Chapter XIX

Elyakim attached his phone to the 3D holographic display mini machine that was placed on the flowering ground, and pulled up Rachel's photo. The roses made beauty blossom in her even more and he wished to water it with his soul's tears. In his paralyzing sadness, he did not notice the newly born moon that was revealing its light for him. He chose to focus on the darkness of his surroundings, and only listen to the whispers of the roses that were shaking like a gossipmonger who was just caught. She was not only his wife, she was the candle light on their nightstand that kept his demons at bay. She was the perfect spring day to have a picnic. And when his busy days at work weighed his body down with debility, her touch, like the diluvian rain, filled his whole being with exuberance.

His lonely tears made the trees rattle with grief, and their leaves watched the light of his spirit burn down one by one like fireflies. A nameless, heady wind whistled by, and he felt that his duty was to place himself on a pyre for his dirgeful body to burn as well. For his ashes to fall on the ground, where more flowers grow out of them. For he did not deserve to enjoy tonight's moonlight without his late wife.

"What an honorable death it would be," he muttered, "to die by her side." He prayed to YHWH to take his life already and end his pain.

As the layers of his dark thoughts peeled his skin away like old wallpaper, a strange girl approached him like the first day of Autumn to light his lanterns.

"Don't pray for such things," she placed her hand on his shoulder, "she would not want you to do it."

"Éloa? You look... different." He wiped his tears with his hand.

"I am not Éloa," Nerezza gave him a smile designed to bring comfort to the soul, "I am her friend."

"You look like her twin," he chuckled, "what strange times do we live in, where robots look like humans."

"It's a good thing, it helps us connect with them and maybe it will revive our lost humanity."

"You have to meet my son, he will be thrilled to know someone might want to join his stupid team." Elyakim struggled to get up, sighing in disappointment as Nerezza just stood there and stared at him.

"What team?"

"He wants to create a team that will fight the Anti-Automaton regime, and rule it with his fucking personal Automaton." Beneath a sly smile, he hid his letdown for his son.

"You disapprove of their relationship?" Joy blessed her heart with hope.

"It's his relationship, not theirs." His voice rose in anger, and it colored his aging features. "She can't even fucking decide to be in a relationship with a chair, you think she is capable of being in a serious relationship with my precious son?"

"Doesn't her consciousness give her the ability to consent?" Nerezza wanted to get on his nerves.

Elyakim stared at her and blinked in confusion, his mouth slightly agape. "Are you mad? It is a damn robot!"

"That might become your daughter-in-law." She smirked.

"Yoel!" He yelled as he headed for the mansion and slammed the front door behind him.

Their loud argument was heard even by muted ears, and disappeared into the clouds. She discreetly entered their ground floor balcony and peeked furtively through the glass doors. She watched as Elyakim pushed Éloa and continued screaming at his son. Yoel, being irreverent about social norms, choose to bend down next to Éloa to make sure she is okay and kissed her deeply. A kiss that Nerezza felt entitled to. After all, his love for Éloa is his love for her personality. He continued to kiss Éloa in a way that made even Nerezza's shadow blush. She watched any potential between them flee with the immigrating noctilucent clouds. But she refused to give up on him. He fell in love with her before they met, and she knew there was an ineffable connection between them that a robot can never replace.

He positioned himself behind her and grabbed her under the arms, pulling her off the ground. In response, his father pointed at the door, ordering for them to leave the house. Yoel smirked and grabbed his and Éloa's weapons before heading for the door. They passed in front of Nerezza; not even noticing her presence. He passed by her and his eyes never met hers, just like his love. She stood there watching them get in his expensive car, while her torn clothes gave access to cold air to pinch her skin. She breathed in his icy love amidst the cold night's air and approached them.

"Yoel," with purple lips and eyes glistening with tears, her soft voice made him pity her. "Can I please join you? I have no shelter or protector."

Yoel looked at Éloa, his eyes begging for an opinion.

"She can help us out, you said her reflexes are good." Éloa smiled.

"Excuse us, my love. I will need to have a word with her in private first." Yoel grabbed Nerezza by the arm and propelled her to the backyard of the house.

"Did Cloyd send you to spy on us?" He folded his arms across his chest.

"Who's Cloyd? Éloa's ex boyfriend?" She mocked him.

He wrapped his right hand around her neck, "I see disrelish in your eyes, and in their reflection, I can feel a cunning she-devil inside of you ready to pounce."

"And in your eyes, I feel the warmth of your blazing hazel sun rays. And even when you're mad and they turn dark, I see shimmering stars, calling for me," she put her hand under his chin and tilted his head up, "calling for me to do to you what the she-devil inside of me wants to do."

"You are non compos mentis." He let go of her neck. She reminded him of a succubus, the very demon that triggers his inappropriate thought and seduces his mind.

"You do realize that by loving Éloa, you love me too? She is me, but I am not her. I am better because you can feel my pulses enticing you." She put his hand back on her neck seductively.

"She is her own individual." He whispered.

"Yes, an individual that follows a familiar pattern. But I am an abstract artist whose behavior needs to be codified." She got closer to him and his stomach fluttered with mysterious excitement.

"Find someone else who is interested in codifying it, because I am not."

"You are interested! I am the source of her identity, don't you wish to explore me as well?"

"We are all the source of influence in someone else's character. That does not strip them from being the moon of their own midnight sky. You are just the stars shining around her..."

She grabbed him by the collar and kissed him passionately. Her lips were telling his mouth a story– a story about a nostalgic yearning that begged him to return the kiss. Somehow her aggressiveness made him blush, but he did not shy away from pushing her.

"One day you will realize that you like the orphan stars too." She whispered against his kiss-swollen lips.

He grabbed her wrist and pushed her against the wall. "What do you want?"

"The same thing you want, a world that grants rights for all conscious things."

"I could care less about Automatons, I am just trying to satisfy Éloa."

"Men do ridiculous things to get inside a woman, even if she is a damn robot." She chuckled.

"Do not dare question my feelings for her! I have never cared for a woman like I do with that Automaton."

"And what will you do when she is too old to be updated? The life span of Automatons is five years at best, after that her beautiful synthetic skin will rot and the silver iron will show. Will you still love her then?"

"Yes." He hesitated.

"And you shall remain faithful?" She raised an eyebrow.

He did not answer.

"Just remember that love needs to be logical. If it is impossible for you to be with her, why would you waste your time when the stars are shining for you?"

"This matter is none of your business." He let go of her.

"Fine, but the stars won't wait for you forever." She walked away.