Chapter 1 Part 10

When Noah entered the house and Emma saw him she got scared. She didn't like new people and two at once was even worse. Noah was terrified though, he lost all trust and thought that these people we going to turn him in. Emma calmed down and put down her butty. She walked over to Noah and Troy eager to know who this child was.

"Who are you," she said assertively but you could also hear the fear in her voice.

"Noah," he replied. His voice relaxed as he too realized Emma was scared. She turned towards Troy with a confused look on her face. She didn't want to scare Noah, he looked particularly young, so she offered his a seat at the table. Troy and Emma wanted to continue their conversation on who they both were. All they have discovered is that their parents died and that the world was not kind to them. Emma and Troy sat next to each other while Noah sat across from them.

"Where are you from?" Troy asked Noah once they all sat at the table. Noah didn't respond, he didn't want them to think badly about him. After a few seconds of waiting Emma chimed in, "Wherever it could possibly be it can't be that bad, can it?" Noah looked at her. He wanted people he could trust and he sensed something about these people, something very similar that he himself possessed. Once he realized this aura he knew who these people were. He wondered if they could also sense this.

"A lab," he whispered. Troy and Emma looked at each other, wanting to know more.

"Why?" Tory asked, hoping it was the right thing to say. Noah's eyes shot up but quickly calmed down and faced Troy. Noah knew this conversation was going to end up with him telling them that they both possessed something that the lab he escaped from desired so he tried to change the subject.

"Why are you guys staying here?" He asked but Troy and Emma refused to answer until he answered them. Noah sighed and eventually started to talk again.

"Wind," he said, half yelling at them. They didn't understand and Noah could tell. He looked down and continued explaining more.

"Wind. Its an element. My element," He said as he demonstrated, afraid they wouldn't understand any other way. Just then a gush of wind came through the cracked window. Fallen leaves, colors ranging from yellow to red, flew in shortly after. Troy and Emma were confused but not entirely supersized. Robotic humans existed in this world, along with space shuttles that can take you to anywhere across the galaxy your heart desires.

"You're the same as me," Noah said, still looking away from the two. Now he had their full attention.

"What was that?" Troy asked. Noah faced them. He now knew he needed to explain everything to them.