Chapter 33-The Nightmare

Far away from the Yun mansion, Xiao was heading to the Li mansion. In Li Lun's room, a young girl of age 10 sat on a chair. The past few months hadn't changed much about her. She still appeared cute, but her cheerfulness and bright smile were nowhere to be seen.

Li Lun sat blind and crippled, facing the harsh realities of a world where true power and talent ruled. In this world, lacking either of those meant being of no use, merely a burden to be discarded. Despite this, her father's love remained unchanged, which was truly a blessing.

However, it couldn't change what had already occurred. Li Lun couldn't believe how drastically her life had changed. She vividly remembered that day—it had started off joyfully, as she was finally going to begin her cultivation journey.

Li Lun wasn't initially interested in cultivation, but after meeting Xiao, her curiosity had been piqued. Not because she particularly enjoyed it, but because Xiao did. She wanted something in common with him. She had dreamt of awakening and going to see Xiao, discussing cultivation and seeking his guidance. That way, they could spend more time together. She had developed strong feelings for him.

Talking and playing with Xiao had always been enjoyable. She laughed at his attempts at jokes and was fascinated by his dedication to cultivation. There was something captivating about his unwavering focus and determination to achieve his goals.

Moreover, Xiao was truly good-looking, and Li Lun found herself increasingly attracted to him. Everything seemed perfect, so why did things have to turn out like this? Why did she have to experience such a fate? Why did the world hate her?

She could vividly recall the events of this day. It had started like any other, filled with happiness and anticipation as she headed to the awakening area, where the elders would awaken her martial core. But everything went wrong there. She experienced excruciating pain, as if her bones were being crushed. She could faintly remember a whisper in her ear.

'I chose you.'

The words were barely a whisper, but she knew it wasn't a hallucination. That was the last light she saw before darkness consumed her. When she woke up, she was in a bed, and there was no... light, everything had become dark for her, the brightness that was normal to her left her, becoming a cause she never appreciated.

Now Li Lun couldn't see.

To her everything became dark and pitch-black, causing fear to crawl through her body. She was confused, disoriented, and terrified. The familiar lights and colors never appeared. Darkness, an endless darkness, filled her sight.

She screamed and cried until her voice broke and tears ran dry. Then it happened—she realized she couldn't move her legs or walk. In just one day, she lost many precious things she never knew she had.

But that was only the beginning of her nightmare. While she lost something, she gained something else. Her senses sharpened like never before. She could "feel" the auras of others, and her hearing reached an unbelievable level. She could hear a person's heartbeat or a faint sound from a distance.

She could sense her surroundings as if there was a connection, but even that became a nightmare—a curse she wished she never had. Although she couldn't see it, she "felt" the disdain and contempt others held for her now. She heard their mocking comments and felt like a complete waste.

"Sigh... To think she would end up as a waste. What a pity."

"Her only worth was being engaged to young master Xiao. What do we do now?"

"It seems she will be a burden."

The sounds of the elders, who had once smiled at her, now filled her mind, while the servants who had been kind to her spoke ill of her, joining in the mockery.

"What a pity. I thought I could get close to her."

"Yeah, me too. Well, it seems she will be like this for the rest of her life."

Their hurtful words cut deep into her heart. But that was just the beginning. Renowned doctors from all over the empire were called to examine her, and they all said the same thing.


She would be like this for the rest of her life. She could still cultivate, but she would never see or walk—a cripple for life. Li Lun, who thought she couldn't be hurt any further, now truly understood despair. In a single day, she had fallen from heaven to hell.

But amidst all this, her greatest fear was the engagement. She overheard others talking about it. Now that she was like this, why would the engagement proceed? Xiao was a talented genius, so why would he want to be engaged to a cripple?

These words and questions flooded her mind, but she tried to deny them.

'No, he's not like that.'

'No, he promised.'

'Yes, he's different.'

All these words jumbled in her mind, and she wanted to believe them, but an "if" always lingered, deep in her thoughts. Her body turned cold as an unfamiliar feeling gripped her mind. The day had pushed her to the brink of emotional breakdown. She now understood powerlessness and harbored a burning desire for power, at least she think she does, while in her heart hope still boomed, hope that things might change, such thoughts could only be defeated with time.

"I see, now I understand a bit of what he was saying..."

Li Lun muttered with lifeless eyes, sitting on the chair. She had always wondered why Xiao tried so hard. He had always said it was to control his fate. She had been confused, but now she could grasp a glimmer of understanding. That was when she heard whispers from the maids standing outside her door.

"Pss... Did you hear?"


"It seems young master Xiao is at the mansion. He seems to be heading to meet the young mistress."

"Really? Do you think he came to break the engagement?"

"Who knows? Maybe..."

Li Lun didn't catch the rest of their conversation as her mind buzzed with the mention of Xiao's presence. Countless possibilities flooded her mind, but in the end, she shook her head. Even if he came to break it off with her, she would accept it. After all, who would want a cripple?

So she sat there, waiting. It didn't take long before she sensed another presence outside her door. Though she felt it for the first time, she knew it belonged to Xiao. She waited, waited for him to enter. Then she heard his words.

"Li Lun, can I come inside?"


Her response was shaky and barely recognizable. Her voice trembled, and despite her thoughts, her heart fought with apprehension. Soon, she heard the door open as Xiao walked in. Though she couldn't physically sense him, she could still hear his heartbeat, his footsteps, and his scent.

She liked them all.