Chapter 4: The Visit

~ No one's POV ~

The rest of the day went by normally, except for the fact that both Hanamaki and Matsukawa were nervous as hell for what was to come.

Since that morning when Matsukawa asked Hanamaki to come over to his house to study together they've both been an absolute mess, not being able to concentrate on anything. Some people questioned their strange behaviour but they both responded with the same answer, 'I went to sleep late so don't worry about me'.

~ Matsukawa's POV ~

I nervously checked the time as I waited for Hanamaki to come over.


I knew he was going to be here at about five so I decided to clean up a bit so I can make a good enough impression.

Rushing around the house and picking up random stuff off the floor turned out to be more tiring that I thought.

Knock, knock, knock

''Coming!'' I shouted while walking to the front door.

I opened it and in front of me stood a smiling Hanamaki.

He was wearing an oversized blue hoodie that matched his pink hair - making him look like cotton candy, a pair of skinny jeans and white converses.

So cute.

"Oi Matsukawa, you there?" I could see him waving a hand in front of my face then beginning poking my left cheek.

"Oh yeah! Sorry about that I just spaced out."

"It's fine, anyway you gonna let me in or what?"

"Yeah..." I stepped aside and let Maki enter my house.

I turned around and before following him to the living room I looked in the mirror to my left, my cheeks had a pink tone to them.

I'm blushing? But why?

"I'm thirsty, where do you keep your cups?!", Maki shouting made me snap out of my trance.

"In the right cabinet above the sink!" I shouted back, then I headed to the living room and sat down on the couch. Maki joined me not long after with two glasses of water.

"Here I got you one as well.", he said while placing them both down on the coffee table.

"So shall we get started?" I said trying to break the tension.

"Mhm! What should we do first, English?"

"Sure but just a heads up, I'm really bad at it."

"It's fine I can help you, then you can return the favour by helping me with geography since I have a test coming up and I'm really bad at it!"

I nodded then we both grabbed our bags and got out our textbooks, plus some pens to write with.


Studying with Maki turned out to be really fun - even tough he struggled lot in geography.

He helped me study for English and it turns out he's, like, really good at it. After helping each other with the subjects we suck at we moved on to more basic stuff like math, history and art - since they were the easiest.

Time passed and we decided to tackle the hardest one of them all... Social Studies.

~ Hanamaki's POV ~

We have been studying the basics for about two hours when I brought up the idea of starting our Social Studies project.

I knew it was going to be hard, but not his hard!

We started out by trying to gain as much information as we could from various articles - which took nearly two hours. Then I offered to rewrite all the information in 'our own words' as the teachers say, to make it sound we put a lot of work in it while Matsukawa started editing some pictures and videos to use for the final presentation.

After some time Matsukawa suggested to take a break since he was getting tired, I agreed since I felt like I was gone a pass out right then and there.

We got hungry and ordered a pizza because none of us knew how to cook and ate it while talking about ransom stuff.

I checked the time on my phone and realized we've been studying for six hours straight, this being our first break.

"It's eleven o'clock, I think we should go to sleep now, we've done enough."

"Thank god. I'm soooo tired!" Matsukawa said and cleaned up the coffee table we were just using.

He then showed me where the bathroom was and I went in to shower and brush my teeth. After I finished he went it there, probably to take a shower as well - I sat on his bed and started to look at his room which was decorated with pictures and posters, it looked really nice and organized.

A few minutes later the shower turned off and the door opened, Matsukawa walked out with a towel around his waist and dripping with water.

I started blushing at the sight in front of me, Matsukawa was in front of me wearing nothing but a towel and his muscular body was covered in crystal drops of water that were falling down his defined abs.

I just stared at him in awe while he grabbed some clothes and went back in the bathroom to change.

Part of me wanted him to stand there longer so I could admire more of his body while the other part wanted to touch him.

My heart started beating faster.

How can I think of something like that?!

He is literally my best friend!

My very hot and beautiful best friend...


I tried to shake off my thoughts by slapping my forehead.

Then I suddenly hear the bathroom door open again and Matsukawa steps out, now fully clothed.

"I'm done, also are you okay? You're a little red.", his hand reached out to touch my forehead gently, his hand was soft.

"Im fine just a little hot!" I quickly said hoping he would forget about it, luckily he did.

Matsukawa then walked next to the bed and laid down - I'm guessing to sleep.

"I should go downstairs now... Good night.", a small hint of disappointment could be heard in my voice.

I kind of wish he would let me sleep with him.

But before I could even take one step my wrist was pulled back by a soft hand and I got dragged down onto the bed. Next to me was Matsukawa giggling.

So adorable!

"No way! It gets really cold at night, sleep here with me."

And again, a blush creeped up on my face.

How does he say that so calmly?

Anyway I should probably take the opportunity before he changes his mind.


I got more comfortable and turned to face the edge of the bed - I've always liked sleeping on my side. Then, all of a sudden, a pair of strong arms pulled me by the waist toward something stiff. I twisted my head back and could see Matsukawa sleeping with his head in my back.

I started to smile like an idiot and laid back down onto the bed slowly drifting off.

\\ The Next Day //

~ Matsukawa's POV ~

I woke up to the feeling of something thin around my waist and breathing on my chest. Then I remembered that last night I asked Hanamaki to sleep with me.

Aaaagghh, why did I do that...?

In front of my face was Hanamaki's soft sleeping face, since the alarm hasn't gone off yet I took that time to carefully study his face.

He had pretty long eyelashes, a cute button nose, slightly pink cheeks and soft-looking lips.

I wish I could kiss him...

Wait, what?!

No I don't!

Or maybe I do...


The sleeping boy in my arms stirred awake and we both looked in each other's eyes.

It was mesmerizing.

Then suddenly Maki got up,

"Good morning! I'm going to go change."

He went to his bag and got out a uniform then entered the bathroom.

I also got up and went to change. After about ten minutes I was done with everything and Hanamaki stepped out the bathroom.

"Let's go get something to eat.", I suggested.


We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where I grabbed an apple, Maki went to my fridge and got out a container of butter then grabbed a slice of bread which he put in the toaster.

I watched closely as he took the toast out, put it on a plate and spread some butter on it.

"Okay I'm done, we can go now.", Maki said wile biting the toast.

I nodded,

"Let me grab my bag first.", I said as I dashed back up the stairs to collect my bag.

I came back down and put my shoes on, Hanamaki was at the door watching me while nibbling on his food.

Walking out the door I realized that we were going to arrive together at school - the team will surely be suspicious.


~ No one's POV ~

The boys arrived at school a little late for practice so when they checked their time they started printing to the gym.

When they got there they saw that the whole team was staring at them.

"Look who finally decided to show up,~" Oikawa said stepping closer to the two,

"Mind explaining why you were late and why you showed up together?~" Oikawa was now smirking and wiggling his eyebrows.

"It's nothing like that Oikawa, stop it!" Matsukawa said clearly annoyed.

Oikawa just looked at the rest of the team who were also smirking,

"Sure... I believe you.~"

"Now that we're done with the pointless talking let's get ready for practice!" Iwaizumi shouted while clapping his hands.

Maki and Mattsun both sighed and headed for the changing rooms.

'Well that was interesting...'

the boys thought.