
"I can't keep up with this place anymore. They're turning this home into a zoo! How do I put them in line?", Clay asked. Emma folded her hands as she sighed. "Usually, I just don't deal with that type of stuff, because I'm not of a higher role. If I were you, I'd just raise my voice at them. Act like the bigger person.", she said.

"I am the bigger person, here!", Clay shouted. "Well then go show them that you are.". Clay got up and flung open his door. "Wait! I was here for Tobias, can you maybe send him up too?", Emma asked. He nodded then went downstairs.

Everyone was sitting at the table/around it, due to there being no note or letter to tell them what to do. "Tobias, my room. Now. There's someone who wants to see you. Everyone else...stop. Stop with the problems, stop with the madness. Every single day you guys at like monkeys. This isn't a jungle gym, so I don't know why you guys can't act properly. I have to take care of you all each living day of my life. And I've come to the realization that I'm fed up with this. You guys are the adults! So start acting like one! I'm one person! Besides, you all are the servants anyways! Why should I be on hands and knees for you?! Straighten yourselves out! I'm being serious! No! More! Drama! That's it! Now, here's your envelope. Get on with your day or I will fire you. I have better things to do than this.", he demanded as he loosely threw the envelope on the floor and walked back upstairs.

He opened his bedroom door. "I am done. I am so done.", he sighed as Emma and Tobias made small talk. Clay flopped on his bed. "Are you guys going to leave now?"

In the ballroom:

Evie pulled Amanita in by her hand. Amanita was giggling as she kept asking what Evie was doing. "We're going to get caught, it's no use!", she whispered. Evie rolled her eyes. "Oh please. If we do, at least we even got to dance in here.".

She placed a record on a nearby record player and the huge ballroom got flooded with classical, breathtaking music. They started to dance as Amanita continued to giggle. "You're crazy.".

"Well, that's why you love me.", Evie said. They kissed and slowly stopped dancing. Charlotte and Blade snuck into the ballroom. "Do you mind if we join you two?", Blade asked. Evie and Amanita stopped in their tracks and gave them both a polite grin. "Of course, get over here! You crazy fucking kids...", Evie snickered.

Charlotte sat at a side table and poured herself some wine. Blade came over to her and sat down with her. "You mind if I have some?", he asked. Charlotte passed him over her glass. "I'm taking the bottle. I need to drink away this sadness somehow.", she stated.

"Look, I'm not going to stop you from taking the bottle but save some for me at least.", Blade scoffed. Charlotte rolled her eyes then started to chug the wine. She winced to the extremely sweet taste of it.

"Just to get your mind off of more wine, do you want to go dance? We can lock the ballroom doors just in case Oliver or someone else sees us. And Evie and Amanita don't really care. So...do you want to?", he offered.

"Is this a trick to get me to blow you later, since I'm drunk off my ass? Because it might just work if you're going to pull a Darby on me. I could get pregnant again! And then go and fuck it up and have a miscarriage again! Fuck! Why didn't you screw me when I pulled your tie? Why didn't you? I would've.", Charlotte laughed.

"I'm guessing that's a no-",

"You're going to make me blow you! I-I'm telling you! You're going to make me! Nah, nah, you're probably going to think I'm going to say-'No, you don't have to make me, I just will!'. Which is true! But I just...I don't just want to blow you...I want to make you get me pregnant, again...", Charlotte muttered. Blade sat there, shocked, at what she had just said. "Are you seriously that drunk? You know I'm not Oliver, right-"

"Of course I know you're not Oliver! That's what makes you so hot. Blade? Do you think I'm annoying? What do you think I am? What do you think of me?", she questioned.

"Well, you know. I think you're just you. You're Charlotte Everest. You're beautiful, you're smart, and holy shit you're independent.". "No, no, I meant like...what did you think of me? Like....never mind...but thanks for the compliments, though!", Charlotte beamed. Blade smiled and nodded.

"Ah! I thought of what I was going to say! Ok, ok. Would you do me-",

"Charlotte, let's not talk about this shit. Especially right here and right now. It's a nice moment. Don't ruin it. Take it in before you go throwing up because of the amount of alcohol you had just consumed.", Blade stalled.

Evie and Amanita walked up to them after shutting the record player off. "Drunk? Hm. Sounds like the old Charlotte is back.", Evie remarked. "Oh, she's back, alright. Charlie, tell them what you just told me-",

"Charlie? Aw, that's cute.", Amanita interrupted. Evie giggled. "That's not the point! Listen to her! She's talking to herself about how she'll blow me!", Blade snapped. "Aw, that's cute.", Evie said and her and Amanita laughed.

Blade rolled his eyes. "Well at least you're going to get blown! Some people-like me-aren't too lucky, because no one wants to.". Amanita gave her a look. "Liar! I've tried to but you wouldn't let me!", Amanita snapped. Blade rolled his eyes again. "For the love of god, just stop talking about getting blown!", he shouted. The two of them started laughing.

They all walked out of the ballroom, together. Charlotte seen Oliver and walked up to him. "Hey! Olly! Can I blow him?", she asked as she pointed to Blade.