Ingus's POV
I was congratulated by all when I heard the door opening. I turned back to see an unfamiliar face.
It was a tall walc a bit slender with some gray and white fur, he was wearing a silver armor so I understood he was probably a knight.
He approached us with a sad look upon his face and his ears down. Once at our level, he got on one knee bowing his head. Then said " your highnesses, my Commander, the King want all of you to get clean and go to the Albrak"
Vardus: " Rise Elonidas, we understood, tell Father we will be on our way as soon as possible."
Elonidas: " understood "
Soon Elonidas got out, followed by Sara who needed to get ready for that as well and Hordward said something.
Hordward: " I guess it might again be a dead knight"
Ingus:(*with a worried expression*)" a dead?"
Vardus: " yes...the Albrak is the place where Father announces the death of someone important such as a general, a commander or...a royal"(*saddened*)
Ingus: " hey vardus, are you okay? You seem to be really affected..."
Hordward: (*with a blank face*) " the last time Father got on the was to announce my...mother's death...the Queen Dyriss Ardeamon"
In an instant I felt my stomach twist violently. ("so his mother...was dead. Then the lady walc I saw was...a ghost?!"). I began to feel a bit uneased by all that. Vardus was looking at me with worrisome.
Vardus: " you're okay? You look pale..."(*putting his hand on Ingus shoulder*)
Ingus: " it's okay...I just need some time to understand everything"
Hordward: " well, we should head to the bathroom then"
Ingus: " yeah"
Vardus: " then we will have to wear our Albrakonis"
Ingus: " ..."(*rather lost*)
Vardus: " those are royal clothes for that event, to express our sadness to the civilians"
Ingus: " ... I see"(*still confused by the revelation about the queen's death*)
Our heroes then headed towards the bathroom. In the other part of the castle, Sara was walking towards her room when she heard someone sobbing.
Sara's POV
I heard someone sobbing so I instantly ran towards its origin. I was now approaching a familiar room. This was Master Irka'an room's, but the sobbing seemed rather feminine. I got closer to the door and knocked a bit. The sobs stopped for an instant then continued.
Sara: " everything okay in there?"
Then I heard a familiar voice, it was Uriel.
Uriel: " fine..."(*in a muffled tone*)
Sara: " Uri, it's me, Sara, can I come in?"(*with a worried tone*)
Uriel: " ...yes..."(*sniffing*)
I opened the door to see a rather big room, the walls were hidden by several plans explaining the creation of some medecins and artifacts.
The room was a bit dusty and messy for there was a lot of paperwork on the golden table a the right edge of the room as long as on the bed...and right there, in front of the wooden bed, on one the silver edges used as bed supports, was crooked a female walc frame, smaller than was obviously Uriel.
I recognized her fragrance remembering me of the full moon night in her garden full of Ukhromas, her favorite flower. A flower that is said to be the tears of the moon, as their color, a dark blue for the petals matched the night sky and the center of the flower which blooms only during night was sliver colored, shining brightly like thousands of moons and spreading a gentle perfume who eases minds.
I approached Uriel and sat beside her, her face was in her hands and her knees brought upon herself. She was wearing a blue silk dress covering most of her legs despite her posture and a white long hood which she lowered.
Sara: " hey Uri, what's wrong?" (*putting an arm around her friend shoulder *)
Uriel rose her head to face Sara, tears in her eyes and her snout wet. Sara couldn't help but notice something wrong with the sudden sadness of her friend, she knew Uriel was always the happy ball full of energy whenever she was around, and even when the world was trying to put her down, she was always smiling and saying "why should I be sad of when the light of my heart shines so bright...".
Sara: " hey..."(*wiping her friend's tears*)
Uriel: " S-Sara...(*sobbing*)...My father...he is...(*bursting into tears*) dead..."
Sara: (*shocked but now understanding the Albrak*) " I am...sorry Uri...w-what happened...?!"(*not really expecting an answer*)
Uriel: " The king...told me he was killed... by the Darkness..."(*still crying on her friend's embrace*)
Sara: (*hugging Uriel*) " shhh...I can stay here with you, if you want...i don't want you to stay alone during this...i know how hard it can be to lose family..."
Not even giving a second thought nor a word, Uriel nodded within the embrace.
Sara: " it's okay Uri...It's okay...he is fine where he is, I am sure..." (*knowing what might have happened*)
After a while, the civilians were gathering outside the palace, at a certain place. The guards were leading them to the Albrak. Soon after that, the elders were also escorted to the place.
Everyone was confused and scared about the soon declaration as the last Albrak was a while ago. The civilians were forming a huge crowd in this open space part of the castle.
Guards were surrounding the crowd. Generals, commanders at least the present ones as Sara and the elders were sitting around a table so was Uriel who looked sad but a bit better as she was sitting next to her friend at the left side of the golden podium in front of the crowd.
At the right of the podium, the princes were sitting nervously, they were wearing the Albrakonis which was a black tunic with the kingdom armorial bearings silver colored, and thin silver bands on the sleeves, one on each and the same bands on the sides of the trouser composing the Albrakonis.
The crowd was loud as panic began to rise inside the lines. The guards were also a bit disconcerted by the situation.
As the noise began to be really unbearable, the single golden door behind the podium opened, and from the dark, a tall frame began to appear. Sounds of his heavy steps silencing the people around. First a golden armor boot then another one, followed by golden armlets ended by golden gauntlets fitting perfectly, then a golden breastplate with silver out edges and the kingdom symbol engraved in the center.
Soon the entire frame of who is supposedly the King appeared, his Dark fur perfectly matching the golden armor. He was showing his respect by wearing the Royal armor, he looked mighty to the point that not birdsong could be heard.
He walked towards the center of the podium and all those who were sitting got up. He then said "Alve Da'ak ..." the crowd and the others continued with " Daem Abro'al".
That exact sentence which meant "To the Worthy, A place in heaven" was announcing the Albrak. The king then cleared a bit his throat before saying in a sad tone and deep voice " I, the King of Walc, Aka'os Ardeamon on the behalf of all my predecessors has the heavy duty to announce with a deep regret...(*looking at Uriel who just nodded tears forming in her eyes*)...the death of one If not the most respectable walc I have ever had the chance to know, Irka'an Val'Omek...he was a great mentor but also my best friend. He was a Father for Uriel despite normally being her grandfather...he cared a lot for everyone within this kingdom. I want us all to express our thanks, not only for him but also for his precious Uriel..." with that the king inhaled so did every walc and then the king Howled deeply, his howl was calm yet strong, it was appeasing.
Soon everyone joined the howl. After seconds of howling, everyone lowered its head for a minute then rose it as the King said a tear forming in his left eye " Alve Da'ak Daem Abro'al Irka'an..."