Vampire's Day

When I arrived at my new school, the school was decorated in vampire decorations. I whispered to myself "wow this place really likes creepy things." I see this poster on the wall but I couldn't finish reading it cause I bumped into this girl. She has red hair and hazel eyes. I say "oops sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." She turns to face me and say "Sorry? That's not enough for bumping into me." I reply "Well I'm new and I was just distracted and how is sorry not enough for you." "Do you expect me to bow down and beg for forgiveness." Everyone looks at me and starts whispering. The red head goes to my face and says in my ear " You just made yourself an enemy. Watch your back new girl." She walks away and I yell "My name isn't new girl it Dawn!" She turns and grunts in frustration. I laugh and then I start walking to my locker. When I shut my locker close I jumped. There was a girl in front of my face. She had brown hair in 2 ponytails and wore glasses over her brown eyes and has a birthmark on her face. She says " Hi. I'm Charm. Charm Garcia." "Its a pleasure to meet you Charm. I'm Dawn McAllister. I just moved here." "Cool. So where'd you move from." "Oh. I used to live in Arizona." "That's so cool. I've always wanted to see Arizona but I'm stuck here." "Wow! So you're saying that you've been here forever." "Yeah, I memorized every important place here and I visited each place." I just stood there dumbfounded. She looks at me and apologizes. "No its okay." I say. "Really"? she replies. I nod my head. The bell rings and we walk together. As I enter the classroom the red head eyes me with her hazel eyes. Charm notices and asks " Why is she staring at you like that?" I don't know? Maybe cause I told her off outside of school when I bumped into her." Charm looked at me with a weird face. "What?" She says " The girl you bumped into was Ember Wilson. Her mom works for the government , but there is a rumor that her mom does more than just working in the government." I lean in closer to her so I can here what she has to say but then the bell rings and we rush to our seats. 30 minutes pass by and the bell rings . I walk down the hallway and Charm comes up to me. "Hey!" Hey Dawn! I didn't get to finish telling you the rumor." "Oh, you can tell me now." "So the rumor says that Ember's mom doesn't only work for the government but that she hunts and kills vampires." I burst out laughing and tears come out my eyes. "Haha, good one Charm. We all know that vampires aren't real. That's all just fiction." "But Dawn didn't you see the poster outside?" "I did, but I couldn't finish reading it cause I bumped into Ember." "Well the poster clearly says that today is Vampire's day." "What in the chicken nuggets is that day?" "Its the day where vampire's come out and hunt and since its a blood moon tonight all the vampires go crazy for their thirst for blood. Once a vampire bites you your immediately a vampire." "Okay." I say with doubt. "You'll learn more about it in history class" says Charm. The bell rings and I get to class.

*Meanwhile in the Bran Castle*

*Knocks on door* Sir Damien? Your father wishes to see you. I'll be there in a hurry Missus Mia. The maid leaves from the door and continues to do her work. "Uggh what does the old man want now?" I run to where my father is and say " You asked for me father ?" Yes I did." " Well as you know tonight is the blood moon." Yes I do father." "And since its your first night we are going to have a party in celebrance of that." WHAT!?!?!?!" "Yes you heard me. Your entire family will be here so get ready." I left the room without saying word. I was angry at my father because I do not want a party and cause I don't want to see my cousin Elizabat. She is the worst cousin. This one year we were playing outside with a ball and then Elizabat threw the ball but missed and it hit the window. My father came out and asked who broke the window. Elizabat says it was me and my father believed her. Every time she came over she would do something bad and blame it on me or my brother. I go to the ballroom and everything is prepared for the party.

*Night falls and its time for the party and the guest arrive*

I got ready in my room and my younger brother Drake calls me to go downstairs. I go downstairs and everyone looks at me. I hear murmurs and whispers of people saying "This is Damien? He looks so different." "Wow Damien blossomed into a handsome young man." The music starts playing and I walk around. I bumped into my cousin Elizabat. "Oh sorry Elizabat. I didn't see you there." " Nah its okay Dami." She pats my head and messes up hair. "Stop, and don't call me Dami." I brush my hair back in place. "Hey Damien?" "What is it Elizabat?" "I'm sorry for what happened when we were kids." "The reason I lied cause I was trying to not get in trouble." "Okay so why are you telling me this now?" "Damien can we just call it truce." I thought for a second *Maybe she changed* "Okay we can call it truce."

*4 hours before the party* *With Dawn*

Uggh, finally school is over. "Yeah, I was really hoping for it to end cause I wanted to go home and read my new book. Its called mystery love at wall street" "Oh that's cool. But I gotta get home. Bye Charm." "Bye Dawn." I walk out of the school and I am nearing my house till Ember comes up to me. "Hey you." Yes Amber." "My name is EMBER!!" "Whatever." I continue walking but then I feel someone tug on my hair. "Hey what gives ?!" "I told you to watch your back new girl." As soon as I can respond she throws me to the floor and then I pass out. When I wake up I had a concussion on the back of my head and then I look at the sky and it was getting dark. I got up and walked all the way home. When I opened the door my mother saw my concussion and helped me to my room and bandaged my head. I fell asleep for a long time.

*Back at the party with Damien*

The party lasted til the blood moon came. My father announced "The time has come my family to come and hunt for fresh blood. Everyone cheered. Then the blood moon came and everyone's eyes turned red. Soon it hit me. A sudden thirst for blood. Soon everyone was leaving the castle in search for some blood. I followed them till I smelt a nice scent of blood. I belonged to a dog. I drank the blood and went to search for more. Then I smelt a blood that belonged to a human girl. I flew to the house and saw a tasty looking neck. I opened the window quietly and quietly came closer to her. Then she turned around and I saw her face. She was kinda cute. I tried once again to drink her blood but then I got scared when she moaned in her sleep.

*Dawns pov*

I felt like I slept for years. I tossed and turned in my sleep and then felt a hot breath on my neck. I moaned cause it bothered me. I heard something move and that woke me up. I looked around my room but I saw nothing.I closed my eyes and then I felt that hot breath on me.

*Cliffhanger. Sorry guys but I have homework to do. Anyways I hope you liked it. Ch.3 will be posted as soon as I finish my science. In return I'll give you 1 line from Ch.3

Here's the sneak peak of Ch.3

" His red glowing eyes faced me. He slammed me on the wall and his fangs were ready to drink my blood. I was terrified. He leaned in closer but I was in for a surprise."