Chapter 51-The Beginning Of The Ethereal Flame Pheonix Goddess

Yun Yurou could clearly remember the day she met Xiao. It was the day she found some light in the dark tunnel she was walking in. Back then, Xiao didn't seem to have anything extraordinary about him as he saved her. But the moment she met him, her heart started beating faster for some reason. Deep within her, her soul trembled in delight. And for the first time, her pride didn't act up in repulsion.

Contrary to what Xiao thought the feelings in Yurou weren't just because of him saving her, the act gave him some points but it was the deep call within her soul that caused her to chase after Xiao without end, she wanted to know what these feelings meant, she wanted to know why the other side in her yearns for his presence.

Yun Yurou's soul burst forth with a devouring desire to be close to Xiao. For some reason, her curiosity surged about the boy who saved her, the boy who was the most lonely and reclusive in the whole Yun family. From then on, Yun Yurou tried her best to get closer to the boy who attracted her mind and soul.

She, who desired love more than anybody else, surged forth with a desire to know more about Xiao. Ever since Yun Yurou was young, all she yearned for was the love that she desired. She didn't care who or what, she just wanted to feel loved and cared for. Sadly, her pride refused to bow down to anybody, and her curiosity was never raised by anybody till... Xiao.

For the first time in her existence, she was curious about something. And she refused to back down from her curiosity. She rushed forward to know more, becoming more and more attracted to Xiao. The more she noticed and observed about him, the more she felt her curiosity burn with thrill. And her soul, for some reason, would always feel calm when she was close to Xiao.

It was truly bizarre, but it filled her with a joy she didn't know she could feel. And just like that, she continued to interact with him, slowly being attracted to him. But her heart only truly fell for him when he was with her at her lowest point.

To Yun Yurou, who never truly desired power and desired power, the test for the martial heart was truly scary and at the same time not, it's a combination of contradictory feelings. She could still remember the pain and fear she felt, the dread of death and helplessness. Plus, her pride only seemed to make it all worse for her. Her scared and prideful side kept contradicting with her, making her mind clash, almost destroying her mentally from within.

But just as she was dragged into the depths of darkness, Xiao entered that darkness and he pulled her out of it. And as he did, her heart fell for him. A small flame lit within her heart, surging through her body and soul with intense feelings that threatened to drown her. The feelings that came from within her soul only intensified her feelings to another level.

From then on, her eyes would follow him wherever he went. But things only got weirder for her as her pride seemed to increase with her cultivation. Moreover, she would always have some weird images flash within her mind. For some reason, she couldn't see them clearly. They were close, yet so far.

The more she felt these images, the more her temperament seemed to change. She couldn't see or understand what they were, but she knew that they were good for her. That was just the beginning, as her comfort and pleasure only seemed to intensify as she spent more time with Xiao, especially after he had become different.

She was glad that she was a fire cultivator, which meant that she was able to spend more time with Xiao. And her interest in cultivation was only because Xiao seemed to focus on it. She didn't care that he had a fiancée or the fact that he only saw her as a friend. She would never give up. Something within her refused to give up, and her feelings for him only grew with time, never lessening.

She even made that 'deal' with Xiao's mother, who was dissatisfied with Xiao's fiancée. Yun Yurou even refused to head to the top of the cultivation world because of Xiao. She was unwilling to back down, and she would never let anyone else have Xiao, as he would be hers.

The journey he was heading on was the perfect chance. But she never thought that things would end up like this. She never thought that she would be forced to see the person she loved fight for his life to protect her. She didn't know why Xiao suddenly had a change in his feelings for her. She could see that, for some unknown reason, his feelings for her had exploded.

It wasn't at the level of love yet, but she could feel that Xiao had an intense feeling of tenderness and care for her. And that made her young heart beat with anticipation. Moreover, as she saw Xiao standing against everything in his path to protect her, she felt like her heart would leap out of her chest. But when she saw him being hurt, her heart burned with a fury that blinded the world.

She tried with all her might to fight against the power that stopped her from reaching out to her beloved. The flame that lay within her roared with resistance, unwilling to bow to its user. For the first time in Yun Yurou's life, she desired power more than anything else. She wanted to move and protect the one she loved.

And finally, the moment she felt Xiao's life fading away, the power and rage within her blasted forth. A voice was heard in the world she was locked in.

"Only a person who truly loves you will be willing to put his all on the line for your sake. However, are you willing to allow such a person to make a sacrifice for you?"

It was the voice of the phoenix that had trapped her within this place, making her heart bleed as she was forced to see. But before she could shout out, the words the phoenix spoke were like thunder to her heart. As she focused on them, something deep within her seemed to awaken. She felt like a missing puzzle fell into her soul. No, she couldn't allow that. She was terrified that it might happen even.

And for the first time, Yun Yurou's gaze turned towards the flame-like cage in front of her. The flame continued to resist her will, unwilling to bow to her. But unlike in the past, there was a certain twinkle within her eyes as she gazed at the flame. And without uttering a single word, she jumped into the flame that refused her command.

Pain... physical pain like she had never felt before started to burn her. Even her soul wasn't spared from it. She could feel each part of her body being burned, and the pain filled her mind, tempting her to break what she held dear. Sadly, this time, pain was meant to fail. For she, Yun Yurou had something she dearly wished to protect.

"You shall obey me!"

Yun Yurou roared within the fire. The pain her body felt was nothing compared to the pain in her heart. The flame tried to resist, but this time, Yun Yurou's will wasn't weak. She was determined to walk the path she had chosen, and she would reach the top just to protect the one she loves!

Meanwhile, outside within the world, as Xiao was burning, changes started to appear with Yun Yurou. A flame appeared out of her, its color a mix of light yellow and deep red, with a hint of purple that shouldn't exist. At its appearance, the Phoenix's cauldron shuddered. The flames of the ancestors trembled with fear, while the rebirth flame started to burn away.

A phoenix cry was heard from within Yun Yurou as it broke out of the Phoenix's cauldron to the outside, shaking everything to the core...