At that time, I was a novice in the world of journalism and therefore, I did not understand many of the things that one, as a journalist, should know or understand.
My boss had heard about a paranormal case that has Londoners scared to death and it is about a particular forest that, in the mornings, chilling screams are heard from several people who were murdered in that place in the century XVIII.
Like every boss, my boss thought that this case would be an attractive headline for the public who are fascinated to read this type of thing; So, he called a few reporters who, and me, have been working for a long time to cover the story.
He gave us all kinds of directions to cover the story well without missing anything; but, he did not tell us what to do in case of seeing a ghost or something paranormal.
I think that, he never imagined the magnitude of the terror we would experience being in that place and if he knew it, he decided not to tell us.
We had a week to fix everything for our trip and we were confident that nothing bad was going to happen to us there.
We made it to England without any problems and stayed at Ashbourne Heights Holiday Park. The attention is the best and the people who work there are all kind, respectful and attentive to one.
As we arrived a week ahead of schedule, we had time to explore England and its surroundings. We make the most of that week to buy some gifts for our family and friends and also to have fun.
We never imagined that that week would be the last week that we would all be together for the last time.
On Monday, we took our things and we were getting ready to go to the scene when, I heard a voice telling me: "Don't go because that place is cursed."
After hearing that voice, my skin crawled and I froze, not knowing what to do.
For seconds perhaps, I do not remember how long it was that I was frozen in time, I felt the soul escape from my body; time in which, I took the opportunity to meditate on what the voice had told me.
And looking back, I remember that, before making this trip, several acquaintances of mine told me not to do this trip, because they had heard that, in that place, there were ghosts all over the place and that no one dared to enter because of to the ghosts who couldn't rest in peace.
When I came to, I decided to tell my colleagues about it and have them decide what to do about it; but their reactions were different from what I was expecting because they decided to laugh about what I had told them and they told me that I had made up all that so that they would not cover the story and that I was left with the applause and with all the recognitions.
Their reaction made me upset a lot because I am not that type of person and I was also hurt by their reaction.
During the journey from the hotel to the forest that these paranormal things were happening and that we had to cover the news, I decided not to think about what happened and contemplate the beautiful view that I had in front of me and that I was missing it by thinking about it. incident.
I was at peace with myself because, I had told them what happened to me and they simply decided to ignore what I had told them.
We arrived at the forest and began to lower everything to cover the news that caused a stir among us, the journalists and panic among the inhabitants of that place.
As we were walking into the forest, I felt a dense environment, I felt like I was short of air and we all heard screams, coming from the forest.
Those screams were from people about to die and the spectators, watching everything. At that time, no one could further deny what we had heard; but, they decided again, to ignore what they had heard and decided to enter.
For my part, I couldn't help myself with the fear I felt, that I decided not to go into the forest. When my colleagues found out that I did not want to go in, they called my boss who ordered me to go into the forest to cover the story and if I didn't, to consider me fired.
I thought to myself that this is the typical threat that all bosses use when employees do not want to do something they know is wrong; but, they have to do it and if they don't, the consequence is immediate dismissal.
Faced with that threat, I had no choice but to go with my companions into the forest.
Nobody wanted to accompany us, due to the fear they felt and they begged us not to enter the forest because, once inside, we did not leave alive.
While they were telling us that, I felt a strange chill run through my entire body.
All my coworkers dragged me into the forest and against my will, I had to follow them into the forest.
I remember it was ten in the morning when we entered the forest. As we were walking into the forest, we saw shadows all over the place and heard screams as well.
But those screams managed to make my hair stand on end because they were heartbreaking screams.
While we were setting up everything to begin with the report, the screams became more and more heartbreaking and one by one of my colleagues, they began to disappear.
When all this began, it was already noon and to be that time, the sun was not visible. At the same time, we felt like they were whispering to us; But, it was not seen who because, there was nobody near us.
Suddenly, we saw someone with a sword who began to follow us. Scared to death, we started running for our lives, leaving everything in place.
While we were running, more of my companions were disappearing and in a strange way because, not even screams were heard; far from it, struggle from nowhere.
As we were running, we were hearing voices that told us things like, for example: "You are going to keep us company" or "This happens to you for not listening to the warnings" and after that, they began to laugh, which made us more afraid.
We really felt that we were not going to leave that place because, each time, we saw the possibility of getting out alive more distant.
Suddenly, we saw how a tree was going to fall right where we were and at that moment, we began to acquire more speed to run because we did not want that tree to crush us.
Not all were so lucky because, for the most part, they were crushed by that tree.
It was four in the afternoon, when we saw several people seeing how some hooded people were preparing to behead the people who were in the middle of them.
At that time, we felt that we could not breathe, I cannot say for sure if it was because of the dense air or because of the slim chances of getting out of there alive.
The beheading, we found it chilling; but, more chilling was, what came next: while we were watching that, we heard all kinds of screams, one more chilling than others and how they breathed into our necks.
As if all that tension were not enough, we felt like they hugged us; but, there was no one behind us and we felt very cold.
On the other hand, we heard someone say the following: "They can run, but they will never get out of here" and everyone laughed so hard that they managed to make us more nervous than we already were.
When we were determined to get out of there, running, we couldn't because, we didn't feel our bodies.
Suddenly, we couldn't see anything because, they had blinded us and I don't know how they did it.
The feeling of not seeing made us feel helpless, uncontrolled and we lost our strength, will and desire to survive.
For the first time in our lives, we put ourselves in the shoes of all those people who cannot see and the feeling was of total helplessness.
I could not see anything, other than hear the screams of my companions and like them, they were begging not to be killed.
When I regained my sight, I was alone in my hotel room; but, without my co-workers, or college.