

Fantasy13 Chapters26.7K Views
Author: CDOP
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"Anger, guilt, sadness, do you still despise me?" said the sprite to the tired old man, he turns his gaze towards her and says "I've never despised you, I just despise the world." As he clenches his fist and the world is thrown into turmoil.

No structures, no man nor woman was left, the world had died and so does his anger.

Come and read a story intertwining the fate of two people, their destination unsure and the journey perilous. Nevertheless fate pushes on these destined lovers as many tries as it takes.

For love is, was, and will be eternal or so told the scriptures ye old and new. Continuing a story spiraling out of control, they find peace in Solitude as the clock ticks and drains away their energy, their fleeting moment of being alive is extinguished to the omnipotent passing of time.

Apathetic to the world, these people find their heart in the story foretelling of their fate. Reaching the destiny desirable by trait they fight their impending demise by doing what little they can.

Though so little, still they shine. As bright as fire no, as bright as a star, shining in the restless night.

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