Chapter 9

A/ guys it is chapter I will explain the rules that I didn't explain before and show how every class will face the special exam.

The rules of The treasure hunt exam:

1. To challenge another student or students you have to be in at last 1 meter max as the distance between the two side.

2. The subject of the test are not selected the school are divided to zone each zone have it subject you can't challenge student to a math test when your at the chemistry zone.

3. Every challenge are monitor and every student proceed to body check before the test so there are no attempt of cheating.

4. The period of the test challenge between student are 5 min they will answer on there School Device and will receive the result after the test exactly.

5.  Multiple students can challenge one student, as for there score it would be added to students score as for the one student his score will be multiplies by the number of the students he is facing.

6. The exam have 4 period the period one from 8 to 12  the second period the exam will be suspended between launch time as each class is the save zone no other student can enter other classes, then the exam resume at 14 to 19 pm and from 19 to 20 is the night period with the moon card.

7. The system points each  student will receive 100 point with it he can participate to the exam if a student loss all his point or have negative points he will fail the test and his negative points will be added to his class.

8. As for the test challenge points when the test is done the score of the difference between the two side will be the points the loser will loss and the winner gain(85-50=35)

9. As for the card owners tge skill of the cards only once a day exception of certain cards who only active there skill when the exam is finish.

10. If the leader(rankers)  of each class lose they will loss The privilege of certain card skill.

The strategy meeting in D Class :

As always D class we're not getting along in the same boat in this meeting, and horikita was really getting pissed off and next to her was hirata who try to make this class work but in the End it won't even work. Cause while horikita was planing to go goes wild and reduce the difference between the other classes.

Horikita: so you don't want to go for the big risk and win every thing you want to play it safe and pass this exam without losing more points.

Hirita: well calm down horikita-san as you know this is a class meeting and we need to listen to what are our classmate saying.

Soon all class agreed with hirata mainly the girls.

Horikita: what a let down just answer me this and I will stop....

Did you give up on climbing to Class A and want to waste your 3 years as the lowest of the class while we pass in the hallway the other students will look at us with disgust.... Do you really want to stay under there heel until we graduate then If you really think so then drop out right now.

All the class we're chocked by the statement of Horikita only three persons kiyo was not paying any attention he knows already what kinda of guys are his classmate and koenji was doing his hair and nails not caring either while sugiita was sleeping.

Soon sugiita heard the Rufus in the class and decide to ask koenji about what was happing.

Koenji: oh its you guts boy well did you have a good sleep in all those money screaming at each others they are so vulgar.

all the class heard what koenji said and turn toward him with death glare and soon sudou hold him by his necktie and stared at him.

Sudou: what did you say you bastard.

Koenji: see that what I was talking about why you are soo vulgar did you forget the situation you we're at and you still didn't learn you lesson it seems like now release me before you regret putting your hands on me.

Just when sudou was going to hit him and hand stopped sudou without ant effort. It was gunha who had a serious look at his face now.

Sugiita: stop this right now sudou and realese him In this moment and you too koenji you could realese his wrist now you we're going to break it if he had attached you.

Sudou didn't even notice that and realised koenji who had a smirk on his face now.  Then Koenji start to walk out of the classroom before being stopped by again that man sugiita.

sugiita: where are you going the meeting is still not over koenji and I need to tell you something how can you keep you body in such good shape it really take a lot or guts but that's not all your not giving it your best I think you the second strongest person in this class.

All the attention shifted toward those two now even Kiyotaka.

Koenji: hoho me the second strongest then who is the stogest one then you maybe or is it horikita girl maybe or hirata boy you seem interesting really Gunha boy then please in light me who is stronger than me in this class aside from you.

Then sugiita turn toward the window seat and pointed toward a certain brunette who still have a bored face.

Sugiita: well I think it quite obvious  doesn't it that person is him Kiyotaka of course his stronger than me and you also koenji.

All the class turn to look at Kiyotaka some had weird look and some mocked him only horikita and  hirata chiaki and Koenji also who had his doubt also about ayanokouji before.

Kiyotaka: Ehhhh!!!! Me stop joking gunha how I could be stronger than you and koenji.

Horikita: but it isn't wrong if I remember in the the swim class I saw how your body was build and it doesn't look like the build of a Normal student at all.

Now all the class we're wondering who was there classmate ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Then Koenji left with a smirk on his face and all the attention that kiyo had just vanished as the resume the plan to take on the test, and just when kiyo was about to relax another one from sugiita mouth made kiyo feel such an unknown emotion that he wanted to hit him really hard.

Gunha: I really think we should ask Kiyotaka about his ideas to how we should hit the exam.

Again students look weird at sugiita and Kiyotaka, then kiyo could see the smirk of Horikita face he has a bad feeling about this.

Horikita: well its really true we should hear ayanokouji-kun idea cause he's realy good at making strategies isn't that right I heard you were called the new age Coa Coa then could you come here and explain your strategy you come up to all of us not just me and sugiita.

Horikita even if ayanokouji had a poker face she know he didn't like to stand up and refuse to show his real abilities no matter what but know that gunha brought it up he couldn't hide in any more.

Then Ayanokouji walked toward the front of the class and looked at his classmate.

Kiyotaka: ettoo I may have some sorta of plan to pass this test with minimum risks and will benefit us well.

The strategy meeting in C Class:

As far as C class even uf they we're not D class but the deffirence between those two wasn't so big just the leader as they say could lead with deferent ways as far for class C it was a doctorship rule the class C leader was Ryuuen and he was like the snake in the grass.

He lead his classmates thought out violence and fear, almost every student feared him and couldn't disobey him well almost.

Kakine: you want us to make a deal with Class A to beat the other classes and reduce our The difference and you want us to build a alliance with them to crash the  B class and then what we over take them and class A will do the same to us.

Ryuuen: that's why you thinking is Soo small our alliance is in order to beat the Class A also you Idiot.

(Ryuuen personality here is after the beat up and changing he's thinking so he is more chill here and doesn't act to much arrogant).

Ryuuen: listen up you guys how do you think we use the alliance to weaken class A and B in Same time

.....kukuku that's simple we are not going for the point this exam were going to crash one of Class A main figure the question is who well it's easy sakayanagi we will leave her to last she is focusing on taking over the katsuragi faction so it's better we stay under her best side Katsuragi will lose his power in Class A without doubt. Sooo who do you think we will strike.

Kakine: if that guy was so easy to defeat I wouldn't suffer such humiliating defeat before Soo let me give you a small advice don't go underestimate Accelerator he may seem like an easy target but he's more far dangerous that sakayanagi if you mess with him.

The C Class looked at kakine who for the first time didn't say something arrogant, normally he would go brag how he is going to crash the Class A and take over them.

Mugino: what's wrong birdie getting scared of facing Accelerator I didn't know you were such a coward I always thought you were like this (basically nerved Gilgamesh).

Kakine: hmmm Say what you want but last time I underestimate him I was almost dead if it's wasn't for my dark matter clone who took The fall for me.

Mugino: wow kakine really changed hein normally he wouldn't think twice about fighting anyone who didn't know there place and was Soo much a ass bragging about his rank, now he's calm well I think it's all thanks to the number one he changed us all.

The strategy meeting in B class:

What can we say about B Class is maybe the only class who are in union all the classmates work together,all of this is done by one person the charismatic leader ichinose honami.she been the center of attention in all years with her look and personality, and her classmates respected her even for mikoto who had a complex about her body she felt relaxed around honami.

Kanzaki: so did you all get the plan if you have any questions or doubt speak freely or if it's private you can ask ichinose.

Mikoto: wait a second kanzaki-san I got we got to fight to reduce the difference between us and A BUT why we should help class D and build a mutual benefit with them.

Kanzaki: I know ichinose want us to all get along with other class but we can't relax now if we let our guard down now and we don't act it would send a message to other classes that class B is weak and too softie.

Ichinose: I know you want to protect our class kanzaki-kun but I really don't like it using D class like that isn't there any other way.

????: Well ichinose-chan kanzaki-chan isn't at wrong here it's for the merits of our classmate so I think small sacrifice are needed but for me personally....Ah I really want to go fight (face) the number one he's The top of the school so if we crash him it will give to us adventege.

Mikoto: you!!! What are you doing here.

????: Woah that's cold mikoto-chan I'm also a student of B class you know.

Just looking at him the follow classmate could Guess that mikoto and???? Had some history but on the first day she picked a fight with him be he swear that he doesn't know her.

Ichinose: stop it you two now we are all classmate here of B class so it would be bad if we fight against each other etto Misaka mikoto-san and you I'm sorry I didn't quite remember your name.

????: Wow that's really hurt baby. We'll I guess it didn't really matter I didn't introduce myself yet so here I go make sure you remember it baby.

All students turn to see a girl(boy) figure who had long blonde hair and blue eyes all who would look at him will never know he's a boy not a girl.

????: My name is Thor like the norse god so let's get along Baby.

While all were surprised only mikoto was having her worst day why is the battle freak in the same class at her(well basically class B doesn't have a power force like sugiita and sudou and all other classes have there gorilla).

Let's return to the meeting now

Kanzaki: we can't go for a full scale fight yet without knowing our adversely first we only know about sakayanagi and katsuragi the other two are still unknown factor shokohou misaki and the most dangerous and mysterious one is Accelerator he doesn't seem like a human to me at all.

Ichinose: if I remember clearly mikoto-chan you know Accelerator and shokohou before right I saw you the other day with them also with kakine and mugino-san also sugiita-san from class D you seemed to know them very well.

A/N I was going to keep this chapter a bit longer but I will do B And A class meeting in next chapter and start the exam well I'm still waiting for the volume 3 to get translate and I from what others say it's epic Ichika the MvP in that Chapter and Tsubaki showing her real side well if you all remember she kinda look like kiyo when he was hidden behind horikita and Tsubaki hidding behind Riku and Nanase  oh Nanase she was Soo thick in her swimsuit and also Tsubaki I heard.