




The trail of blood grew thicker, paling his skin to a translucent white. With each tick of the clock he wanted his opponent's heart to stop, just stop, to watch its eyes become glossy and vacant. The blood of his last victim had begun to dry, more brownish than scarlet.

It was no longer human.

More likely, anytime that devil gets in his head, always on about the hating and entitlements, the blame game and the shame. To the monster his opponent was just a meat, a simple matter to be consumed once the fear had consumed him.

That is a monster.

That is all of his monsters.

He sees them for a utility, to meet an addiction or need he have and to him their needs are nothing. So when he is regarded this way he re-guard, and he should. What and whom he loves is worth protecting, including the self. He lifted his head in confusion, needing to ascertain what the hell was making that noise. He knew it was the creature, but he had to make sure. He didn't. But he wanted to.

And he'd already strained himself enough that whether he placed it back into the dirt or not, he would be as visible as if he took a look. And so he did. He saw the thing, heard its snapping and its new whining. He saw it rearing up, spinning in circles.

He saw his demon

None fitting the previous line's attempts at order. As it reared up and bellowed it's many cries, Every time it cried, it did this elongation, or every time it elongated it cried. He couldn't be sure, but he relished in the idea that the beast was uncomfortable in its body. He gained some solace in that fact.

In that empty scream is the pain of the indifferent, of a monster who sold its soul for ease and instead found hell. It can wrap itself in beautiful skin or the rancid hide of the decaying creatures of the abyss, yet he sees it regardless of disguise. He played dead for a while. The only way to describe the monster was a bipedal complete absence of light. It wasn't just blackness; it was nothing at all. He cast no shadow, made no noise and gave off no odor. But if he targeted you he would seize you by the he wanted, he could not be followed. The rest of what everyone know is guess work from the remains of his victims. He seems to torture them like a demon who saw a human on its first. The body appear to be no signs of attack, no bruises, no cuts yet a gunshot with no bullet inside, very neatly. His monster rises from the depth of the darkness, muttering unheard words. Covered in scars from the past, carrying the sort of scythe. A tangled mess of arms and faces with one mission, as he looks into those soul-less eyes he realize that his monster is the darker side of himself.

Waiting for a biological push, a greedy motivation, a meanness, a desire for power, then comes his push to go further, to do more damage, sickly sweet and addictive. He creates the choice, he forms the negative intention, all he do is to help his allies along the path toward becoming a demon.

Care when others hurt?

Do you still care if to do so lost you money or power or prestige?

Do keep losing integrity, being afraid to see what you've become,

What he become?

because though he cannot make a world, there's nothing quite like destroying them as if it was all paper-cut

(pay-per-cut) at a time.

The hijack of the so-called karma system was his best hack yet. The fear keeps everyone a primitive and lusting for revenge and status. The greed keeps destroying Earth as everyone pray for salvation.

They're own salvation

Everyone should see it from here to there; The complicated ways to express soul is to get punished, examined and 'scrutinized.'

He was the leader, the brain and the thinker among his allies. The king is the most important piece in the game. He was to threaten the opponents in such a way that escape is not possible.


Above all else, the king was a man. His allies saw him in good times and bad, always weighed with the responsibility he accepted for others. He was brave on the inside, willing to see his flaws and work to be a better human being, kinder, more empathic. He was brave on the outside, leading from the front regardless how hard it was. Everyone else had to see him flawless, the polished version to inspire such confidence. Everyone needs somebody to be a child with, to cry on, to tell their fears to. He was afraid of not being enough, of failing in sacred duty, of his purpose unfulfilled, weighty as it was. He never needed a crown, or fine things, or the hedonistic wants men can develop with greedy hearts. He never needed to ask for love,

it was his.

One who nurtures needs love. One who leads needs solace. One with a brave heart needs a champion of their own, a protector to have faith in them when darkness is at their door.

This is not a time of destruction for the sake of death, yet more as the vet who puts down a sickly dog. They are the horsemen who stop the suffering by stopping everything.

It's what they do.

So call it evil if everyone wishes to be so stupid, but who could save the starving yet stands by so idle and apathetic? Who creates a prison world for animals and own kind alike? And these prisons are of the brain and the body. Who made a financial system that is sanctified abuse of billions? He believed it was humans. So by all means shake fist at the sky and blame their God who loves them, change now or this is the apocalypse.

Yeah! Apocalypse!

all are the mercenaries, the mercy of Aries, the God of War, and do it for love either hate. So, everyone need the sort of mercy that can provide? Or wish to listen to the God of Love? Really, all on the same side, both one entity and separate, that is the nature of God


the devil is someone else entirely

It hurts

I was so hungry when it comes to any affections

Sad days

Hollow days

Painful days

Lonely days

Those days I used to live day to day

Until one day

A snapping sound rang

I no longer feel awful

I no longer feel pain

I no longer feel anything




People act as if negativity is bad, sometimes it is, but sometimes it's how we truly connect to another person because we see that they care.

Either true of not

In those years after the accident Pendelton had all the emotion of wet concrete, his facial muscles just as loose.

There was no anger,

no sadness,

no joy or resentment.

He never even appeared bored as he sat on his precious chesterfield chair near the furnace window, that at least would have been something. For all the presence he brought to the room he might as well have been a store mannequin. The best everyone could say for him was that he was compliant,

almost robotic.

Everyone said it was shock for the first little while,

Yet he remains emotionless.

The emotionless state remained. That's how we ended up here, kill or cure, and frankly it's anyone's guess as to where things are headed right now.

They choose to kill.

Staring, it is red as blood. It ranges as blood, watching the flames go up in the atmosphere as it tastes the sadness of those people whose been burnt into the ground. Hope not ever to see, not ever to stared long.

Will everyone ever find salvation?


Maybe when everyone can get redemption, for crimes committed.

Intentionally either not

A soul filled with blasphemy, a mind courting insanity, no rest for the wicked.


Tranquilized either paralyzed

It's calling everyone's name, my name.

The darkness tries to lure in, memories are hunting, taunting.

The darkness comes closer; this has to stop.

Yet finally, salvation.

"I can feel it come near, it was like a cold tentacles of death that everyone fears the most. Gives shiver as it whispers through everyone's ears."

"I will give the peace you'll never had"

"Death comes closer, voice soothing and tempting."

"now say FAREWELL"

Those words uttered by their mouths makes the tension rises, giving the atmosphere a heavy and dark sub so-called effects. Words left me. I stared into those dark blue eyes with burning anger, and my heart fell silent.

"Answer me!" I roared. But he seems no will to move his lips. Rather utter any freaking words. As if stuck underwater, everything was slow and warbled as I pointed a shaky finger in his face.

"Do you have nothing to say? I have poured my effort just to kept you, now tell me what you're thinking!" I demanded. But his mind was blank with his eyes wide as he stared at me in horror. His eyes desperately searched mine…


"Aren't you the demon?" he quite utter between our staring competition.

"is that even matter old man?" a poisonous tone lingers the conversation, holding her dagger and playing it like a toy knowing she was literally want to play with him, with his blood.

"So all of you believe in demon?" crazily hissed while giving the three of us a glance

"it was like Einstein's concept" as the Achilles man spoke

"a reverse one" she speaks dangerously as she walks back and forth hearing the ticking and tacking of her high heels

"So you believe in demon yet to God?" He asked another question as if he was a curious boy longing for the truth

"Let's just say redemption against evil" he appears from the darkness holding his gun pointing to the old man's forehead. Leapt in the air as if a firecracker had gone off, shrieked, wild eyed, bewildered, hands over mouth, nostrils flaring, blood drained from face, mouth opening and shutting like a goldfish with no sound coming out.

Still as a statue

Ridged as a board, face stuck in an incredulous expression, unblinking stare, shaking head in disbelief, sent reeling backwards, brain desperately scrambling to make sense of it all, rendered speechless, temporarily incapacitated, stood as if paralyzed from the neck up, gibbering nonsense, unable to comprehend what had just occurred, stood as germless as a guppy.

Great hit knight-lock

"Oopss! Did I give you an electrocuted emotion?" his laugh covered the whole sort of room


"Is your God good? But what kind of God you have?" he insultingly stated fighting against the tension that the man with a gun gave. "Is your so-called God a powerful one?" another question rumbling from his lips.

Where did he get the fucking nerve to utter those words?

"your brother, the so-called Knight-blade died for how many fucking times, though he prayed to the God to heal himself! To heal everyone! And to heal you! Fucking bastard from your hatreds and anger! Most of us attempt to plan something just to prevent him to die! Emotionally, either physically. But your God didn't. How do your God become good when he does nothing to save blade? Or should I say Copper?" the man utter violently makes me clenched my fist

How can he know all of it?

"Do you know my family that much?" I hissed from nowhere making my anger rises wanting to kill this bastard

"Is it a God? Or Demon you praising?" he laughs continuously making everyone looked uncomfortably mad

"there are sickness, pain even immortality? I guess. Oh! Oh! What about hatred? Ugliness? These terrible things do exist in this fucking world, don't they?" he giggles as if he was a four-year-old girl seeing his sweetheart. "Even the so-called science academically says that each one of us have five unique senses to identify and fucking observe the fucking world! Tell me! Have you ever seen you God? Or maybe the three of you was the God oh! Oh! Not God! Maybe the three of you was the demon himself!"

It was more than just a slight tingle that ran underneath his skin. No, it was as though someone had attached a live wire to each of his nerves, and his body convulsed as the violent electrical current pulsed through him.

She did it!

"what if we are? What will you going to do? Crazy man?" she laughs on her own evil ways. No one can predict any of her moves, no one could imagine she can electrocute the man giving him shock reaction, making his eyes widened and his emotions suddenly switched into fear. Yet in just a snap he smiled back like a crazy fool wanting more electricity on his body.

"Have you ever felt you so-called God? Tasted him? Oh! Oh! My bad! Let me rephrase any! Ha! Ha! Ha! Have you ever felt your demon? Even taste him either her? Smelt him? Have you ever had any sensory fucking so-called perception of that thing? Come on! Guys? You called yourself as good as your God? Yet here you are making any move against his will" he unbelievably utter while chuckling with his own crazy thoughts. "Aren't the three of you afraid you haven't? Ha! Ha! Ha! Yet you still believe at that thing? Is this a kind of joke to you? As if writing a roses are red thingy poem?" he curiously utters as if he was a curious child wanting nothing but the truth he wants to hear.

"According to Empirical, testable thingy! Uhm! Demonstrable protocol. Sciences says your God doesn't fucking exist am I right?" he continuously utters through his ocean waves thought

"We only believe in our faith" I simply utter that makes my allies looked against me with a sharp sight as if they could kill me with that.

"And that was the problem my fucking friends you fucking faith!"

"Andrew, Is there any such thing as love?" I smiled sweetly at them that binds curiosity over their systems

"yes of course!"

"and is there such thing as the so-called genuine happiness that everybody chases?" I ask intentionally makes me unbelievably stepping my ego with my own fucking foot.


"based on your so-called discussion about the faith and other stuffs your kind of smart one am I right?" I ask him making him bite my bait

"yes fucking of course! I'm genius for Pete's sake! poisoning was my job! And I'm genius specially in science! You… moron idiots!" he exclaimed his anger

"if that was the case? Andrew, is there such thing as heat? As cold?" I intentionally asked

"that was Einstein's question towards his atheist professor!"

"he wasn't atheist idiot! How come he knows God and the concept of God if he was an atheist? Yes, atheist merely doesn't believe to faith even Gods but why do they know about him if they don't believe at all?" She exclaimed making her point on the arguments

"there wasn't any concept of heat either cold Andrew, this world may have lots of heat, even more heat such as superheat, mega heat, white heat, little heat or the so-called no heat. But everyone doesn't have anything called cold. How? We can hit the so-called 458 degrees below zero right? Which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. Andrew, there is no such thing as cold. Heat is a typical energy. Cold is not the opposite of hit, it was just the absence of it." There was a pin-point silence in among us

"and what about the darkness? Is there such a thing as a darkness?" I asked him once again making him shocked with my ideas. Smirking inside my head out of success

"yes! What is night if there wasn't the concept of darkness?" he asks as a return

"you're wrong again! I thought your genius? My question oh! Let me rephrase, my simple question receives a wrong answer? How could a genius like you answered wrongly?" I laughed as hard as I can to make it doesn't look fake

"You're fucking wrong again! Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, the so-called bright light either flashing light, right? But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and it's called darkness, isn't it? Yet in reality, darkness isn't. If it is, well you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?" I ask again smirking against him

"so what's you're fucking point Pendelton?"

"my point was, your fucking so-called philosophical premises was flawed." I smiled stating what I know

"flawed? Fuck? How? Can an average like you explain?"

"how come an average man like me knows that the philosophical premises serve by a genius was flawed? Ow no! genius no more? You are working on the premise of duality. Arguing there is life then there is death, a good God and a bad one. You're viewing the concept of God our God, my God. As something finite, something we can measure! Science can't even explain a thought. Uses electricity and magnetism but never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing!"

He's anxious!

"Death is not the opposite of life; just the absence of it, now tell me, do you know about the evolution comes from monkey?" I ask him big time that makes my allies smirk and laugh hard.

"if you're referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course! I do" he exclaimed

"but have you ever observed evolution with your own naked eye?" I asked

He shook his head with a confusion, beginning to realize the argument was going

"Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that the so-called process is an on-going more like endeavor, Exactly! That is all that keeps things alive and moving! Everyone's fucking faith"

"Roses are black, Violets seems dark, dogs bark and howl, death is inevitable"

"And I'm the one who makes you suffer"

The king

Great Pendelton