Father Of Swords; Samurai Leader (Hiroshi)

Everywhere I looked, there were blood and bodies. My brother and I, who had been together since the start of the war, fought back to back. Unlike me, my brother no longer used traditional weapons. Instead, he wielded a large shield and fought with a metal arm. I could see how the years had changed him, but the look in his eyes was new to me. He had a purpose for fighting here, but it seemed like there was something more driving him.

Without speaking, we continued to fend off incoming enemies of all shapes and sizes. A voice inside me urged us to stay behind and support the soldiers, but my brother insisted on moving forward. As his brother, I followed him.

At our final position, we found hundreds of fallen soldiers and one man standing before them. This man had destroyed our village years ago, killed our family, and separated me from my brother. 

This person was the leader of the samurai clan.