The Sand And Ice Duel (Wedan)

In the face of an impending massive attack, I tried to protect the others by using my ice powers. However, as a result of the collision of our forces, part of the palace collapsed and we were all scattered. It was a much stronger response than I expected.

After the attack, while the paladins were leaving for the others, one of them put pressure on my ice and dragged me down to the dungeons at the bottom of the palace. When I reached the dungeons, I had a hard fall and my ice shield shattered.

As I tried to get up, the paladin who dragged me down appeared in front of me. He was fast and somehow appeared as a result of grains of sand coming together. I had never encountered such a trait before and it was quite obvious that he was not of my lineage. I started thinking about the mutants my friends had mentioned as enemies. Maybe the paladin was a mutant.