Her Responsibilities (Babu)

With a sense of relief and wonder, Lezlie, Mila, and I arrived safely at the Sea Kingdom, much to our amazement. The breathtaking view before us was simply magnificent, and we couldn't help but stare in awe. Once we got out of the carriage, we made our way towards the castle, which was heavily guarded by soldiers stationed in every nook and cranny. As we walked, I noticed the soldiers eyeing Lezlie and me with suspicion, creating an eerie atmosphere that made me feel uneasy.

Suddenly, An unfamiliar voice interrupted our thoughts, and we turned to see one of the soldiers approaching us with a worried expression. "Princess Mila, we are honored to see you again," he said. "We heard reinforcements were attacked. I hope you are okay."

Mila reassured him, "Thank you, Luyi, I'm fine. These people saved me."

Luyi nodded sympathetically, "And the reinforcements, Princess Mila?"

Mila's face fell as she replied, "Unfortunately, they failed. I'm sorry."