Chapter 1 Part 12

Lily woke up in her bed. She had no idea what had happened and couldn't really remember much. She wondered how long she had been unconscious. She tried to sit up but when she did she felt a sharp pain on her right shoulder blade. She laid back down hoping that the pain would go away but it didn't. She wondered where her dad was but she didn't have the strength to get up and look for him. Lily rolled over onto her left side and rested there for a while. The pain continued and after a few minutes, Lily felt something really hot on her back. It smelled like fire but it didn't hurt. She rolled over to see what it was but when she did, the bed caught fire. It was at this moment that she realized the fire was on her. She stopped the small fire that started on her bed and threw off her shirt hoping not to catch fire herself but when she did that all she could see was a small burn hole on the top of her shirt. At first she thought it was over but then she smelled it again. The pain was no longer there but she didn't understand how the fire could be on her skin but not hurt. She got up from her bed and went over to look in the mirror that her dad put in while she was at school. When she did, she saw the small patch on embers that stayed on her right shoulder blade and didn't spread. She tried to calm down and hoped that this was just a dream but she knew it wasn't. She went back to her bed and laid with her head in the pillow, trying not to light the bed on fire more then she already had. After a few minutes of staying like that she felt the heat go away. She brought her hand to the spot and felt nothing but a little bit of warmth there. She tried to calm down but she still had no idea what was going on and why that just happened. She got up from her bed and found a new shirt from one of her bags. She wondered where her dad was and wanted to go look for him. Lily went out of her room and looked around the house for her dad but she couldn't find him. She figured he just went to the market so she decided to take a look around town for a bit. Hoping to clear her mind of what just happened. When she put her hand on the door knob the house light red to signal an intruder had entered the house. Lily knew that most houses now had these systems but they took days to set up and she knew her dad would have been working on it for a while. She took her had off the knob and the house went back to normal. She decided maybe it was best to just stay here and wait for her dad to return so that's what she planned on doing. She decided she would unpack some of the boxes that contained the kitchen utensils but when she went over to the kitchen she realized that they had already been unpacked. She was a little confused but she didn't think much of it. She now didn't really have anything to do and so she went back into her room. She changed the sheets on her bed because she didn't feel like explaining what happened to her dad. She thew the burned shirt and sheets away and was prepared to take a short nap.