Nero, holding my gladius and a short steel sword, I walk along the corridor.
The scenery of the Dungeon's second floor resembles an old abandoned castle, with moss covering the walls. And every few meters there are torches hanging on the wall, which add to the medieval atmosphere.
Nero, walking down the empty corridor for now, thinks about his mana reserves.
Because Nero is now able to use a small fireball fifteen times. The number increased after affinity was unlocked. However, now Nero has a wider range of weapons at his disposal. And from the information he got from Luna.
One sticky fire bomb consumes as much mana as two small fireballs. And the other F-rank skills use as much mana as a small fireball.
And at such moments, Nero regrets not having a System that would tell him how much mana he has. However, now he has to do everything on his intuition and assumptions.
After a while, Nero saw groups of three Goblins. One Hobgoblin and two goblins.
Hobgoblin was tall compared to his companions. He looked about sixty meters tall. Yet despite his height, he was thin, really thin. He wore a worn leather breastplate and carried an astonishing sword in his hand.
The two goblins, on the other hand, only had rusty daggers and loincloths.
The opponents stood at equal distances from each other, with their backs to Nero. Hobgoblin in the center and goblins to the right and left of it. Seeing them with a sadistic smile, Nero decided to try out new skills.
Nero first used the "Earthen Trap" non-verbally. Which created a deep pit behind Hobgoblin, which after a while was masked by sand. It was happening very quickly, so the goblins didn't even see it.
Then Nero wanted to use the bone arrow, but on reflection he decided not to. Because he doesn't know how long this floor is and whether he won't need more spells. For larger groups of goblins.
So Nero grabbed a nearby torch from the wall and threw it at one goblin. Which Nero hit right in the back of the head. As a result, the goblin, due to its small size and weight, fell quite hard on its face. What caught his companion's attention, who turned to Nero.
Two opponents standing on their feet, after seeing Nero, without thinking started charging towards him. However, Hobgoblin didn't even take a step as he fell into a deep pit. So only one goblin charged towards Nero.
Nero, seeing the goblin mindlessly charging at him, smirked and said.
(Nero)-Easy Mode...
And with Gladius in his right hand, Nero took a quick step forward. And before the Goblin managed to dodge, Nero stuck Gladius between his eyes. As a result, the goblin turned to smoke and left one F-rank core.
As soon as the goblin disappeared, Nero noticed the Hobgoblin trying to get out of a deep hole. And from this hole, his head and right hand are now sticking out.
The last goblin, on the other hand, is still unconscious. So Nero wasting no time ran to Hobgoblin, who was trying to get out. And with a quick blow from Gladius, it pierced his head. As a result, the hobgoblin had no chance to defend himself and a possible counterattack.
As for the last goblin, Nero saw that he hadn't even woken up. He walked over to him and kicked his head hard like in Dying Light. Nero tries to smash his head out, which he does not succeed until the seventh time.
Then, with a slightly sore leg, Nero retreated to the core of the first goblin he had killed.
However, when he returned, he realized he had made a mistake.
He said when he realized he had to go down the hole now because an E-rank core of Hobgoblin. He fell to the bottom of the trap so Nero has no choice but to climb into the hole and pull him out.
(Nero)-This is the last time I use this goblin trap. Either that, or I'm carrying a ladder with me !!....Which won't be hard when I have a space ring.-Nero said as he struggled out of the "Earthen Trap."
Later, Nero took a few minutes' breaks to collect his thoughts and regain his strength.
After the break, Nero continued walking down the second floor. And he encountered larger and larger groups of enemies.
With groups in which there was only one Hobgoblin, Nero was doing quite well. For once, he nearly got hit by a Hobgoblin sword when he tried to defeat the group without using magic. What he did, however, was not easy.
Nero after going a considerable distance and defeating over thirty goblins and fifteen hobgoblins. For the first time, you stood in front of a group of three Hobgoblins.
Now Nero realizing that Hobgoblins in such a group could be dangerous to him. Without using magic, he decided to use three spells, which left him about eight spells for the Boss's chamber.
Nero had used "bone arrows" before and he understood how this spell works. Because although the action is similar to a small fireball. It is more complicated because it requires more concentration. If Nero wants the projectiles to have more penetration and speed. Plus Nero can create more than one spell, however, this counts as more than one spell.
So Nero focused, creating three "bone arrows." And after a while, he aimed at the back of the head of the three Hobgoblins. And it really took a lot of focus to hit the target.
However, thanks to a few minutes' sleep, unnoticed, Nero killed three Hobgoblins. Almost immediately, but at the cost of quite a lot of mental effort. Because, after all, it was the second time he had used this spell.
So Nero with a smile on his face, after killing three opponents, he walked over and took another 3 monster cores of rank E.
Later, Nero fought similar opponents, but he focuses more on close combat. To save as many spells as possible. Which was not without a lot of cuts and bruises. However, Nero forgot to buy potions from Luna. And he just had to keep fighting them.
After another two hours of fighting, not counting many breaks of 5-10 minutes. Nero reached the Boss's chamber. Before going inside, however, Nero opened the door and looked inside.
Boss's chamber was very similar to the first floor chamber. However, now on the pedestal is a Goblin mage surrounded by a strange force field. According to information obtained from Ronan. It is a force field that neutralizes all ranged attacks below rank E. So Nero has a choice but to try to defeat the mage at close range. What could be hard.
Because there are three shamans before the Goblin Mage. Who will respawn until the Mage Goblin dies. Which can mean endless waves of enemies that will prevent you from approaching the Boss.
So Nero needs more time to come up with a plan.
Nero knowing that the three shamans are spaced differently apart and that only two are facing him. And the last goblin shaman has his back to him. So Nero had a little problem, the solution of which came only after fifteen minutes of thinking.
Now, having an action plan, Nero decided to implement it.
The first step was that Nero summoned the skeleton without going inside yet.
Nero wanted to say some incantation. Although it was not needed, he wanted to. However, he did not come up with anything concrete. So I just called a skeleton in front of him a green circle appeared. From which a small skeleton emerged, like a zombie emerging from a grave.
As the skeleton emerged from the magic-circle, it stood in front of Nero. And looking at him, he waited for orders.
Nero, standing in front of the summoned skeleton, before giving him the order. He looked at him because it was the first time he did it.
The skeleton was quite short, about a meter or twenty meter tall. He could barely reach his waist, maybe a little higher.
The color of the skeleton wasn't quite unique, but it was quite clean, which surprised Nero a bit. He had clean bones, it is not known whether it was just because he was built or the place where he is kept is so clean. It is not known.
Nero gave the skeleton a rusty dagger obtained from one of the goblins. And then looking at the skeleton, Nero said.
(Nero) ,,Dobby", on my signal you will attack the third goblin, oh this.-He said, pointing a finger at Dobby's target. To which Dobby just nodded.
Nero then created two bone arrows, leaving him with only three spare spells. And he aimed them at the two shamans who were facing him.
And when the missiles were ready, Nero said.
Then Nero and Dobby ran inside. Shamans seeing the threat began to chant incantations in their strange language.
The Goblin Mage, on the other hand, enveloped them with the so-called ray of immortality. That is, from the staff of the Magician emitted three rays that reached the three shamans. And they were attached to them.
Dobby ran at a fairly high speed for a small skeleton towards the third shaman. Nero, on the other hand, fired two "Bone arrows." Straight into the throats of the two shamans as they opened them to be able to chant the goblin summoning spell.
So they didn't die, but couldn't chant anymore. And they just rolled on the ground in pain and tried to pull out arrows from bones, but to no avail.
Meanwhile, Dobby interrupted the last shaman's incantations by stabbing him in the flesh and avoiding his attacks.
So Nero, taking the opportunity, ran quickly to the main Boss. The Goblin mage decapitated the enemy with a quick atack from a jump.
And as the Boss turned into a monster core that was larger than that of the Hobgoblins. So he probably had a higher rank of D. So Nero was content and with a sick, sadistic smile, he approached each of the other shamans. And smashed their heads with his blunt weapon.
The last shaman Dobby had almost killed. Nero decided to watch and watch his little helper finish him off. Which gave him a little pleasure. Since Dobby is doing quite well, and despite having less attack, the little skeleton makes up for the rest with agility and speed. And until now, he has made a lot of incisions on the body of the Shaman. As a result, the shaman barely stands and attacks with fireballs.
However, after a while, Nero got tired of this constant struggle. Because neither the shaman nor Dobby. They did not give up and the fight dragged on. So Nero scream.
(Nero)-Dobby hold!!!
Nero said, throwing Dobby straight into his bony hand. The steel sword that Dobby had caught in flight and twisted into the head of the Goblin Shaman. By killing him on the spot.
And after collecting the last monster core, Nero went to the place where he killed the Boss. And he looked at the loot lying there.
In which he found a green and brown skill book called "Rock Cover". And one extra steel sword ... Nero monster's core immediately took before, right after the kill.
Nero looked at her while holding the brown book and said with a sigh.
(Nero)-Considering I already have two spells in fire magic and necromancy .... Thanks to one book I bought from Lucy. (Bone Arrow) Having only one earth magic spell, it's probably logical that I will get one ... HEH ... difficult at most if I hit the apprentice goblins next time, I won't have to dodge or hide behind a goblin's body. As before.
Then Nero holding a new steel one-handed sword and having nowhere to hide it. He looked at Dobby and thought. Then he took his short steel sword from its holster and gave it to Dobby. Because the new sword is longer than his. So I decided to give him the shorter one and by giving it he said.
(Nero)-You did well, little friend. Here is your reward.
Giving Dobby the short sword, Nero checked to see if there were any emotions on the little skeleton's face. However, due to the lack of skin, this cannot be confirmed .... or denied.
However, Dobby took the gift and began looking at it, and that was enough to make Nero smile.
Nero was about to send Dobby away, however, when he looked into the little monster's eye sockets. Nero was afraid that next time it would not be Dobby, but a different skeleton. Besides, seeing the little monster's gaze, Nero had no heart to send it back.
So Nero took Dobby with him and together they went to Ronan's shop. To go to Luna's shop together later.