Cheapter 8

The next morning, after Nero woke up with Hestia sleeping on his chest. Nero explained to Hestia all his previous expenses. Those that are already behind him and the future ones for which he has to raise funds now. He mainly discussed the topic of armor and their total cost. Adding to the initial total of 25,000 Valis. An additional 5,000 Valis for runes. For a good start.

(Hestia)-But....Nero-cun...Where will you get that amount of money?

(Nero)-Hestia ... this is a long term expense. I waited a week for the epaulettes themselves. And only tomorrow will I get gloves. And I have already paid for them. The breastplate will be next, and it will be a long time before Ronan creates it. Considering I earn less than 10,000 Valis for a week. Only by fighting on the first floor. It's still a lot and I'll be in time. But considering I'm starting the second floor of the Dungeon after tomorrow.

(Nero)-And on the second floor, the E-rank monster core drop rate is much higher than on the first. Because now for three goblins, there is one Hobgoblin. Which gives me an E-rank core, so I'll earn a breastplate faster. And I can think of other expenses.

(Hestia)-Nero-cun!!You really are like Hades. hihi...

(Nero)-And what connects me with Hades. Besides the fun of fighting and the like?

(Hestia)-I don't know if you know. But Hades is not only a god of the underworld and known for his cruelty. But he is also a god of wealth.

(Nero)-haha...Hestia...Hope I won't get the "Hades junior" title.

Hestia hugged Nero's shoulder and stroked his hair, she said.

(Hestia)-haha...No, Nero-cun...Hades would not agree to that.



Later, Nero went to the Dungeons and Hestia went to work as a waitress in one of the Hephaestus family restaurants.

When Nero found out that Hestia was working as an ordinary waitress. He promised himself that when he gained enough strength, he would not allow Hestia to work like an ordinary person. No ... it's his Goddess (waifu) .... And only he can see her in such clothes.

Nero spent relatively less time in the Dungeon today. Because the combat tactics he used against the goblins come naturally to him now. And killing three goblins will take him less than a minute if he plays with them. As for the boss, he uses the tactic of spamming him with "small fireballs" as Nero shortens the distance between them and kills him.

Today's Boss loot was an E-rank stone and a steel shortsword. Which Nero hid in an extra pocket in his holster. So now Nero carries two vertical Gladius weapons on his back and the other weapon. (I forgot the name) And horizontally at the waist behind his back he has a new short steel sword. So Nero feels like Gelart of Rivi. Only the horse that haunts. And some skill books similar to Quen, Axi, Aard, and Yrden. Because igni already has ... Hehe ...

So Nero now with a total of 3793 Valis. He went to Ronan's store.

Ronan was serving the client as he stepped inside. Who was shopping for a new bow and was examining it right now.

The client was she an elf with long black hair and black and white leather armor.


Nero decided to stand aside and wait for Ronan to finish serving the client.

Meanwhile, Nero overheard the conversation between them because he was intrigued by the arc. Which was made of gray wood and emitted a strange black fog.

(Ronan)-"Hungry Wolf's Dark Bow". Made of old wood obtained from a cursed cemetery. Which is now under the rule of the undead. In addition, five runes have been carved into it. rank S dark magic rune. Which increases the user's dark magic strength by 60% and a mysterious magic rune .... illusion magic rune rank S. Which also increases the strength of Illusion magic by 60%. I wanted to add something more, but this is a weapon the order. And the lady specifically asked for just this, so "our client, our master". So the price of this bow is 250,000 Valis.

( Black Hair Elf)-I respect your professionalism.

The Elf girl then placed five crystal coins on the table top and left without a word. Taking the bow.


1 bronze coin - 1 valis

1 silver coin - 10 Valis

1 gold coin - 100Valis

1 large gold coin- 1000 Valis

1 Diamond Coin -50,000 Valis


As soon as she left, Ronan sighed and, smiling, walked over to Nero and shook his hand.

(Ronan)-Nero...Nice to know you. What's new?

(Nero)-Quite a lot ... maybe let's sit down first.

(Ronan)-Of course.

Ronan then led the Nero to the back room and they sat down at the table there. And Ronan handed over a bottle of some liquor and poured it into glasses.

(Nero)-You see Ronan. I joined Family yesterday.

Ronan sighed and probably had a little flashback from the past. Because he seemed a bit sad.

(Ronan)-To which?

(Nero)-Hestia Famillia...

(Ronan)-Hestia ... Familia ... I've never heard of her. I mean, I know that the goddess Hestia has descended from heaven, but I haven't heard practically anything about her family until now.

(Nero)-Yeess...If about that. Then, I am the only member of her Family.

(Ronan)-hmmm...that's actually good. You are its only member, which would normally be a problem. However, you are Nero and so is you. You fight alone and this is probably not a problem for you.

Later, Nero told him about the situation in the church and his issue between him and Hestia.

(Ronan)-You fell in love with the Goddess ... Hehe ... then make sure that no handsome one joins your famili ... Hahaha ...-Ronan said, laughing at Nero .

(Nero)-Come on!

(Ronan)-Okay ... I'm sorry ... then you start the second floor tomorrow.


(Ronan)-Okay for what you need to know.

(Ronan)-The second floor is very similar to the first. But only on the surface. Goblins appear there in groups of two to even five. Of which there is always one Hobgoblin per group. Which is much stronger and he is armed mostly with a leather breastplate and a rusty old sword. So is the most dangerous. The rest of the Goblins are armed with rusty knives or, rarely, with bows. So beware. The second floor is more difficult. And Boss's chamber is much more difficult. Because the Boss is three shamans and one Mage goblin. Who you must kill first. Because if you don't kill the Goblin Mage, the three shamans will rise from the dead after five seconds.

(Nero)-This is really a different level.

(Ronan)-Yes...And that's why some adventurers don't go further until they are promoted. And they'll gain promotion and class skills.

(Ronan)-And by the way, Nero. Are you going to the Guild now sign up?


(Ronan)-I wonder what class you will get .... maybe a barbarian ... no, you don't use magic either ... Hmmm ... maybe a paladin, a magic warrior, there are a lot of them. I hope you will get a strong class and see what your affinity for the elements is. And let me know tomorrow because I have to add some armor upgrades then to make it the most beneficial for you.

(Nero)-And just before I come out, what is the loot of the Boss ... that Mage hobgoblin.

(Ronan)-And that's interesting .... Because the loot of the book of skills is even more rare. But it is a random F-rank book of skills. However, it takes into account your standing. So if you have an affinity for fire, you will receive a book of F-rank skills of the fire class. Understand?

(Nero)-Yes...Thank you, Ronan... I go to Guild. Bye


Then Nero with 1,490 Yaris earned today for selling rusty daggers and monster cores went to the guild.