Chapter 5: Pal and Decha's first night

Pal was a little tipsy as he left the party. He swayed back and forth as he walked beside Decha. Decha observed Pal's drunken stupor. He enjoyed the way Pal appeared happy even though he was so out of it. Pal stumbled and Deca softly caught him just before he fell too far. Decha could smell the Alcohol on Pal's breath although he couldn't recall if Pal actually drank or not. Pal looked up at Decha and displayed a wide grin. "Hehe thanks" Slurred Pal. Decha loaded Pal into the passenger side of his black sedan. And aided Pal with his seatbelt. Just when Decha was inches away from Pals face he marvelled at how sweet Pal was.

The redness of Pal's cheeks teased Decha, the supple look of his lips, the curl of his hair. All of it was too much and made Decha fall hard despite having only Known Pal for the past couple hours. "Is it really alright for me to bring you home like this?" Mumbled Decha to himself under his breath. Pal, stirred in the seat. Click. Decha had finished fastening in Pal. He walked around the car and positioned himself into the driver's seat. For a moment Decha simply gazed at Pal. Decha noticed Pal's dangly earring twisted within his hair. It was one of those scenes in the movies where he wanted to move it for him but Decha thought that would be too intimate for a first meeting so he decided against it. But instead, Decha removed his leather jacket and draped it over Pal's sleeping body.

The drive to Decha's place was silent. Pal slept the entire ride and Decha tried to drive as proper as possible as to avoid any incident. Lights glided over Pal as the drove down the street, each one illuminating his boyish features. Decha felt like this entire evening was a test. A test of being a gentleman. But the longer the night continued, the more Decha felt like he was failing due to his thoughts.

Lastly they arrived at Decha's apartment. Unfortunately, Decha did not live on the first floor so they had to take the stairs, and there was no elevator at his complex. He pondered what he should do, should he wake Pal and have him walk up the stairs on his own? Or was Pal too intoxicated to walk. Should he give Pal a piggy back up the stairs? Or would that make Pal too uncomfortable. The brief thought of princess-carrying Pal passed through Decha's mind but he pushed the thought out quicker than striking a match. Pal stirred in the seat beside him and groggily opened his eyes. Damn, he's awake. Thought Decha. "Did we make it" Asked Pal, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Decha nodded and made a grunt of agreement. Without realizing Pal slipped on Decha's jacket as if it was his own. Even though the jacket was obviously too big Pal didn't notice because of how tired he was.

Decha led Pal to his room, Keenly watching to make sure nothing happened to him as he walked behind him. Compared to outside the party, Pal seemed to walk much more stable. As the two walked Pal didn't raise his head, he just continued to look at the floor with every step. Decha's Keys jingled as he unlocked the door. For a split second Decha hesitated with letting Pal into his space. He couldn't remember if he had cleaned that morning or not, but he couldn't let Pal sleep in the hallway. Pal looked way too innocent and something bad could happen to him.

Decha's apartment was relatively clean, a few clothes laid out here and there but nothing major that he had to worry about. The two entered the room and Decha pointed around vaguely at stuff in his room. "There is the bathroom, and the bed is in there. I'll sleep on the couch." Decha hoped that Pal would quickly go to sleep so he wouldn't have a chance to think bad thoughts. "Do you have something I can change into?" questioned Pal. Decha looked at him, of course Pal would want to change. He couldn't sleep comfortably otherwise. Decha sighed and walked over to his dresser. He pulled out a pair of shorts and a T shirt. Decha grunted as if to say here and extended the garments to Pal.

Right there pal began to change, but Decha was too embarrassed to see it so he quickly left the room and shut the door behind him. Decha let out a deep breath. How could he be so cute! He thought mentally attacking himself. Convinced he couldn't make it through the night he resolutely thought it would be good to fall asleep as quickly as possible. So he laid down on the sofa and turned his back to the bedroom door.

"Um…" It was Pal softly reaching his voice out to Decha. "Is it ok if I get some water?" Decha turned to face him since it would be rude to reply without looking at him. There stood pal in Dechas black oversized t-shirt, pantsless. Decha gaze fixed onto Pals exposed thighs, he could feel a blush come across his face. "The shorts were too big." Stated Pal bashfully as if Decha should have known that beforehand. Decha cleared his throat "um… yeah I'll get you some water" Decha got up trying to conceal how nervous he was about the whole situation. Afterall, the first person he ever fell in love at first sight with, was now standing in his apartment in his underwear on the very day that he met them. For Decha, it was too much. Decha Pulled a water bottle out the fridge and pivoted around to Pal. catch. Gestured Decha to Pal as he tossed the water bottle over to him. Pal shook it as if saying thank you without words.

"There's enough room in the bed for both of us." Commented Pal, slightly smirking at Decha who was in the process of sitting back down on the couch. Decha wasn't exactly sure how to respond to that statement. Decha couldn't tell what Pals' intention was. Was this an invitation? Was Pal into Decha? Impossible we just met. Decha's confusion was apparent and written all over his face. Pal chuckled softly. "I'm just joking, Goodnight Decha" Relieved yet not Decha, responded to his good night.

When Decha woke up in the morning, Pal was gone, his clothes were folded neatly onto the bed and a note was left on the kitchen table that read. "See you around" with a winky face drawn onto it. Decha wondered when the next time he could see Pal would be. He didn't have Pal's number and he wasn't close enough with Sky to ask for him. Besides, Decha felt like asking around about Pal would be too obvious that he liked Pal. He likes Pal.

Decha wasn't one to be confused about his sexuality. However, he always assumed he was a-romantic since he held no strong feeling for anyone in the past. He dated out of necessity, or when someone arbitrarily paired him with someone else. He did so to maintain the image people had of him. But he knew, that his feelings towards Pal was different than everyone he had been with in the past. Too bad he wasn't going to act on it. Because that just wasn't his style. Decha is a passive person when it comes to pursuit and would only risk it if he knew one hundred percent that something would come out of it at which point he would become possessive. However, Decha had only just met Pal so he couldn't be sure of anything.

But Pal was sure.