It's a new day, get up!

King's POV

(Huh, I can rest a little now) As I was heading to my room, I met someone on the way.

King: " hm, hey Sara what are doing this late?" (Looking at a young female brown bear pretty toned, training)

Sara: ( stopping her training)

" huh...oh your majesty, I am just training, you know I have my first assignation tomorrow..."(while bowing)

King: " oh I see that, but it is because you have it tomorrow that you have to rest, right?"

Sara: (getting up)" you are right your majesty, I'll take some rest. I will be on my way then. Goodnight your majesty"

King: " Goodnight young general, oh and don't forget tomorrow morning..."

Sara: " sure your majesty, it's training day for him"

The young general Sara left the place after a quick bow.

Sure thing, this night was a long one. All our heroes now are resting peacefully, tomorrow will be the beginning of the new life of Ingus.

As the night was fading, the sun began to rise. The birds singing on the trees and the smooth warmth of the sun, were gently waking up Ingus for a new day to begin.

Ingus's POV

(Birds singing). Hordward's snoring fading away. I was getting up and began to stretch a little. (Aww...I can't wait to go visit the town). I turned back and saw Hord still sleeping. (He really is not gonna wake up now...). As I was thinking, I heard my stomach growling. Then I heard the door opening and saw Vardus staying there looking at me like he was going to have a heart attack. I walk towards him and heard him say.

Vardus: " wait, can you..."(interrupted by Ingus)

Ingus: " don't know, I just did it last night" (with his stomach still growling)

Vardus: (chuckles)" o-okay that's nice, well, shall we go to take breakfast?"

Ingus: "yeah but Hord is..."(looking amused at Hordward)

Vardus: " still sleeping like a log, so this time he chose to sleep with you...(sigh)...anyway if we wait we are going to die from starvation" (laughing a little)

Ingus: " hm, okay, let's go then "

Vardus and Ingus left the room and headed to the lunch room. The room was big, walls were made of wood as long as the floor.

In the center, a long table covered with a white tablecloth on which many plates covered by sliver bells.

All of that dressed in a high prestigious way. There was another door leading to the kitchen.

Vardus and Ingus sat next to each other on the chairs around the table and began to remove the bells.

Many good plates were revealed, natural juices, fruits, bread, cheese, ham and jam. Ingus's eyes were wide opened.

Ingus: (looking at the food, not knowing where to begin)" looks so good"

Vardus: " haha, it is , you can eat as much as you want"

Ingus: " wait how many people do eat at this table ?"

Vardus: " 4, but with you now it's 5" ( while taking some bread and butter making sandwiches with ham)

Ingus: " father, Hord, you and me, who is the last person?"

As ingus finished to state his question, vardus and him heard a loud howl of pain.

Ingus: " huh, Vardus wasn't that..."

Vardus: (even not bothering )" Hordward?, yes it is..." (while taking a bite of his bread)

Ingus: " shouldn't we care ?"

Vardus: "nope, it is just Sara who just woke him up for his daily training "(eating happily with as smirk)

Ingus: " wait, what?! Sara?daily training? Who is that? What do you mean?(looking confused at Vardus)