(1)Come on, Future Husband!

Hari's POV

Isn't This The First Time in this


"Father. Mother. I have something to say."

Shortly after returning to the mansion, Eugene went into the room with the Ernst

couple. I don't know what he's trying to say, but I was sure it's pretty serious.


I remembered a low whisper that tickled my ears while I was on Eugene's back. I suddenly lost my words to the sudden

apology, but he seemed to think I was asleep.

After that, Eugene said the same words again and again. In the meantime, while he was doing that, I was still listening to the whisper in my ear, as I said nothing.


"Well, this is Eugene's favorite strawberry cake."

Eugene seemed to have been talking to Ernst for a very long time that day, and

they didn't leave the room until we all fell asleep.

And, after some time, the atmosphere inside Ernst was slightly changed.

"This is the walnut pie that Cabel likes."


Once we all sat around, we had time to

spend together with each other.

"Erich likes chocolate cake with cherries, right?"


Mrs. Ernst placed a plate in front of Erich, and this time he looked back at her and smiled.

"Hari looked like she like a cheesecake last time."

It wasn't a lie. Because! The cake is sacred by itself! I started eating the cake on the plate with my three brothers.


I don't know what the breeze is, but we're having time for refreshments together. I think the Ernst people originally enjoyed

spending time with each other.

"Mom, I want to eat that strawberries."

"Only one?"


Mrs. Ernst fed Erich the strawberries on the cake.

"Would you like a strawberry too?"

Ernst placed a strawberry on my plate

as well. As I glanced at him, Erich was quietly eating the cake instead of staring at me.

Erich, as the time he spent with Mrs. Ernst increased, then he decrease the amount of 'poison' he send to me these days.

Well. If it's such a useful effect, it might be worth taking this time, too.

I just decided to cancel my thoughts. My mind soon ended, it's time for me focusing on this damn tea party!

"Madam, Sir Madison came."

At the end of the refreshment time, Butler Hubert visit us.

"I must go."

"I'll be there," said Mr. Ernst.

They went to see the doctor who has been examining Mrs. Ernst for a while. Another change in this life was this.

The Ernst couple recently explained that Mrs. Ernst's body was weak and being healed, but for some reason I was a bit suspicious, but I didn't express my feelings because I didn't think there was any reason to hide it if they wanted to hide it.

The story would have been different if the Ernst couple's death, scheduled for half a year, was related to their illness, but it was

certainly an unexpected accident.

Thinking over there, I was a bit subdued. The effect of their death on this Ernst family was enormous. Can I stop them from dying this time?


I raised my head to Mrs. Ernst's approach. Then she sat down with her knees in line with my eye level and gave me something.

"That candy no longer will be given to you,

but here it is still a gift."

It was egg candy with shiny sugar powder.

That candy, was it the yellow candy I lost to Eugene last time?

I stared at Eugene who's sitting at the head of table as he just sat there and

watched us.

"Thank you."

"Be in good term with other children from now on okay?"

I squeaked my nose as I was a little embarrassed by the gentle touch of my head. Mrs Ernst is the only one who ever touch me like that.

Rather, after giving candy to other brothers, she left with her husband. I immediately smashed the candy and ate it. I have to eat it before someone takes it.

"Erich. Lend me your toy."

"No. You can play with yours, brother."

"I'm tired of mine! And I lost half of what I did last time."


Damn! But at that very moment, I didn't even chew on the candy, but I froze and stuck.

"What happened, Miss Hari?"

Butler Hubert, who stood like a shadow next to me, looked at me and asked. Only then, the three brothers seemed to notice my strangeness.

Soon, Eugene started to stand up and started to come to me.

Huft. Uhuk. Huek. I had something like a rock in my mouth as I was just sitting there.

"Spit out."

Eugene reached out to me to see what id wrong. No, spit what I ate in your hand right now? That, that's a little.

"Spit it out quickly."

But Eugene was only once again asking.

Well if you want me to do that. I rolled what was in my mouth to make it as clean as possible, then spit it out in his hands in front of me.

Eugene's soon confirmed what was in his hand as his forehead frowned.

"It's the baby tooth," said Butler Hubert, reworking his eyeglasses.

"Would you like to open your mouth for a moment?"

I opened my mouth with a feeling of embarrassment, and I finally showed it to Hubert and Eugene.

"Hehe hehe! She has a hole in her teeth!"

I forgot my age. At the age of seven, it was time to miss out a teeth.

After chewing on a candy and experiencing this shocking thing, I inevitably led to a life missing my teeth. Cabel teased me everytime he saw me and made my tendon stand on my forehead.

"Cabel. You have had that time,too."

Surprisingly, it was Eugene who took my side, but Cabel was stunned at me, even with Eugene's current dismissal.

"No, no? I don't remember that?"

I really want to beat you.

"You know what? You look so stupid now," said Erich, laughing at me with missing teeth.

Ugh. This is humiliation! Why is my front teeth missing now! The impact of losing my front teeth at the age of 27 was very great.

I was disappointed and stayed depressed for a while, but after about a full month I was able to gain confidence again.

"I have one hole, but you two?"

Because Erich's front teeth were missing.

He stayed on his mind for a while, as if he had been in a very deep despair, but Erich was a little annoyed because he was struggling and rambling.

After that, Eugene told him that getting a teeth missing means that you are becoming more and more adults. Then, he's getting better.

Unbelievably, peaceful days have passed for a while. Of course, the truth is, sometimes I have flipped over my mind wondering about time, but it still surprises me.

It was one calm day. "Would you like to invite the Vastia this hunting season?"

Then one evening, Mr. Ernst made a sound that could spark my eyes. What? Vastia is my future husband!

"A letter I received a long time ago is saying that they're looking forward to hunting a silver fox in Ernst."

"But if you are unwilling, I will refuse the

visit again."

"No. It's been a while since Ernst has a guest for quite some time."

Duke Ernst stared at Mrs. Ernst as if it was okay, but she only seemed to smile.

"Don't worry too much. I'll help greet guests."

"Thank you, Eugene."

I think the conversation is going to hunt for a silver fox before this winter.

There was no other reason, but they're going to invite them directly to the mansion during this hunting season.

Somehow, things that were different from my memory continued to occur in Ernst. Is this good or bad?

"I don't know if the children of Vastia might come along. They might be friends with you."


"I think Vastia's eldest son was the same age as Cabel."

But I decided to simply think that the change's good. The child is my future husband. I'm curious about that!

'I'm Johannes Vastia. It's an honor to meet you, Miss Hari Ernst.'

The first time I saw him was after my marriage was half decided.

Why do I say 'half-way' is because, surprisingly, Eugene gave me the final decision on this marriage, so I decided to make an appointment for the first time.

Johannes Vastia was a well-groomed man with dark blue eyes with a deep feeling.

'It is my first time to greet you in person like this.'

'Have we met somewhere before?'

'Miss Ernst probably didn't know me,

because I've only been out at a distance,' he said.

Johannes Vastia smiles. He was a man who never forgets the consideration and respect for the other person throughout the conversation.

I met him twice and decided to proceed with this marriage.

In fact, I didn't have a lover or any other fantasy in marriage, so I was just thinking that it would be okay to marry Vastia if he was a decent man, but in fact, he was a good, no, a very good groom.

But, the first thing is, why was the man still unmarried?

I smirked my head on the question for the 'second time', and I had to sleep over at the thought of 'What did Eugene do?' To that extent, my spare groom was amazing.

As much as I had to look at the wedding dress every day! By the way, I am now 27 years old, not 6. Ugh! What the hell is


"Mr. Butler!"

While holding onto the wall and grieving, I saw butler Hubert in front of me, and I ran to him.

"Hari ate cucumbers today! I also ate two unsavory broccoli!"

I said so and put out my head blatantly.

"Well done."


I felt a touch sitting on my head and I

laughed. Honestly, at this age, It's embarrassing, but it doesn't

matter! I am only 7 years old now!

And the last time I felt when the butler uncle, Mr. Hubert, stroked my head, it was better than I thought to be praised by an adult like this.

For this reason, I was a little hesitant.

They still treat me with a good care, but now I was a child of 7 years old, so it was difficult to behave like a child who knew nothing.

It had nothing to do with the sense of incongruity I felt the other day, but maybe the fact that I came into this house and shared the affection of the Ernst couple was not an irreversible childhood scar for my three brothers.

I was wondering why.

At that time, I also didn't know because I was young, but as I saw it with the eyes of a 27-year-old, they were young enough to not have a care from their parents.

Of course, right after I thought, I felt very strange. The three brothers were always the ones who boasted an overwhelming presence like any other adult to me…

Brother Erich, who was seen through the eyes of an adult, was just an insane little kid seeking the affection of his parents.

So, after realizing it, no matter how much they spoke mean things to me, even if

they stepped on or stepped over me, they were just annoyed for a moment, and they didn't even think that they were seriously angry or taking revenge.

Instead, I was a little disorganized in a different way. Obviously, I was only obsessed with the thought of wanting to take revenge on the three of them.

But it was until the situation was unclear

whether it was a dream or a reality. Seeing Erich who being stubbornly like a child want to sit next to Ernest's wife.

And when I saw a Cabel that seemed to give up too easily in one word of my words, I was like a tyrant.

Also, when Eugene, who left me and disappeared, came back with his messy face and reached out to me.

It was as if a piece of scales that had been covered in my eyes had been taken apart.

Honestly I'm Ernst since I was taken from that back alley.

The couples were saving me by reaching their hands on me, but that could not mean the same thing to the three brothers.

The Ernsts were not my parents, but my brother's parents, and in that sense, I was about stealing their share of affection for

about a year.

That's also when they need the most adult care.

I haven't lived without knowing that for the past 20 years, but when I came back to my 7-year-old body and witnessed the work of this time with both eyes, the realization really struck me.

Of course, that is why the brothers were

so mean to me.

I didn't forget what they had done, and I still wanted to beat them one by one, but now I can't figure out who to express my feelings to.

So I prayed again when I had another chance. I want to go back! Into the original time I was living! To the world of 20 years after the damn guys I know of!

So after this outing I know there was a lot of time for me to drenched in this empty feeling.

The three brothers have since greatly reduced the amount of wickedness that touches me, as the changing in ernst since that day, and the mansion calmed down at first glance.

"Trash, You're really have to play with me today! Quickly!"

Of course, Cabel still bothered to play with me. I said something annoying toward him.

"Why do I have to play with someone who calls me with such a bad nickname?"

"Well. You sounded like that right? Even if that were the case, didn't you like it?"

"You call me trash. When someone throws trash in, it just stays in the trash can until someone gets rid of it right? So I can't play with you, brother."

"Ah. Because, even if I just stand still, I have done all of my work as garbage."


"So I have to sleep a little bit like a trash now. My brother can playing with other people, not a trash."

When he heard my words, the simple Cabel shook his eyes as if he had gained enormous enlightenment. I lay down on the sofa, leaving the second behind.

"Oh, okay! I'm not going to say you're trash now! It's not you! It's okay?"

"Yes, no."

I refused refreshingly and turned back. The second brother screamed and yelled, but it wasn't my fault.

I couldn't sleep well because of my thoughts last night, and now my eyelids continued to fall.