Chapter 4 part 3

"Shouldn't we just go straight to Dr. Henricks?" Emma asked.

"We can't lead her to him, besides we can't get there without Philip," Noah informed. Lily drove quickly, there was no path to follow. Angenlina was no where in sight. They preyed she hadn't caught Philip. If she did, everything would be lost.

"He would go somewhere safe that she doesn't know about but somewhere I know," Noah thought.

"And where's that?" Lily asked, taking her eyes off the road to glance in the review mirror back at Noah.

"The London Eye."

"How do you even know of that place?" asked Lily.

"There were pictures of it in the lab. Before the world lost it's sense of basic gravity. Before pieces of the earth floated in the air and sunk down low into itself. I could see the lights from my window. I watched as the wheel spun and I wished to see it someday for myself. Philip will go there, we just need to follow."

"Then we go there. You sure she wouldn't follow him there?" Lily asked.

"I'm sure."

They drove quickly until The Eye was in their grasp. There were many tourist crowded around. It made it difficult for Lily to drive. The place was packed with tourist, no sign of Philip.

"Stop the car, we'll walk," Noah decided. Lily parked the car somewhere close by. Emma grabbed a serviette from the jockey box and wrote an apology note to whoever owned their borrowed car.

"Here," Lily said as she tossed Emma £20 to leave with the note. Emma smiled as she put it on the dashboard. They all got out of the car, shuffling together to avoid the large crowd near by. It was late at night, they wondered why there were so many people. Emma knew that time didn't really matter anymore. It seemed like the days contently got shorter, the darkness was something no one could escape from. That's why the city was so bright, to keep the light when there barley was any.

Under the lights it almost looked like the middle of the day, maybe that was why everyone was here.

"Follow me," Noah said as he made his way further into the void of the crowd. The rest of them followed behind. Troy and Emma held hands so they wouldn't get separated.

They searched for hours without any signs of him. Noah started to assume the worst. He knew he wasn't dead. Ivano wouldn't kill him, he'd use him.

They started to make their way back to the car, or at least leave the place but then suddenly Noah felt a hand on his shoulder.