Chapter 4

A/n: sorry for the late update again I kinda hurt my back yesterday so I couldn't upload this chapter....

This chapter is brought by our best loli smug Arisu:

After ths event in D class and all the situation with the system points, some student wonder how was it in class A.

In Class A

After the hole introduction in Class D class A were a hole different of other's like some royalty or soo.....  They all had small chat with each other but soon the peace of the classroom room we're disturb by the entrance of one person opening the door of the class while standing in the doorway all attention shifted to him.

"Tch, I can't believe that bastard Aleister forced me to join this class and me who wanted to pass those days free from paper work finely..... Huh what with the 3rd sting looking at me like I'm some zoo attraction huuuuuuhhhh".

Accelerator deadly gaze made all students turn there look away from him, some we're wondering what's with the hair and his look was it some kinda of fashion or what a collar around his neck and his crouch.

"Araa you already scared them with your gaze... You can't do that remember they are our classmate now we need to be on the same boat".

From besides Accelerator a new blonde girl we're standing beside him now with some remote on her han, most of the boys were charmed by her and we're staring at her then turn away by accel death stare.

"Tch, as always with the Queen attitude I see well sweet your self your majesty because I'm not playing to get buddy buddy with some mokeys with out brain. For now I will play along with this play Aleister made{I don't know how but I still can feel the misaka network here but its weak that means I can't use my power at full potential as for other's here, well for know I should lay low and wait for Aleister to find us how to return to our world I just hope nothing happened when we are away from academy city who knows what kinda of new clown will show up next}".

Some student we're offended by what accel said soon some bald guy stood up and walked toward accel.

"You have some nerve arriving late and I'm addition picking fight with your classmate in the first day, I don't care what we're you or what you think you are but here we are all equal in this school we are all Class A".

Accel look at this bald sack who stood in his way if accel had his power he would make him eat his words leaterly but here accel was a normal student more than that he was crippled.

"Fufufifufu, already giving lecture aren't we katsuragi heeeee...

Well I expected that from you, you seemed like the type who listen to other's trouble and act as a leader who work hard for the satisfaction of other's..... But let me cut you thought that way your walking with is only the buffoon way. A leader doesn't need to walk with his people he walk alone and the people follow him while gazing on his back that's the true way of leading other's".

A small girl stood from here desk, she had grey hair like accel and a smug on her face while walking toward him with her crotch all we wouldn't know who think they we're sibling they look a lot like there aura say soo even Shokuhou we're looking at her with disbelief.

"I believe that this is our first time talking face to face Accelerator-kun I'm Sakayanagi arisu we meet at the podium remember".

Accel looked at her but couldn't remember her because he was focus on Aleister more.

"Hein, what is a brat doing here I thought this was high school not middle school..... And what do you mean with Acceleror-kun you sound Like your a equal foot talking to me like that heinnnnn..... I will say just once so listen well if you value your life you should go back to your mom drink some milk or what would you like me to read you a story bed maybe also Brat".

Well all class could see sparkle flying between those two even misaki was afraid, this little girl doesn't know what she was talking too neither any of those guys if he was accel of old time he would break the ceiling above there head.

"Fufufufufu....  A story bed and some milk doesn't sound so bad maybe you could read me a story in my room and bring me some milk and cookies also Papa Fufufufufu... ". 

All class we're shocked until some crashed accel from behind making him fall on the top of arisu and misaki while that person fall on the back of accel...

"Fuffufi I never expected you the type to take word serious I did say you could go with me in my room but not caring about others thinks about wanting to do it here you sush a push over hein well I'm okay with it but will you gf be okay with also fufifu".

As soon as accel tryed to stand some one graped on him making him fall again this time on the top of some blonde girl wearing a pink rope.

"Fufufifufu cheating on me already I can see your quite a play boy arent you ".