Chapter Two

She only wanted the best for me, and I knew that. That is what family is for, that's what family does, but she wasn't in my place. No one was, and no one except me was occupying this damaged body, and living with this parasite, this illness. Only I, could make decisions regarding it. And I, wanted out. Out of this bed, out of this room, and this building. I needed fresh air. My lungs yearned for it. And, not for five or ten minutes. I wanted out, out of this cage. This disease has crippled me long enough, and I was done letting it. I didn't how long I had left. I know people have told me that I was going to recover, but they've told me that lie before, too. I was exhausted, and couldn't think, but I made a promise to myself to try and live every moment the best I can, to do things I never did, but always wanted.... i mean it's not like I was going to die or something! I laughed internally. My humor needed some more work, coma can do that.

I heard someone arguing in front of my room, and before I could ask who it was, the door opened, and my parents walked in.

She came in, holding a tray of, well, something that looked like food, with dad who was trailing behind.

''Hi sweetheart, how are you feeling?''

''Fine, dad. And you?" I noticed he was in the same clothes like yesterday, "Why are you wearing the same clothes from yesterday? Did you bankrupt, while I was in a coma, or what?''

He laughed, ''No, sweetheart, I stayed the night, so I didn't have time to change clothes.''

He and mom exchanged looks, but I chose to ignore it. Maybe, they were fighting. Who knows? I know, I, wasn't getting involved in that.

''What is that?'' I asked, making a disgusted face, and pointing at the tray with ''food''.

''Food, and you're going to eat it.''

''But it's disgusting.'' I protested, in vain.

''And there's a reason for it. Because it's healthy. Now, eat.''