
Ingus's POV

I followed Vardus through the bookshelves halls and we reached a place wide open with a table at the center. Vardus asked me to sit while he will go and take the books he wanted me to read. I took a sit and began to wait for him, still wondering what's Hordward doing.

Hordward's POV

(*heavy pant*) " can't you go easy on me? (*pant*)I just woke up, Sara!" (While running towards her at full speed in order to punch her)

Sara: (*dodging every single blow*)

" no young prince, you have to train hard for you will have to be the king some day"

Hordward: (*casting an illusion spell which made a clone of himself*)

" it's not that sure, shouldn't Vardus be the king? As he is so-told to be a genius!" (While running towards Sara along with his clone)

The clone jumped at Sara who dodged easily by moving to his side. Then she kicked him in the belly while he was still in mid-air.

He then got projected to the sky before disappearing. Hordward took that opportunity to get himself behind Sara and grabbed her by the waist before trying to put the she-bear down.

Sara instantly blocked the projection and locked Hordward's head between her right arm and her right side's torso. Eventhough Sara is a 6 feet tall she-bear, Hordward and his 5 feet 2 managed to deal the heights difference to his advantage.

When Sara locked his head, Hordward left her waist and used her locking arm as a tool to move infront of her. She losed her grab, then he grabbed her head and jumped before rotating forward which made Sara to get thrown.

All these by the help of magic enhancement's spell he used before attacking. Hordward then got himself closer to Sara still on the ground before using again his illusion spell to make a medium-sized dragon which put its big paw on Sara's back so that she couldn't move.

Hordward: (*pant*) " now (*pant*) you're trapped, I can ...I (*pant*) go..."

Sara was about to destroy the dragon when he suddenly faded away. Sara then got up.

Sara: " you..." (stopped to see Hordward falling from fatigue)

Sara caught Hordward before he fell.

Sara: " I already told you, not to overdo yourself by creating so complex and advanced illusions "

Hordward: (slowly opening his eyes)" I-I won..."

Sara: " yes you did,...take some rest now (he...summoned a level 4 illusion...he really is strong, he will be really strong when he will be older...I am proud of you Hord...)"

With that said, Hordward fell asleep between Sara's arms. Sara brought him to the nearest bench and laid him there. She then left the room, leaving Hordward sleeping.

Ingus's POV

After a bit, Vardus came back with some books. Those books were different from those on the bookshelves. They were dark-red with dark edges, the writings were golden. He then dropped them infront of me.

Ingus: " huh, Vardus, how long did it took you to..."

Vardus: " 3 hours"

Ingus: " okay, 11 books in 3 hours...sounds impossible "(sighing)

Vardus: " Actually there is a twelfth one, but we need to be adults to read it"

Ingus: " why's that?"

Vardus: (embarrassed)" never mind, you can start reading. I'll be next to you, reading some book too."

Ingus: " okay..."

Ingus took the first book and began to read. Each book was as big as his own head.

Eventhough book's cover page's writings weren't understandable by humans, as it was in Walcs's language, Ingus was able to read (" Terramas"). ("I wonder what does that mean?")

Meanwhile Uriel just took a book from her bag and began to read it.

Master's POV

("Oh , the youth, so fascinating. So young but still so passionate about reading. Ingus, a human child, I wonder what's going on with Ardaemon ") I was heading to my place when I saw a door opening. Ardaemon got out, looking annoyed.

Master: " what makes you feel so grumpy on this beautiful day"(saying this with a worry tone)

King: " huh...hey master, longtime not see. I was expecting you to come in a month or so."( while hugging the master and wagging his tail)