Until The Tournament

Our path was clear now, but the soldiers behind us seemed relentless in their pursuit. Despite the distance between us, it wouldn't take them long to catch up at this speed. We had to get out of town without attracting attention. When we all regrouped, Lezlie had an idea.

"We could use that carriage," she said excitedly, pointing at a nearby carriage.

The haystacks in the back of the carriage indicated that her plan made sense. Lezlie wasn't suggesting we drive the carriage and flee; instead, she proposed we hide in it and leave town unnoticed. Time was of the essence, so we quickly climbed into the huge haystacks in the back of the carriage. Fortunately, the driver was fast asleep on his seat.

As we settled into our hiding spots among the hay, my hand accidentally jostled the driver awake. He started driving the carriage immediately, clearly having dozed off during his delivery. The horses picked up speed and soon we were out of town.