King's POV
As I regained my sight, I turned my head to the right to see Sara shining brightly while closing the distance with the Dark sentinel in a blink of an eye, she grabbed it by the hand holding Uriel.
As she grabbed it, the Dark sentinel let go Uriel who was going to fell but got intercepted in the air by Hordward.
I then saw Sara used the same technique she used against the Volkarmor, she grabbed the Dark sentinel arm with her legs and did a rotation to send the Dark sentinel flying towards me. In a short instant, I caught it by its back with one hand crushing his bones using my strength and throwing it violently on the ground as it screamed in pain.
As we were all done with the Dark sentinel, it was slowly regenerating, Sara jumped really high and landed a serious punch using her Earth magic, an orange magical circle appeared around the Dark sentinel then Sara moved back as the circle made a vertical blast annihilating the Dark sentinel.
Everyone was shocked...
I quickly then turned to see Irka'an who was distracted by the event not seeing what Ingus was about to do.
I froze at the sight, Ingus used his feet to break Irka'an left knee, as Irka'an lost his balance, Ingus reached with his right feet the hand holding the dagger making it flew up. Ingus facial expression remained cold during that action.
As Ingus made the dagger no more danger, he used his left free arm to grab Irka'an by the neck the used his right leg to grab by its rear edge, Irka'an abdomen right side and used his weight to make Irka'an fall easily due to his broken left knee. As Irka'an fell on his stomach, his head smashing the ground in a thud sound, Ingus catched the dagger falling in midair and pointed it at Irka'an neck's. Everything was so fast Vardus didn't have the time to blink. Then Ingus said " do I have to end him Father?"
King's POV
I saw the scene to be out of normal. Ingus looked at me while crushing Irka'an left arm on his back while pointing a dagger at a fair distance from his neck.
Ingus voice wasn't different from usual, still so soft and calm, he harbored a sad expression on his face.
King: " no Ingus, that's enough"
Ingus moved away from Irka'an as he was told to.
Vardus's POV
I was still shocked(" how did he did that?!") I approached Ingus as I put back my own dagger.
Vardus: " I-Ingus, h-how did..."(*interrupted by Ingus*)
Ingus: " oh you mean how I neutralize Master Irka'an, well quite simple, I used what I learned here" (*reaching inside his clothe to get a book, the same that was on the shelf in his bedroom*)
Vardus: " that's...that's..."(*interrupted by the king*)
King: " my notes on fighting learned them and used them as well as I do if not better...Ingus, you are..."
Ingus: " have I done something wrong?" (*looking down sad*)
Aldea: " not at all, young are indeed his majesty's son. You might become a great warrior some day"
Hordward then ran towards Ingus after leaving Uriel to Sara, he reached Ingus and hugged him tightly.
Hordward: " Ingus, I am so sorry, I should have remained by your side, I am so sorry "
Ingus: " it's okay, I am fine"
Hordward: " you are quite learned Father's fighting skills in what some hours and you didn't practice "
Ingus: " I told you i was going to defeat you"(*laughing*)
Hordward then let Ingus go, as Ingus was laughing, the king approached him and got at his level. "Ingus, I am proud of you, get over here" he then hugged tightly Ingus who hugged back.
Sara's POV
As I was besides Uriel slowly catching her breath again, I saw that young wolf i never saw before, I heard him to be the king's son. I didn't know that the king had one more son.
Sara: " Uriel, are you okay? I am sorry, give me a moment "
I was getting up and activated my magic, I shouted " hey, young sure are a good fighter, get here I wanna test you"
King: " Sara, behave it's not the moment for ..."
Ingus: " I accept you challenge but at one condition "
Vardus: " oh boy..."(*facepalming*)
Hordward: " what are you doing Ingus?!"(*worried*)
As ingus was walking towards me, I saw the determination in his eyes.
Sara: " brave one, what is your condition?"
Ingus: " if I win, you will train me too as you do with Hordward. I learned from what happened with your fights that you can be a great source of fighting knowledge."
Sara: " good by me, is the king okay with the fight?"
King: " are you sure of what you are about to do Ingus"
Ingus: " I learned there were so many people who died from the Darkness, I witnessed it before my eyes, I want to become end this suffering "(*looking fiercely at the King then at Sara*)
King: " are Hordwarding...well I won't hold you..."
Ingus: " Thanks father..."
Aldea: " this is going to be interesting..."(*sitting comfortably *)