Space Away From You

My mind is out into space

      A space of relentless thoughts

          Drowning from the inside

               But able to smile on the outside.

I am here and I am not

      Like I am the stars in the sky but you can only see the clouds.

I could be a comet crashing landing but you wouldn't know seeing the clouds.

It doesn't matter how happy I am

Sadness always finds it's way back

At the end of the day.

It was the best moment with the best friends

I enjoy it like sweet chocolate cake,

Like it could be the last day on earth.

Depression takes apart the cake piece by piece

It feels blurred like the cake got turned into liquid.

It gets replaced by flashbacks and trauma.

It sucks I never got to relish the cake even though

I was there...

But at the same time

I wasn't there.