The Clash Of Two Monsters (Ryuu)

I finally managed to reach the battlefield with my dragon. Leaving my comrades behind, I flew towards the fourth epic. Right behind it was the infamous beast.

When dealing personally with the fourth epic, the dragon could also respond to the beast. Only then could we bring certainty to this battle. I knew the Fourth Epic was powerful, but I had never fought him in close combat before.

As I left my comrades, I ascended towards the clouds and unleashed the dragon's fire upon the enemy army, buying us some time.

Before the beast could fire its plasma at us again, we rose above the clouds and flew at great speed with powerful flaps of the dragon's wings.

Atop the clouds, the monster blindly shot plasma breath at us. We managed to dodge some of its beams with swift maneuvers. But the plasmas kept coming.

When we were close enough to the enemy, ı signaled to the dragon and dove under the clouds.