Chapter 8

Never trust a random dude who gives you a drink. Ever. especially not

in a hunter exam. After all after getting a drink from a certain someone called tonpa the system told me:


Poison resistance now in effect

Harmful substance detected

Now detoxifying


Poison resistance increased to level 2


"GUYS dont drink it, there's something in this drink." i said after receiving the notification glaring at the shocked face of tonpa

"No wonder it tasted a bit weird." gon said as he spit the drink out

"You were trying to poison us weren't you." leorio said as he started arguing with tonpa. Well Tonpa still tried to act innocent blaming the fact that the drink just got bad as he quickly made his way away from us.

"We should be wary of him." kurapika said as he glared at tonpa from a distance.

Just then, a guy accidently bumped into a clown looking guy (who was pretty good looking) and dissolved? It's hard to find the right word but you understand what i mean.

I unknowingly shivered as said guy looked at me with a smirk and walked away. Something about him just unsettled me. At that moment the examiner (with a rather interesting mustache may i add) appeared and said that the hunter exam had started and that we should follow him.