The Battle Ships

As the king was about to finish his speech, a soldier suddenly entered the room. He was gasping for breath, had something important to tell, and he just started waiting there. He was putting his hand on his knee, and was desperately trying to regain his breathing to tell us something. It took us a little while to understand. But when the soldier finally moved, after a few deep breaths, he lifted his head wearily from the floor, and spoke in a weary tone,

"Sir! A ship is approaching the palace from the west at high speed!" The soldier thundered, still shaking with fear.

But the king didn't seem pleased. On the contrary, he got irate about the cut in his speech and decided to shout back at the soldier.

"For an ordinary ship!-"

"No, sir! It's not an ordinary ship! This is a ship supported by fire, and its sails are dark! It has those symbols on it. Just like you said!"