The InBetween

Chapter 1-The InBetween

'I can save her I can do it, no matter what I can save he-'



3rd Person POV

In a white endless space, with nothing but a door decorating this vast world, a humanoid figure began to materialize into existence.

The figure was clothed in a long black coat, grey pants, and a plain white mask with two black dots decorating it, along with a simple straight line. It seemed the dots and lines were imitating a person's face.

Still, the mask seemed to be attached to the figure's face by unknown means.

As the figure's body finished materializing into existence. A groan could be heard followed by a small movement from the figure's body.

1st Person Pov

I woke up feeling like shit like a semi truck decided that I would be good target practice and sent me crashing to the next town over. As I fully began to regain my senses I noticed that I wasn't in that God forsaken hospital room anymore instead I was in this.... Wherever this is? Purgatory maybe? Or heaven?... "Pffffffftttt Hahahahahahaha Heaven hahahahahaha as if I'll ever make it there."

After calming down from my fit of laughter I rubbed my eyes to get rid of any tears that were suppose to come out-only to be met with the feeling of a smooth texture and a hard exterior.

"What is this? A mask?"

Curiously whilst not panicking at the same time, I try to take the mask off, only to be met with resistance. It felt as if the mask was attached to my skin. That doesn't stop me from trying though, and I applied more force into taking the mask off only to keep failing. I then started panicking, confused with why I can't take the mask off. For the past few minutes, I focused all my attention into trying to take it off...only to keep failing.

"Get off damn it!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

This went on for a couple more minutes? Hours? I didn't really know anymore.

Eventually, I calmed down, and made the intellectual decision to save my strength instead of fighting a losing battle with an inanimate mask.

Sighing, I sit down to take a rest and began inspecting my body to see anything that was different or wouldn't come off in my case, I noticed that instead of the dull hospital gown that I used to wear, what took its place was a long black coat, jeans and a simple white t-shirt.

"This looks weird but hey it beats that gown that leaves the butt it's finally time to address my situation. Where am I?"

I look around seeing nothing but a vast expanse of blank white and a simple door that would've blended in with everything if not for the black outline it has.

With all the distractions now gone I asked myself the real million dollar question.

"Di-did...did I die?" Last I remember I was set for surgery with me getting a heart transplant due to my previous heart dying to cancer. I...I couldn't believe it!

"Those fucking surgeons failed! They failed me! They let me die! Those incompetent bastards! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!"

I screamed, breathing heavily afterwards from all that anger trying to calm myself down by breathing deeply it somewhat worked.

"I trusted those bastards with my life! Goddamnit!"

I became angry once again, and swore for the next few minutes until I eventually calmed down. I then started rationalized with myself that it was a 50/50 with the surgery and that I didn't really have anything to go back to seeing as how most of my-most of my what now?

I was struck with fear once again, not from dying, but from not remembering any of my family. I could clearly remember my childhood, I-I had parents? No I definitely had parents otherwise how would I be born? I can't just poof into existence that's scientifically impossible but then again this situation I'm in isn't really scientific.

"Ahhhhh shut up!! Think goddamn it! Think! Memories! Family! Remember! Goddamnit!!"

I keep trying to remember only to be met with no results. I still couldn't remember any of my family's faces or surnames. The only thing I know about my family is that they named me Jack, which was not very helpful.

"*Sigh,* let's calm down and get our facts straight. I'm dead, there's no mistaking that...unless the hospital thought it would be a good idea to take my memories of my family and dump me here...then I'm dead."

I tried rationalizing my situation once more.The only explanation for this is that I'm dead, and this is my afterlife. But why is my afterlife so dull? There's nothing here except this door.

Maybe this door leads to my actual afterlife? But that doesn't explain the lack of memories, no?

"So many questions and so little answers..."

I muttered sagely, and walked towards the door. When I finally stood before the door I reached out with my hands to open the door, only to be interrupted by a letter materializing into existence in front of my eyes.

"huh?" I watched dumbfounded as I just saw a letter materialize into existence in front of me. I decided not to question it seeing as how it would only add more questions to my well questions.

I immediately grabbed the falling letter and tore open the envelope carefully so as to not damage any of the contents, and inside it, the message read as so.

{To whom this may concern to

Welcome to the InBetween, a place where time and space doesn't exist. Usually a normal human wouldn't survive without time or space, but you are no longer human...although I'm sure you would argue that you still feel human and look human. I can assure you that you are not.

What you are now is an Ego. If you are wondering what an Ego is, simply put an Ego is a type of being that is similar to a human, and although they don't age physically, their mind still does.

As an Ego you will not age physically as mentioned above, although you can still die physically,

But rejoice! Young Ego you will merely come back here when you die, this place shall be your blessing and your curse.

Now I know you have a lot of questions, like that mask you're wearing for example.

The only thing I can tell you about it is that it is indestructible. The rest will be for you to discover.

Now onto the door that will lead to your destination. Where you ask? Who knows, but one thing I can say is that everytime you come back here, the destination will change, so be wise and choose when you want to return to this place.

That is all farewell for now…

P.S: Can't bring others inside the InBetween. }


That barely answered any of my pre-existing questions, and only added more questions like-how did I become an Ego? How does any of this work? Why take my memories?

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed once again. After a few seconds, I began to calm down once more.

OK let's calm down screaming at nothing will solve nothing. Let's take a breather and relax before I do anything drastic.

I sat down and looked at the door, contemplating if I should go now or later...

In the end I decided to go later, I could try to train but I'm too lazy for that nor would I know if that actually would do me anything seeing as how I'm not human anymore.

I could just be wasting my time doing push-ups and all I would get is a tired body and no improvements so that's off the list.

"What can I do except for nothing?"

And that's exactly what I did. Nothing.

I sat there in my thoughts, trying to sort my mind.

CHAPTER END--------------------------------------------------


AUTHOR NOTES: Well congrats for making it this far want a cookie?

But in all seriousness this is my first time making a fanfic so actual helpful criticism is needed not some bullshit one star review that's says tits,and also leave some power stones will ya its free and you can always just wait one day for it to recharge this is Es_simp Signing out.