Great Pendelton

The piercing sound of the alarm clock brought me back from the dead of sleep. I started to wriggle and stretch within my cozy, warm, haven that is my bed. As parts of my body were gradually turning on, realizing today was the continuation of my sort of 1720 issues. I leaned over at the bulky black clock.

I was already twenty minutes late for breakfast.

Suddenly my body's systems were all on go, at this I pounced from my bed like a hunting panther. I flew open the tatty old wardrobe doors and chucked on some terribly out of fashion, clothes. Skipped down the carpeted uneven stairs like a nine-years-old boy excited for his pancake breakfast. Flung some bread into the toaster and started to prepare a freshly roasted black coffee. I had just finished setting up my highly fresh brewed black coffee when the toaster popped up. Slightly charred but never mind, I popped some non-fat butter on it and shoveled it into my furnace like mouth. After accompanying myself from eating light breakfast I jump into the shower and then, when I'm back to my room, have to decide what to wear. Now, for some people this may be a fairly easy decision but for others, it's a painstaking, mind-boggling, headache-causing ordeal that they are forced to go through every day of their existence. Unlucky for me, I happen to be the latter. But there are so many decisions that need to be made by each one of us every day, and some are harder than others. I go for the usual black shirt, cargo pants and my all-time favorite hoodie and beanie. I come to my backpack and get the things from my bunker, seating on my swivel chair I decided to review the information I had gathered. I read them over and over again hoping that I could get something that would lead me to the victim's connection to the gathered evidence. The perpetrators of the crime have been apprehended with no marks, traces or any fingerprints on crime happened in 1720. There were also no signs or traces of the incident where Copper was found, even Copper's body doesn't have any fingerprints or marks. Police and investigators are wondering why they couldn't find anything to point out who did the horrifying work to Richardson, because of my curiosity I decided to go to the address where the crime happened during the year 1720, I put the things I think I will be needing in my bag, my journal, pen and vintage camera. Immediately took the car key and quickly went to the building's parking lot and immediately ride in my car to make my plans possible. if the police are unable to obtain very little information on the crime I will try to find any lead in case the alleged onlooker has a connection to Copper. Getting closer to that place made my chest bounce harder, I felt a lot of fear and anxiousness,

I'm too afraid that my imagination might just be too wide because of the articles I read.

There was something that prompted me to back off my car and not continue my plans. It is like I am not sure about my plans. I seem to be frightened by the possibility that on what I will discover about the case. am I frustrated because I know I'm not going to be blessed enough to gain many evidences that I want from the very first or I'm scared out because my family probably has something to do with it all. When I arrived at the place, I immediately stopped my car at a nearby location, maybe a few blocks before the house. I did this so that no one would ever know that I would recommence the investigation into a case that happened a long time ago. Call me crazy or stupid I know they all have a connection to Copper.

Minutes had passed since I reached the place but I still had not decided to go down. I try to look around and observe everything. I looked closely at the street where the house was built, it is quiet and it looks like you are at a ghost town genre in the movies, the neighboring houses looks like they have been abandoned because of its old, grassy and ugly environment. I also observe the house that is being bought by the possibly first Chase in Realm, the articles I've been read was right, I can say that this house is the best of all the houses in the area, the design is vintage sort off elegant even if many years have been passed, there are also destructed part such as its roof and fences. I let out a heavy sigh before deciding to get off my car, not too far at my location there's this familiar car,

if I'm not mistaken this car is a 1971 blue road runner,

only three people I know have this kind of car in Realm. I walked carefully to the house, holding the camera and at my side there is the gun that I get on the evidences. I make sure each steps make no sound. It is like I'm in a sort of movie where the surface I've been standing was a time bomb that when I make any mistake I will suddenly explode. I continue walking carefully until I reach the entrance of the house. Observing its environment, observing any vulnerable objects that may be a trap or something that makes me anxious or worst can kill me.

"Crriiickkk!!" the creaking sound coming from the old wooden stairs as I step on it to reach the door way inside the house seems too noisy.

I immediately look around and observe for the reason that someone might hear and discover the irritating sound created by this wooden door way. I peeked through a small hole coming from a window that was covered with wood so I could make sure nothing was blocked as I open the door but,

Fuck too dark for me to see

Darkness is the only thing that I saw. I close my eyes out of annoyance realizing,

I didn't bring the flashlight with me

even my tools

I need it to open the damn door

I decided to carefully look for something that I could us to open the door, luckily I saw a wire that is being coiled in the fence. When I finally got the stained rusty steel I immediately went back where the door located, ignoring the noises caused by the wooden stair and floor. I moved towards the door and observe carefully, the knob was old and rusty, I wondered if I could open it with this useless object I was holding. I grabbed the knob to open it with the damn thing I was holding, I'm in shock when the door automatically opened as I shut it clockwise.

"f*ck! The door wasn't locked at all?" I whisper as confusion goes all throughout my body

I took a deep breath and enter the establishment, only the light from my phone was my source of light. As I enter the doorway it has a stairs way up to the second floor.

"maybe the rooms according to the articles was located up stairs" I whisper

An entrance beside the stairway "I guess it is the way to living room".

I settle to enter the portal like doorway first, my suspicions are correct, the living room of this house. I turned my gaze away to observe, looking around on every object, old furniture is the only thing that this house has. My eyes widened when I saw pocket knives wrapped in a bloody handkerchief and guns same as mine. Carefully approached where the objects are located and grabbed a plastic zip bag that was in my hoodie's pocket and gently picked up those bloody things, I decided to took out a gun and its bullets. I don't mind holding them because before I got off the car I put on the gloves I had.

"the blood seems day fresh" I whisper while touching the drop of blood on the table. "seems a good start" I immediately stood up from kneeling and observe every corners of the room and furniture. A suspicious location facing a blocked fireplace, facing it seems to be disturbing. Looking around where the other fireplace located but this one seems more disturbing and alarming. A sudden urge came up that I want to remove the object that's blocking the way. I almost jump and run out of shock when I hear something squeaking inside the cabinet that blocked the fireplace.

"Damn Rats!" I angrily hissed

Back into senses, avoiding to gaze to the fireplace, determine to go back on my investigation. Carefully step aside to the disturbing blocked chimney and move to the kitchen. Nothing new, rotten fruits and veggies for a long period of time, rusty utensils and dirty kitchen equipment.

Nothing suspicious rather than the foods that has been molded on the counter and on the table.

I leave the kitchenette with a decision to proceed upstairs. As I go up, there are five doors that seems to be disturbing because of a heavy atmosphere that gives me chills in every step I'm creating. There are two medium wooden oak door on the right wing and two on its left wing also and the most disturbing and horrifying part was the large waxed mahogany door in between those wings. confusion engulfed all over my mind,

"which door would I enter through?" I murmured.

There is something on me says not to prioritize the middle part where the biggest door is located. Proceeding and follow my senses was the best decision I make.

"I'll take the right direction first, diagonally to the left and continue until I reach the gigantic disturbing door" I hissed

I quickly went to the first door on the right and wipe the dusty plaque that has been pinned on the wooden door.

"Rest room" as I read the sign, I grabbed the door knob and planned to rotate it to open but I failed.


I hissed and take a deep breath. Disappointingly leave the door, with full courage I boldly opened the second, third and fourth doors but I was also disappointed. "all of 'em are locked"

I plan to go down and leave but something in my mind came, I didn't try to open the last door left in the middle. A moment of silence and a nerve breaking nervousness wasn't good reason to go through the room, but my senses ask me to go in. Having full decision, I decided to open the door in the middle. Surprisingly, the door wasn't locked.

Just before I could enter that door, I heard footsteps going in my direction.

"Damn it!" I hissed

I'm right

that stupid car

I immediately panicked and quickly turned off my phone which served as light and entered the room and hid under something that I cannot distinguish or even describe because of the darkness.

Too dark, damn it!

I try holding my breath because I know they can kill me no matter who they are, when they find out that I am here, investigating this house.

Are they the new owner of this house?

but according to the article that this establishment and place has been abandoned through years. The footsteps went closer to where I am,

Too many footsteps for a single person

The more they went closer the more I am sure that the man was not alone itself, my heart throbbing fast as if a hundred horses are playing inside. The light from their flash light lighten the room, I could barely see what's on the inside, I almost celebrate knowing that I was hiding under the king sized bed of this room.

"I guess it is the master's room" I whisper and try to observe and look at any possible object that my eyes can see.

"I knew it from the very first, that he knows about me" familiar voice suddenly spoke up as if he's on a dramatic sequel of a movie

I know who you are. I suddenly smirk knowing who might the man was.

Who was he talking about

That car! I knew it. Its fucking familiar!!

"and I knew it was wrong, but I also knew that if I did it."

"did what? To kill that Chase?" unfamiliar one spoke while lighting its smoking pipe. The guy with familiar voice seems nervous with this sort of mastery figure in their dramatic scene.

The guy is planning to kill me, but why?

"continue what you're saying" as the unfamiliar man blow a huge pile of smoke as if his burning something inside this room.

"good would eventually come from my actions?" hearing that from him makes me clenched my fist angrily. He does know how to make me pissed, calming down myself I know that this is not the right time to be violent.

Hearing the unfamiliar man chuckle and slightly laugh. "You're already wondering if you should kill the baby Hitler"

What? Baby Hitler? I don't get the point


"it's a thought experiment kid, sort of like one of many trolley question, but with time travel. So, would you?" as the man said it,

I have to think fast and wisely

I need to go out of here

knowing that this guys planned to kill me. With the light sourced by their flashlights I look around and suddenly stop when I saw a flask, I slowly move towards the flask and reach it and put it together with the other evidences. I also saw a pack of marijuana,

I'm sure that these guys were responsible with an illegal possession of firearms and drug paraphernalia in the town of Realm.

"would I?"

"don't ask me kid, ask yourself"

"go back in time and kill Hitler? Of course"

"You'd kill a baby? You monster!" his mysterious laugh gives me chills

"o-okay I-I w-won't kill him"

"You won't? You won't kill Hitler? He's fucking Hitler!" the anonymous man shout towards him.

Is this man crazy? I don't get what he's talking about. I need to get out in this place.

"It simply illustrates that you can't use a possibility to justify a certainty. Base your decision on the action itself. Is it fundamentally good or bad?"

Bad of course! idiots. These two are getting into my nerves! Damn it

"but I know good would come from my actions" his tone looks like his been decided on everything

"okay, well, yeah." I heard the unfamiliar release a sigh. "sounds like you've made up your mind."

Hearing the footsteps again.

They're starting to move out

"if you're looking for someone to justify your decision for you, it's not me" the last line makes me goosebumps. The place went dark again. It takes a couple of minutes to decide to move out of this place. I crawl in order for me to go out of my hiding place. I slowly move out from that dark place without making any noise. Hearing steps and movements seems that those guys are on the living room, I quickly move towards the stairs and carefully went down. Hearing them gossiping about something makes me want to stay but it's too dangerous to risk everything.

"where did you hide the knives?" I quickly crouch on the nearest umbrella bench beside the door as I hear the unfamiliar shout.

Damn it! It's now or never

The dark seems to be my greatest ally in this very moment. I hear the footsteps going upstairs and other corners of the house.

"Shit! Someone's broke in" as the familiar said it my heart trembles and cold sweats came out on my body.

"Find that moron!"

Apprehending their footsteps, I know they about to discover me on very moment, I took a deep breath and open the door way out as I notice that they were upstairs.

Now or never Drain

Making no sounds seems impossible but it become possible on that time, as I went out of the house out of my adrenaline I shut the door quickly putting my hoodie on and run as fast as I can to reach my wheel.

I got inside the car and with no hesitations, with no doubts I lean on my seat as a relief that I was not caught.

That was close

Back on my sense, quickly grasped the evidence gained, losing weight to my chest knowing all of them were complete and nothing fall as I ran a while ago. I gently place them in a box on the backseat part or this auto. Usually here I put those key items from my investigation, moving slowly, a cold thing touches my palm as I grope for any leftovers.

That necklace

The concept of beauty is naturally something everyone want to evoke, "Beautiful" is so vague and obvious that usual format for any articles or even description breaks down, hard to analyze intent because there are simply too many ways to use that word beautiful. Besides, everyone thinks their jewelry is beautiful specially if it is shiny sparkling when you put if under a precious sun. Beautiful? Just as every babies are beautiful to the eyes of each mother, all jewelry is beautiful to its creator as a flower's identity towards the eyes of the one who planted it. In most cases, may I call this one as lovely? Better that beautiful likewise has a softer and more feminine sound yet not connotative.

Enthralling and tantalizing that connote equal parts romance and mystery, engaging an hypnotic effect to everyone who's having a critique on it. A vintage-inspired jewelry, traditional designs because of its candlelit glamour factor. pieces made with very fine materials considering those delicate designs, pieces sound worthy perfect for a top-dollar worth. Recognize a hypnotic, sexy quality, touchable dark lustrous colors having an Old mesmerizing Hollywood designs.

There's something mysterious with this thing

Key necklace believed to be endowed with some sort of magic. It's said that it has the ability to uncover things that were obscure or unknown from past.

Who owns it?