Chapter Twenty

Anna told me to meet her at Arnie's. It was a new café, that opened last month, downtown. When I arrived, she was already there, waiting for me. She told me she was going to wear a yellow blouse, and jeans.

I noticed her the moment I entered. Everyone noticed her, it was hard not to. She was beautiful, and had long dark brown hair, with ombre endings. Her blue eyes lit up when she saw me.

Great. She's freakin' beautiful.

She stood up, as I approached her. I extended my hand to shake her hand, but she ignored that and hugged me.

Ok, we're hugging. We're close.

"I hope you don't mind. I'm a hugger," she said smiling.

It took me by surprise how radiant she was. There was this positive energy coming from her. I think I wanted to marry her.

"No, no, it's fine. Just unexpected."

"Sit down, please."

I did, and we ordered some fruity shakes.

"So…," she started.

"So…," I continued awkwardly.

"I'm really glad you decided to meet with me. I know the situation is…," she was searching for the right word, "… unique."

I sighed, "Yeah, you can say that again."

I was trying to hate her. Trying to find something that is off, something I could use against her, but so far, I had nothing. She was telling me about her, about how she was a violinist, and a professional one. Then she started talking about how she meets Michael.

"Is this an uncomfortable topic for you?"

Why was she so nice, and polite? There must be something wrong with her. No one's perfect. Some of you might think, that's it's not really nice of me to try and find bad things in people but try and put yourself in my shoes. Good. After all the things I have gone through and still going, nice is not my top priority.

"No, it's fine. I mean, I didn't come here, expecting to talk about the weather."

She smiled, "It's ok if you're angry."

"About what?"

"About the wedding?"

"It is ok?" She's now an empath, as well.

"Yeah, you didn't get any closure." Yes, thank you, someone understands.

"I didn't," I just stated affirmingly.

"Do you love him still?"

"Of course, I always will. He was my first big love."

"But are you in love with him?"

I thought about it again. When she said the words 'in love', the only person I thought of was Zachary. She saw it in my eyes.

"You're in love with someone, but not Michael, aren't you?"

Man, she was lucky Zachary showed up in my life. Because, if he hadn't, I'd probably be plotting that evil plan of mine.

"Who is he?" She was sincerely curious.

"My doctor."

"Nice," she made me laugh.

"Except, he's just like any other guy. Trying to sit on both chairs at the same time."

She touched my hand, "I'm sure he'll come to his senses."

"For that, the requirement is to have some, in the first place."

"Look, I want to ask you something, and I know it might sound weird, giving we just met, but will you like to be my maid of honor?"

I found what's wrong with her. She's crazy.

"What?" I looked at her, expecting some punch line.

"Look, I don't have many friends, never had many, but I feel like I could trust you, and we could be friends. Am I wrong?"

I paused.

"Yeah, you can trust, but you do know, that friendship is like any other relationship, you have to build it."

"And I want to build it with you. "

She told me her family wanted her to travel around the world and play the violin in some famous orchestra, but she gave it all up for Michael. She wanted to marry him, and her family was, naturally, against it. Still, she moved here to marry Michael and have family with him. She was going to find a job at the music school. She also told me all her friends severed all ties with her, and she has known no friends.

I understood that. Going against everyone's desires, and following your own, can cut you off from the world. It's a lonely job.

"We can try and be friends. But baby steps. Cause, you stole my boyfriend remember," I joked, seeing her tear up a bit.

I was on my way back home when an unknown number called me.


"Hey, girl, how was the flight?"

It was Dan. I felt such happiness. It's weird how fast you can click with someone, and their voice can brighten up your day.


"In the flesh. Not in the flesh, just in the voice."

I laughed, "So, how are you?"

"Good, good. Missing you. I have no one to gossip now. Plus, the season is almost ending, so it's getting quite vacant here. How, are you?"

"Great, now that I heard your voice."

"Great. So, I was thinking…."

"Yeah," I stopped at the red light.

"I'll finish, probably in a couple of days, so I thought, if you want me, I'd love to visit you."

"Yes, absolutely. Just call me a few days before, to tell my folks, to get a room ready…."

"No, don't do that," he interrupted me, "I have a friend, close to you, who'll let me stay with him, for a couple of days."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Great then, I'll talk to you soon, then?"

"Yeah, talk to you soon."

The moment I hung up; Gina's name appeared on my phone. That means she's back in the country.

"Girl, are you back?" I screamed at her.

"You know it. I'm a bit jetlagged, so see you tomorrow?"

"Call me."

Things were looking up. Gina was back in town, Dan, my newly made friend, was going to come and visit me soon, and I held no longer any grudge for Michael and Anna. Then, why was my heart still bleeding. Zachary. Just the thought of his name, was hurting me.