Eye for an Eye


"It wasn't any of my plans!" I stated

"What do you mean?" Gray stops Price' knuckles to touch my face again as I've stated those lines.

"It wasn't any of my plans. I just thought, if I distant to each one of you specially to her, he will not do anything" I stated

"who?" Lock curiously asked.


What happens when a mystery detective in Town suddenly involves more crime and intrigue that even he can imagine?

"Looking great pretending you're dead?" he smokes a thirty-dollar worth of cigarette as if it was the last day of his life

"what do you want?" I asked him looking straightly in his eyes

"You know what I want Chase" He smirk as he stands up and get another glass of rum in the cellar.

"I don't want your offer" I hissed full of hatred and disgust

The laugh came from him like a newly sprung leak timid at first, stopping and starting. He wasn't done yet though, I could tell from the way he rolled his hazel eyes to the ceiling and half bit his lip. From deep inside his chest came a great shaking motion and his face muscles grew tight. I folded my arms, eyebrows arched, waiting. In moments he laughs was more like a bust water main arching into the brilliant summer sky soaking everyone around him with unrestrained gales that debilitated him to a thigh slapping and pick faced picture of glee. I wanted to stay straight faced, brushing my hair using my hand and storm off, he was after all laughing "at me", not "with me." But before I could stop myself my poker straight mouth twitched and smirk towards him waiting him to stop with his delusional laugh.

"What's with that face? Isn't it funny? You kept on refusing my offer yet here you are pretending to be dead, making your woman cry out of worried and making people believed that your gone permanently yet here you are! Hiding at my place without doing anything!" He said while drinking the rum

"I do everything just to protect them!" I hissed out of anger, instead of getting a reply he just smirks and playfully smile towards me.

"Protect from what?" he playfully asked

"protect from you! Asshole!" I clenched my fist as I grab the glass of rum he offered

"from me? Wait a sec! let me rephrase. You want your ally specially Angelycko to be protected, by whom? By you? oh! Come one Chase! You want to protect them either her yet you're the one who can destroy them. You know what I mean right? You want to protect them yet here you are! You're just protecting yourself kid!" he glances at the glass of rum before taking a sip

"You don't fucking know the story so bullshit! Shut your mouth!" I hissed as I pretend to be cool with all his words.

"Maybe I don't know the story, but I know you that well Chase! You just want to protect them from knowing the truth right? You want to protect them because you want them to know about me. But why? Isn't it too harsh for them?" He continuously utter while drinking and savoring the rum

"Truth? Are you insane? This truth can ruin everything! I don't want them to experience another bloodlust" I utter with a begging tone on my voice

I'm hopeless

I don't know what to do

"Bloodlust? Preventing them to kill? Come on Brother!" He utters and look straightly in my eye.

"You can't change their fate. They meant to die and there is no way to prevent it!" He added.

October 3rd 1901

The case stumped police, because of uncooperative witnesses. The murder mystery amassed everyone's own collection of theories. It was happened long before the night of October 4th 1901, a murder was performed at the bank under the Pier in Lion's Lodge. He was nineteen-year-old boy named Copper Richardson found bloated by bank waters, it doesn't show bruises, no scars and even gunshots or any sign that he was being attacked.

Hearing the news makes me want to go on the said crime scene but I was at the launching of my estate. As I happily hosting my own event I can pretty tell that each one of them are talking about the freshly baked news.

"Rum?" Knight-lock handed me a glass of rum

"you looked serious" he stated as we both looking at the guest all the way up here.

"Indeed, I am bothered that Copper was already dead. We haven't settled our issue; we haven't talk about any" I seriously stated as I took a glance on the woman waving at me wearing a revealing vintage night gown that makes her irresistibly sexy.

My world.

"Shall we investigate?" Lock suggested as he handed his hand gently at her.

"what's with your auras?" She asked, hugged each one of us showing as if she was the host of the event showing a warm welcome

"haven't you heard the news?" Lock asked her

"Indeed, on our way here. We immediately know it, poor Copper" She utter

"so what move are we going to do?" Price asked as we sat on the chesterfield

"The news was insane! Copper was found dead without any marks? Isn't it incredible?" Gray utter with mixed emotions.

"I'm afraid that we can do nothing about Copper's murder issue" I stated

"Pray tell?" Lycko indeed stubbornly asked

"We know that he was suspiciously and has a percent that he was Blade right?" I said as each one of them enlightened on my idea.

"Indeed, yet it's just a suspicions. You said that you yourself host your brother's funeral when you were a kid." Gray utter

He has a point, yet I have a strong feeling that Blade was still alive.

"Come one! Drain. It's already decade since Blade gone. We must move forward" Lock convincingly said.

I sigh and let out breathe. "alright, we should investigate tomorrow morning" I simply said yet there was a storm of ideas building inside my head. I sow them as far and wide as possible as soon as they emerge. Each of them needs to fly, to enter the productive chaos of the creative ether and be reborn in the thoughts of others.

I need to do it alone.

The undrunk coffee seems turns out to cold, drowning with the thoughts about my brother and Copper.

"I'm way too close, knowing the truth"

Not realizing that my feet slowly taking me to the quarter's balcony I'm literally deranged. Those evidences I have might help me to solve the case quickly either lead me to another evidence or neither.

"Penny for your thoughts young Chase?" a sweet voice coming behind my back.

I chuckle softly as I heard my sweet world. "stop calling me that" laughing softly realizing that she's beside me handing me a cup of hot black liquid, I guess it was a cheap chocolate from a chock 'lit shop located on west.

"I am drowning with thoughts" starting to tell a story, noticing caress on my back gives me a relief. This stressful world makes me delusional.

"is it about Carolyn Keene and Mary Higgins Clark?" she's referring to a reference when I used to read since I was a kid.

"sort of, thinking about the case of Copper" giving a deep sigh of hopelessness makes me wonder how can I solve this case.

"worrying you might not crack it?" Chuckles echoing between the two of us "you're the great Pendelton on the cursed town of Realm. You kidding right?"

I'm sorry, I quite lied

I didn't manage to answer her, because from the very beginning it was not about Copper's case I've been working on but instead it deals with my brother.

I can't manage to lie one more time, compelled by something beyond my control keep turning pages, often a mystery novel in my hands that feels all right in the world when you've figured out the big twist rather deliver that satisfaction without the side effect of lost sleep.

"Our sweet Copper" the last phrase that utter gives me shiver.

"Love" I utter; I don't want to lie anymore. I don't want to keep secrets on her

"Yes my love?" she sweetly cuddles me as she gives relaxation on my system

"Uhm. It's nothing, I just missed you" I said as if my tongue was being cut. I can't manage to tell her what I've been doing this whole time

I just can't trust someone about this.

Specially that I'm close enough to the truth.

"I know it is easy for me to say because Blade are not Price either Gray but I know deeply inside you that there is something bothering you, I'm here. You can always talk to me okay?" she said full of reassurance.

"Thank you but it's nothing" I said trying to convince her

"I know you too well Chase. The secret of yours will not remain secret as the time goes by, everyone will know about it sooner or maybe later. Don't make such thing that can make your life miserable, don't make such thing that will make you regret for the rest of your life" she said and left.

Am I way too desperate for the truth?

Copper became our best buddies until he decides to be a varsity and choose his popularity. I become noxious and cautious again, it's my second break-up since Blade's death they said. The story that they know was the month before they handed the legacy towards me, we receive a paper, DNA result to be exact. It was the DNA of Copper saying we're related to each other hundred percent. Yet I lied, again. I know everything and pretend to know nothing and I regret pretending I don't know

How do Blade forget anything about us and lives as Copper Richardson?

"I saw Everything Chase! It's quite a show is it?" I heard him chuckles

"It's not a show. You made me do it! You made me hurt my girl!" I hissed back as I punch the punching bag in front of me

"Ha! What are you talking about? Me? I made you do that thing? Come one Knight-Drain! This is what you want right? You're being too harsh, too cold for them to hate you and by that they'll leave you—" I cut him out as I throw the boxing gloves on his direction, signaling him to join me.

"All I want is for them to be safe. I didn't want any of this to happen!" I hissed as I served a couple of punch towards him, luckily, he manages to avoid those punches.

Lucky Bastard!

"What happened to our so-called Realm Town's Sherlock Holmes?" He teasingly asks me

"Shut up!"

Am I still the Knight-Drain that they know?

Looking forward on her direction, she seems too different.

"Lycko killed supremo" Lock added, as I heard those words from Knight-Lock I automatically throw a gaze towards her

"How do you know that he was supremo who uses poison?" I asked as I literally blown about the information they brought us, yet I hide it with my cold useless gaze.

"it is Basically by the way he fights, he doesn't know how to literally pulls a fight, what I mean is yes he can punch, he can stab, he can beat me hundred times but as I stab him I smell the cyanide on his leather coat…" She utters

"How did you kill him? Kelley and Bailey said that these supremos are hard to kill?" Gray added

"at first I know I can't win against him because the effect of the serum he struck is still inside my system that time but when he speaks our language—"

"He know how to speak our language?" Prices ask

"Yes! He said that you're in danger… and suddenly my inner demon came out and I actually stab him to death… I guess?" She asks

"She tortured him… she seems different at that very moment" Knight-Lock exclaimed out of disbelief

"Which I don't know how and why I killed him" She seems telling the truth.

After our so-called meeting, my phone suddenly vibrates, sign that I must go on that place. I manage to leave the quarters without giving them any doubt of suspicions.

Seems they think that I am as cold as it seems

I let out a sigh as I manage to reach his hideout. The city is as it was before, just devoid of the warmth that made it worthy of that term. It is a collection of buildings, roads laid like a carpet for a queen that will never come. Banners hang with slogans to be read only by the dust-laden wind. The market is all set up like it awaits the stall holders any moment. The only sound is the black bird that cries as if it can bring back the people who left tasty scraps if only it calls loud enough. Against the wall of the old court house is a bicycle, the chain dangling on the sidewalk. Ahead is the clock tower, forever stuck at half past noon. If I stand still enough perhaps time is indeed frozen, perhaps is just my bones that don't realize it.

And then I saw him.

In those streets he was the only beating heart, the only being of warm blood and flesh. The walls around him were doubtless home to many in the fairly recent past, yet now it was an unfamiliar maze to all. The light fell on the words that spoke to nobody, unaware that their audience had vanished, or that the streets lay silent beneath no boots at all, save his. It was as if God had stopped time, removed all the distractions so he could see it for real, see how it really was, what it really was. And in that moment all he wished for was another beating heart in this deserted city, another being of warm blood and flesh, one more pair of boots to walk next to his.

"What do you want?" I asked him

"hmm? Don't be too rush, brother" He coldly stated while flashing a smile

"I'm not your fucking brother" I shout that echoes all over the place. Instead of getting an answer I just hear him laugh.


"Seems like your little demon killed my ally" He said in distance. I felt numb as I hear his voice

"She doesn't have any intention to kill your ally. He was the one who attack first!" I said

"No, my ally was just protecting something precious to me" he stated seriously

"what? The pages?" I stated. I saw how his emotion changed

"Eye for an Eye Knight-Drain" He devilishly smile as if he was going for a bloody revenge

"Don't you dare!" I hissed

"hmmm what if I dare to do that? What will you going to do? You can't kill me. You're too sensitive when it comes to me right brother! You're a fool! You let your ally meet their own death!" he shouts that gives me goosebumps

"Just stop all this crap! It's over! As soon as we know everything you'll be in jail!" I shouted back

"hmm but before that happened, I'll kill your demons!" He coldly stated

I kept my posture straight without breaking any eye contact with this bastard. He seems has a plan.

"Stop whatever you've planning!" I stated

"Are you threatened my dear brother" He sweetly smile

"I'm not!" I deny the fact that I am literally afraid on everything that is about to happened.

I know him

He can proceed and do the things he wants just to avenge

"I'm always watching you brother" He chuckles as he finally walks away

"Eye for an Eye Knight-Drain"