along the crowd, and soon stopped in my place.

A voice that didn't come out before became a white breath and embroidered the winter air.

'Because there are many people, it is easy to get lost, so hold your hand and go.'

I looked at Eugene far away from people. Without calling his name or chasing after him. The daytime ripe brown of his hair soon disappeared from view.

Thousands of people have passed around me…

I Wouldn't have known if I was really 7 years old, but I wasn't a kid, so I realized. The fact that Eugene left me here now.

There were a lot of people wherever we went, because it was crowded.

I once again moved to the corner of the street, avoiding the crowds who are constantly pushing.

And I sat properly with my ass sitting on the empty boxes in front of the vegetable shop. It would be hard to find if you lost a child here.

I sat down on the box and looked down at

Eugene's hand just before, but, of course, my hand was empty, and the warmth I was staying in was already captured by the winter breeze, so I couldn't even find it back.

Is this has happened before, but was it just that I didn't remember as a child? Or did something change because I was

different now and then?

While walking with Eugene, I wasn't aware of it because of other thoughts, but now this road was not the way I went with

Ernst's family.

Strangers who pass by. The first day to see the street. And above all, this time 20 years ago, unfamiliar. In it, I was alone.

It was strange.

Even though I knew what Eugene did, but I did not hate or blame him. Maybe this is because I still think this is as a half dream.

Everything on this land I'm on now feels terribly realistic and terribly unreal.

I was just a little curious as to what Eugene at the age of 12 was thinking as would leave me here.

"My baby, are you waiting for your mom? It's cold, stay inside."

Is it because I was sitting looking too pathetic?

The women that appears to be the owner of the vegetable shop thought of me as a waiting child and kindly recommended it, but I replied shortly, still keeping my eye on the people who were coming and going.

"I'm not waiting for anyone."

The old lady at the vegetable shop chuckled at me, but I didn't say anything anymore.

I thought of my childhood suddenly trying to sit in the middle of the street like this. I was doing my mother's nursing care at a shack.

I was walking around the houses in the alley to beg. I couldn't sell all the flowers in the basket, so I got messed up with my neighbor, Sarah.

And Ernst's couple who smiled with tearful faces even when I gave them all the white flowers that had withered.

If I mix myself in between those people in front of me and leave my body, can I go anywhere like this?

In what sense is that a result that resembles the freedom I wanted? Okay….

Then, why did I never think about leaving the house? I thought and looked at the people passing by. Until I even felt tired of passing by dozens or hundreds of

people in their lives.

Huft. It was some time after that and dark shadow was cast before me. I was tired of seeing people, bowing my head curled

up on the box.

Then at some point, my eyes see a men's winter shoes in front of me.

As I looked down at the lustrous, shoe-nosed nose with shallow sand dust, I slowly raised my head.

Then Eugene, standing in front of me, shed some light on my sight. Brown hair, which was always neat, was a little disheveled.

The breath hanging on his lips followed my breath and tickled my forehead. In that state, he goes for a while and looks at me….

"Let's go."

Before long, he said so briefly. I looked up

at the person in front of me. The moment our eyes met, the emotions in his eyes flowed to me.

The deep-rooted feelings of guilt, compassion, and despair that swirl in that black pupil.

"Have you been there?"

I just pretended not to know what he was feeling at this moment, and what I was

feeling. I just said that.

What just happened between him and me like I don't know anything, and pretend that he gone to order the medicine. Then

Eugene smiled for a while…

"I've been there."

He replied so.

"Let's go back."

I got out of the box and stand up, and this time I first reached out to him. Eugene stared at it for a while, and then slowly took my hand.

His hand was colder than me. The cold felt over my gloves. The hand was cold.

"My leg's hurts."

I decided to try a childish fight against Eugene. In a way, I knew that he would not be able to refuse now, and I was also

in my own mind.

"Up here."

Eugene also answered with a short answer and then sat down with his knees in front of me. I threw my hand on his back

as if I had waited.


I mumbled over Eugene's back. And after a while, impulsively raised my hands.


No matter how much you think about it, it's rude, but I pick his head!

"What are you doing?"

It wasn't an excuse to say, but,

"Hey. I'm trying to remove the dust."

"But, what are you going to do?"

Isn't this is a pretty back head right in front of my nose? This was a chance for my revenge.

I raised my hand to his head and beat the back of Eugene's head, which had been looking for an opportunity to explore the city sight.

Every time I did, Eugene hissed, but instead of scolding me, he just walked silently.

Now the sun started to settle down on the ground. The shadows created by the two fools also stretched to the floor.

"Brother Eugene is uncomfortable."


Eugene still said that it was heavy, but the hand that carry me was as hard as ever and never going to let me down. Whatever it was, it was now that was important.

He came back to pick me up. That what I thought.