Character information

Rho kaguya

Age: 14 ( in this universe)

Personality: playful / sadistic /dense/ charismatic/ independent/simpleton(at times)/ overthinker

Likes: Green tea- drinks it everyday

Lollipops- helps deal with stress

Looks: pink hair,ocean blue eyes, curves in the right places

Weapon: Katana disguised as a ring, something that she found in the system inventory one day which is also the only thing she has as a reminder of her past life since it was a gift given to her by her past life parents.

Past:(in this universe)

She is the only daughter of one of the mafia bosses in Japan, due to that she knew the zoldylock family since a young age. She's especially close with Killua and alluka. She also went to metor city before and meet chorollo and machi there. However her normal lifestyle changed when her parents were both assasinated when she was out playing with the zoldylock family. She disappeared after that only appearing during the hunter exam.