Chapter 6 Level 5 special part 1

A/n: Aloha guys im currently now on my way to pass my vecation on the beach resort so I decide to write this chapter and upload it on this beautiful scene hope you enjoy and Aloha....

Still after the suite of event you call lucky pervert accel was clearly annoyed by the look of he's class mate and Sakayanagi smug face..... While he choose to seat in the last desk beside the window, misaki was in the middle of the classroom she wanted to interect with the rest of her classmate unlike accel who had a bad start already misaki was one of the school idol alredy. She look at accel again while giving him the look that say 'Ara aren't you feeling lonely mister unfriendly-kun if you  want this Queen could give  some tip how to be popular'.

Well Accel was not paying Shokuhou any attention at all, he was looking outside the window enjoying the view maybe for the first time without worrying about someone picking a fight with him and harming he's family to reach him.

It was soo peaceful in this school but even no matter how much the sun shine the storm was coming.

"Ahem....  After all what happened I forget to introduce myself I'm your home teacher Laura Stuart! As maybe you don't know I graduate in this same classroom as the top of the school and return here to teach the new generation of A class... I will be straight with you here in this school the winner is what only important and the loser will stay under the winner heel for the end of his school life so don't bring shame to this class.

Your Are A class student the ruler of your year so show no mercy to other classes and crash them don't show mercy at all cause there's always snake in the grass.....  Okay today was a simple introduction and explaining the rules come take your student Id and rules book then your free for today. You can go check your room of you want or go shopping if you want here 1pt is equal to 1 yen so enjoy this peacfull day while they last".

Soon after that laura left the classroom  just before stepping out of the classroom she gazed at accelerator for a brief moment and laught it off.

While some student we're looking around the school campus accelerator was going to the cafeteria for some black coffee as always, while in he's way there he could feel other's gaze and it realy annoyed him but with out he's power he couldn't scare them and it would be annoying to yell at them so he decide to ignore them.

In the cafeteria:

After ordering he's coffee accel was looking for a free seat away from all the noise and people here, he finely found a seat in the back of cafeteria closs to the window. While accel sit and started drinking he's favorite coffee soon he heard some annoying voice call for him with out turning he know who was it.

"Tch, ans me who tough i would finely get some peace here..... Fuck I shoulded took my coffe to my room and stayed there.... ".

As soon as he sppoted accel Gunha started walking toward his table loaded with food enough for ten people and sit on the same table as our poor annoyed Albino.

"Yo Accel you dont mind if i sit with you right? I saw by pure luck enter cafeteria and knowing you always drink only coffe i decided to bring you some food with me so you can grow the guts soo eat as much as you want its on me this time".

Well Accel he know better than any one how persistent this guy was so the smart choise is to do as he want, after both level 5 eating in silence and gunha telling Accel about what happened in his class some student we're whispering about how a normal weird guy was taking to the number one so normaly... They all wonder who was that guy, soon gunha noticed two fugue looking for a free table and called for them to sit with them. Accel didn't even look at the two fugue thinking that they were maybe rail gun or mental out.

"Oiiiiiiiiiii!!!!  Horikita Ayanokouji come join us here we have free seats here oiiiiiiii i now you can hear me".

Both were empress by gunha shout but walked toward him to seat with him but soon both notice that he was with someone else but couldn't see he clearly because of the mountain of food blocking he's face. So both of them took seat beside gunha.

"Chtto, who is this person your setting with here some friend or just some another student who you draged with you".

"Tch,  another victims join the circle again what a drag you can curse your luck if you got catched by this guts freak"

"Haha haha you emprssing me if you complement my guts isn't that right Taishou!!! "

"Tech, how many time i told you to stop calling me like that and call me by my name you freak guts".

"Ehhhhh what was your name Again whitey or red crimson eye wait wait i can remember it just".

"Accelerator how many time i have to say it you gorilla".

After some time horikita and ayanokouji were both shocked to hear that name, horikita couldn't believe herself...

"Wait a min your saying that the man behind this mountain of food is the actual Number one that scored petfect at the test and interview I'm I right nag it's impossible i can't believe it you can't possibly knowing the number one when your an ordinary student and more than that a D class Student ".

Even ayano couldn't believe it at first but passed on his voice and the aura around him its wasn't a mistake this was the number one Accelerator.

"Heiiin can't you eat you food in silence third string or was hearing my name wet you soo much dont tell me your on your period heiiiin!!!! ".

As accelerator stood up and faced both hori and kiyo with he's crimson eye's it wasn't any doubt now he was the real deal. Horikita lost her voice when she saw him while ayano was keeping his pocker face but deep down he know this person its better to not cofort at all cause.

"We'll chill chill now horikita and you two Accelerator those two are my classmates so I would like you to not scare them to much will you ....".

Soon the hole cafeteria heard the commention and look toward the source of the noise to see the number one and that unknown student standing gaze at each other some we're shocked. Well some of those

Students were hirata with a bunch of girls around him looking at the scene they recognize there Classmate.

"Wait isn't that the weird guy from our class and next to him is horikita san and other boy etto I forget his name .....wait is the one standing next to them is the first ranker ehhhhhhhhh".

All the girls looked shocked at that scene well they soon noticed some other people aproching the table.

"Are we okay Accelerator those are my classmates horikita and the boy next to me is Ayanokouji they are good guys".

While accel ignore horikita he focus on Ayanokouji who he's existence seemed something interring about him he gazed at the deep of his eyes he had the same cold eyes who never know any emotions...soon he was interpted again by another annoying person....

"Tch,great now here come the clown dancing with he's fancy clothes".

"Hoho what we have here mugino if it isn't our buddy Accelerator and gunha with some trash there".

Horikita was offeced but she couldn't reply because she was lost i thought the rank one doesn't care for people at even when we tried to talk to him while we were going to the headmaster office he ignore us only those 4 were by his side does they know each other already .

We'll soon after mugino and kakine seat by the side of Accelerator another voice calling toward them more annoying as always.

"Ara how mean all of you are going for lunch and no one thought to invite me that's break my heart and you Accelerator I told you to wait for me after the class and you walked alone that's hurt really that I almost cry 🥺🥺".

They all turn to see shokohou with her new followers watching in disbelief that the ranker was seating in same table more than that who was that boy seating with them.

Soon misaki deamised her clique and pushed kakine from his seat to seat next to Accelerator, kakine want to say something but looking at Accelerator face made him stop.and once another one come looking for them.

"We'll this is great if this was not enough of a joke those events are too perfect what's next the number 6 will appear of no where and seat with us".

Mikoto followed by some sweet heart girl who was such a beautiful that charmed all cafeteria well except Accelerator and kakine to proud and gunha well she was missing guts she walked with mikoto and join other level 5 and horikita and Ayanokouji in the table.

"Wooow to see so many ranker in the same table is this some kind of special seat or what...oh I forget to introduce my self I'm honami ichinose as you all are a ranked students I hope to get along with you all".

As she seat she noticed gunha and Ayanokouji also we're in the table she was wondering how soon but decided to ignore it.

We'll the situation for others students were a wet dream allmost the ranker students were seating in same table with two unknown person,also Hirata and the girls couldn't believe what was happening who was gunha to be friends with most of the ranked students Even the number one seems to know him.well for the last and the least appear some smug Loli with here usual smile.

"Fufufufu well well well what do we have here all ranked students are seating here and no way told me that really hurts Accelerator-kun first you trued to took my important thing and now your enjoying your meals with such beautiful girls while leaving me aside I know it you were just playing with me right ".

We'll that was the last straw for accel as all cafeteria looked at him with disgust look even misaki and mugino.......fifufifufiu

A/n: how do you think about this chapter I really enjoyed making it because I really enjoyed this trip and I'm back really high hypes at maxxxxxxxxx