It is an exploit

Both Vardus and ingus were staring amazed to the fabulous place. Shining with so much positive energy.

Ingus: " did you made all of this by yourself ? "

Hordward: " yeah sure I did "

Vardus: " you must be kidding me?! Just how long do you go out to have been able to build all of this ? "

Hordward: " hm... pretty much every day since my ninth anniversary. Believe it or not it wasn't as difficult as you may think it was..."

Vardus: ( looking away while crossing his arms) " surely when it is about you, nothing is impossible. You're a mystery to existence! "

Ingus: " so you built that hut up there alone, but how ? "

Hordward: " yep, I learned it from a book I've borrowed in the library, that hut is pretty much the thing that is taking me so long "

Ingus: " wait, are you saying that it isn't finish yet ? But it looks already so cool... I really wanted to go up there ... that's boring!"(disappointed)

Vardus: " the real thing, I mean the true surprise is that you've got to the library and you read a book, ... have you bumped yourself or something ? "

Hordward: " haha, I know it might be surprising but yes I got to the library more often than you think I do , smartass. "

Ingus: " and the lake, has it always been here or ..."

Vardus: " no way..." (confused)

Hordward: " that small lake, I brought it here "

Vardus: " Hord, what do you mean by 'brought it here' ?" (Giving a scared and confused look to Hordward who is smiling proudly)

Hordward: " do you know about irrigation? "

Vardus: " wait, you aren't telling me that ..."

Hordward: (laughing) " yes, I did !" (Proudly smiling with closed eyes and hands on his hips)

Vardus: " wh-what?! But it is impossible..." (so confused that he is putting his hand on his head try to comprehend how unbelievable Hordward's sayings are)

Ingus: " Vardus, you look astonished... why are you overreacting ? I may not know what irrigation is, but I do know that if Hordward managed to build a hut so great alone and in a tree, surely that irrigation stuff hadn't be as hard as well for him, don't you agree?"

Vardus: (getting completley mad) "Ingus,... you don't seem to understand! Irrigation itself is not the real matter, the problem is how he did it, to irrigate you need a water point...but the closest is ... 2 miles away... so I am confused by the fact that a nine year old managed to do that...alone!"

Hordward: " if it can clarify a little bit your mind, I haven't done this at 9 but at 11 years..."

Vardus: " think that changes anything?" (Completley disturbed by all this)

Ingus: " Hordward, I think Vardus is going to have a heart attack..." (while looking at Vardus with a worrying look)

Hordward: " huh no, he is just fine, for me he is as usual " (laughing)

Vardus: " (*thinking loudly*) no it can't be...a hut, ok?! Maybe? But a lake?! Haha it is impossible?! I'm not crazy,right? Hahaha"

Ingus: (now staring with fear at Vardus who is completley mind broken) " huh...I'm not really sure he is as fine as you think he is..."

Hordward: " hm..."

Hordward gently placed Ingus on the ground before going to the lake just few steps away.

Ingus: " Hord, what are you doing?"

Vardus: (still in dementia) " haha! Science is clear about that, it is impossible! But vardus there is magic in this world...yes but Hord is still a novice, he can't create a lake?!..."

Hordward: " Ingus, I'm going to wash his mind off "

Ingus: " (wash his mind off ?! What did he mean?) "