- "Clay Adams is my son."-

"So you're telling me, Anastasia's cousin wants to come work at Twisted Hollows for a new reputation because our mansion is the only one with open applications? And she's doing this because she's trying to teach Anastasia and Ryder a lesson...?", Esma paused.

Blade nodded. "I wish you could understand...", he mumbled. "Understand...? Understand, what?", Esma asked.

"I want to be free. Being an assassin is fucking terrifying. I may seem tough in every way, except for the way I look, but I just...I can't go anywhere without being looked at. People fucking cover their kids eyes when I pass by! I just can't do anything.", he sniffled.

"Well....be free".

Esma took his hand and threw him out of the room then locked the door from inside. She untied Anastasia and Ryder and tried to wake them up.

Iris came out of the darkness and pushed Esma up against the wall. "If you hurt me...you'll have to deal with a whole generation taking you to jail.", Esma grunted as Iris choked her.

"Fucking die already!", Iris shouted.

Next thing they know it, Darby and Blade knocked down the door. Iris threw Esma at them.

Ryder and Anastasia began to wake up. "What...? Where are we?! Anastasia?!", Ryder panicked. Darby and Esma kneeled down, helping them up, as Blade dealt with Iris.

"Don't fucking touch me, I swear to God! I'll kill you! I can sue you, trust me! You'll be dead!", Iris threatened as Blade escorted her out of the Cloud Nine mansion.

Anastasia put her hand on her forehead. "Ow. What happened to us?", she asked. "We will explain in a little bit, miss. But for now, it would be best if you two took a little break for a couple of minutes before attending to the ball.", Darby said. "The ball! I totally forgot!", Anastasia gasped. "I have to go, I-",

Ryder held her hand. "Anastasia. Calm down.".

Back at the ball:

Adelaide sat on the staircase, outside, to the ballroom, smoking. Evie and Amanita came outside and sat next to her. "What do you guys want? Are you guys apart of that little façade with my son?", Adelaide asked.

"Son? Well, who's your son?", Evie asked. "You're going to send me a hate wave, but...I'm just going to explain before I tell you anything. I faked my death. I did this so I could get out of my queen role. The attention was too much. It was too much for me so...I-I ran away. And I feel so, so, incredibly stupid for putting it in my son's hands. And he's doing so great. He's doing so...so so...so great. Just like his father used to...", Adelaide said, her voice cracking.

Evie put her hand on her shoulder. "Hey, hey! It's okay. There's no need to cry-",

"Yes. Yes there is. You're just young, you wouldn't know.", Adelaide sobbed. Amanita looked down. "Cl...Clay? Your...your son?". "Yes! Yes! Yes, I know that I'm a horrible mother and sh-should burn in hell!", she blurted out. "Clay Adams is my son.".

Blade, Clay, Esma, Anastasia, Ryder, and Darby all walked towards them. "What are you still doing here? Didn't I tell you to leave?!", Clay shouted at Adelaide. "Clay...I'm sorry I can explain. I'm such a horrible mother and I regret everything I am so sorry.".

"Mother?!", everyone but Clay, Evie, and Amanita said.

"Yes! I'm Adelaide Adams.", Adelaide claimed.

Clay pulled out his gun. "You get out of here or you won't be faking your death anymore.".

Darby took Clay's wrist and slowly levered his arm down.

He then pointed the gun at Darby. "Don't.", Clay grinded through his teeth.

"You handed me years of traumatic events. This is going to be a new one.".

Anastasia softly placed her hands on Clay's arm. "Please. Don't do it.", she whispered in his ear. He lowered his arm then looked down.

"Leave me alone.", he demanded then walked back into the ballroom.

Adelaide wailed. "I...I actually drove him to the point where he had to decide to kill me or not?! Am I that bad of a fucking mother?! The only fucking m word I am is monster.", she howled.

"I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time. Go enjoy your life before your time runs out. Seriously. Go inside.".

Everyone slowly walked in the ballroom.


Evie and Amanita are dancing together. "Amanita. I'm sorry that the people in this mansion think that you're stupid all of the time. Honestly. You're an amazing and beautiful woman.", Evie complimented. "They all just think poorly of you and it's not fair.".

"Oh! Don't focus on me! I'm fine! I-",

Evie put a finger to her lips. "Hm. I'll focus on you all I want. Because you're beautiful and independent.", Evie whispered in her ear.

She kissed Amanita. Amanita happily hummed.

Left side of the ballroom:

"How do we know that we can trust you? You can turn on us the second we even start to trust you.", Darby told Blade.

"Everyone's shady these days. No matter who it is.", Blade said with a smirk. "Whatever.", Darby sighed.

"Shouldn't you be out there dancing and living your own life instead of getting into mine? Go get your girl...uhm...speaking of your girl...where is your girl, anyways?", Blade paused.

Darby pressed his fingers up to his temples. "I should go find her.".


Charlotte sat on the steps to the back entrance and wiped her tears away. "I-I'm sorry, Oliver, you know I can't lie to you. It was just a kiss! I promise. Please...", she wept.

"First off, you go and have a baby with another man and I let you get away with it. Then, you go around fucking our enemy! What is wrong with you?!", Oliver shouted.

"I didn't fuck him! I kissed him! If one kiss is cheating to you, I don't know how to help you!".

"Of course it's fucking cheating! What is wrong with you?! I thought that one guy was enough but no! Fuck no! You had to go get another! Why don't you just go marry one of them?! Why be with me if you're just going to hurt me?! All you do is open your legs for other guys and I've had enough of it!", Oliver yelled.

"Oliver? Are... Are you breaking up with me...?, Charlotte whispered. He stayed silent. "Answer me! We have Tobias! We have a family-",

"No, Charlotte. You have a family. You and Darby. You know what-why don't you just go screw Dean, too? Makes sense, doesn't it?". "Oliver, stop it!", Charlotte cried.

"No, it's no fair! You got your chances to do whatever you want, now it's my turn.". "I'm being serious, please stop.", she wailed. "No! Fuck you! I can do whatever the fuck I want, I'm a grown man. You're a grown woman. But for some reason you acted like a child and went around having the confidence that you wouldn't get caught.", Oliver said. Charlotte put her hands over her face and took a deep breath.

"I'm not even going to say sorry because it isn't enough to make up for what I did....I-...I'll abort the baby if you want me to.", she mumbled. "What?! Why the fuck would you do that?!", he snapped. "Because...I love you. I'm doing this for us. It's not your baby, so...".

"Don't rub it in. And you're not going to get rid of it! It's-It's not-no! Just don't ever get rid of it!", Oliver said. "Why? It isn't yours? Why should you decide what I should do with my body-",

She gasped as Oliver pulled her by both of her wrists off of the stairs. "Just tell me why! Fucking why?! Why am I not enough for you?! Just why?!", he screamed.

"Because I'm fucking stupid! I-I'm just a whore that doesn't know what she's doing with her life!", Charlotte responded. Tobias walked outside. "Are you guys ok...?", he asked. Oliver let go of Charlotte and they both wiped their tears.

Charlotte kneeled down to Tobias and kissed his forehead. "Me and your father are just talking. Go back inside, ok?", she whispered. "Can't we go home?". Charlotte looked at Oliver then back at Tobias. She nodded.