Chapter 1 Part 4

"Are we almost there?" Lily asked he father. They were on their way to their new home in London.

"Almost kid. Just a little bit longer, okay?"

"Kay," she sighed. Lily's mother died when Lily was a newborn and her biological father hasn't been seen sense her mother's death. Lily was adopted by Jane and Tom Jacobs. Jane died when Lily was eight. her mother's death was caused by her house lit into flames after an argument between Lily and Jane. She still missed her mother, even though it's been almost ten years. He dad always tried to cheer her up but it never really seemed to work. While he didn't feel good about making Lily move away from her friends, he still knew it would be best for the both of them to move away from there. Bath was the place of Jane's death and just being there made them both hurt.

"How's Tyler?" Tom asked, trying to stop the silence.

"We broke up last month."

"Oh. Are you still good friends?"

"I guess so?"

Silence filled the car for a few minutes.

"What about Olivia?" Olivia was one of Lily's oldest friends. They've known each other sense they were five. She was there for Lily after the accident.

"She's good."

"Do you think she'll want to come here for Christmas? I could buy her a ticket," Tom suggested.

"Maybe. I'll ask."