

I once again found myself in another unknown location, but this time it seemed to be closely similar to the InBetween.

Of course, the only similar thing about the InBetween and this are the white backgrounds. This time, there seems to be more than just a white space. Black. smooth-like rocky materials are what the floor seemed to be made of. Further away, there's also that giant inverted pyramid just looming over in the distance.

(Wait, giant inverted pyramid? Where am I?) I rationally questioned myself as I began to address the elephant in the room, seeing as how I have somehow ended up somewhere unknown again.

As abruptly as I awoke here, voices suddenly called out to me.

Voices overlapping with each other called out to me, and yet there also seemed to be a bit of static in the voices.

"Potential what? Who are you?" I asked, quickly looking around in order to pinpoint where the voices came from. Unfortunately, it proved to be a fruitless endeavour.

"...hello? Do you know where I am?" I called out, giving up on my quest to find the source of the voice.

, the voice responded simply.

(The Astral plane? Like the thing where the soul is located or something? Didn't believe that would be true…)

Then I remembered that the events happening here were things I thought wouldn't be true became real.

Wait, I'm getting sidetracked. I need to ask questions.

"Why am I here?"

...that's ominous. That's definitely ominous. Why does it even want to interview me anyway? I didn't even apply for a job, assuming my memory was working again.

Which it clearly isn't.

"Observing me? For what?" I asked the obvious.

"...but why me?" I asked confusedly. Although I am an 'Ego,' that doesn't mean I'm the best one there is. Actually, are there even other Ego's besides me, Es, and Ego rex?

As my mind began to race through the thoughts of others like myself, the voice replied uninhibitedly, without caring for my internal conflict.

"For what exactly? What is it that you want me to do?"

(Extermination? Embezzle? Yeah no, I really have no motivation to actually do this, plus Es would be quite lonely if I left...I think?)

I quickly shook my head, moving on to the most important part.

(Speaking of motive, what do I actually gain from this anyway? Better ask, not that I'm greedy of course, I just want to know…)

"...and what do I gain from this job exactly?"

Altered items? What are those? I asked the voices once again, and it replied like it always did.

That sounds underwhelming, but then again a lot of things may sound underwhelming but are actually nukes, like little boy for example.

Still, I'll have to decline, not really interested in the power business all that much right now.

"I'll have to decline, sorry whoev-"

I paused.

"-or whatever you are."


No response came from the voices.

(Okay now how do I leave?)

"Hey, can I leave now?"

The voice finally responded. Before I almost gave a sigh of relief, it continued.

"...okay. Anyways, can I lea-"

Before I had a chance to finish, a strange sense of vertigo began to overtake my mind and body, and I fell into a pitch black void…

With it came the comforting feeling of the couch that I slept on.


(My head feels like shit.)

Sitting up from the couch with a headache, I slowly looked around, making sure I was back where I actually was and not somewhere else, Books? Check. Cute girl reading book? Check.

Seeing that I was back where I last slept, I breathed a sigh of relief.

(What a weird dream…was that even a dream? It was too lucid for it to be a normal dream... Or was it lucid dreaming? I've never had lucid dreams before...well not any that I could recall.)

Trying to reminisce over my lack of memories, I was interrupted by the voice of Es greeting me on my return from the land of sleep.

"You're awake."

Her voice is as impassive as always.

Not that I mind.

"Good morning to you too, Es." I said, returning the greeting as I began to stretch to get rid of any discomfort from my sleep.

"Did you have a nice sleep?" she questioned, not dropping the impassive tone she always uses.

Thinking for a moment If I should decide to talk about the weird dream I had, I eventually settle on forgoing it, since it's not really that relevant to Es or myself. It was nothing more than a dream so let's leave it at that.

"It was decent."


All I got in response was a soft 'hmm' from her. I'll take It as a sign of the conversation ending.

Already getting up from the couch I decided to go outside again right then and there. This time, surely there won't be a rogue grizzly bear waiting for me, right?


(Screw It, You only live once...or in my case twice.)

Walking over to the door I remembered that I'll be leaving Es alone for a while. Might as well inform her that I'm going outside beforehand. Don't want an angry Es now would we? Well actually maybe I do?

"Es, I'm going outside for a bit so try to not be too lonely without my gracious presence while I'm gone."

All I got in response was an annoyed and disgusted look from her. I smiled behind my mask, and behind the smile was my injured non-existent self esteem. Somehow in all my glory I proceeded to be more of an ass.

"I know. I know that you'll be lonely without my incredible visage to look at, but bare with it for now...and with that said, toodles!"

Saluting, I left the room with a disgusted and annoyed Es left behind in the room. The moment the door closed behind me, I put my hands on my head.

(God that was embarrassing. Why did I do that?! Gahahaha...why did I even do that!?)

I rubbed my forehead...only to realize that I'm still wearing the 'impossible to take off mask.'

Moving ahead, I reprimanded myself on my dumb actions as I headed towards the Exit or Egress or something of the place.

Reaching towards the door knob I push open the door,


A small click sound could be heard as the door opened outwards, letting vibrant, colorful light into the dull monochrome world.

This time I wasn't blinded by light, which was weird since this wasn't what happened last time. Are my eyes already permanently adjusted or something?

Stepping outside, I carefully looked around making sure no grizzly bears were near my area. Noting that there were no bears after my inexperienced, yet careful observation around, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Fresh air!"

I took a deep breath as I looked around, finally appreciating the beauty of nature. Looking around, I was entranced by it.

(I finally saw something of actual color instead of that dreary, monochromatic world of that Weird place.)

It was daytime with the sun in the sky shining brightly to everything below, everything was generally ok...for now.

Looking back I could see that the door was still there.

(Good It didn't just disappear on me...just like a father getting milk.)

Nodding my head, I made sure that I memorized the surroundings so that I could get back here.

After a certain amount of time, I began to set off, towards…towards...towards...?

(Where exactly?)

I didn't think this through, and so I gave another careful look around for any sign of civilization, or roads that could lead to civilization.

After another more certain amount of time, I came across an asphalt road. Of course I made sure to leave a trail back to the door to get back home.

I can't really afford to make major mistakes, as I don't even know where I actually am. I could be in some sort of demon world or something!

(Still, it's progress, and it's not that far from the door either.)

Looking down the road, I could see that there was a giant wooden sign that looked to be the entrance to a town. It was too far away, so I couldn't properly make up the words written on the sign.

If it's in a language I could speak in anyway.

Getting closer to the sign I could finally make out its content,



~500 meters away~


(Sounds good enough. Still, what town names themselves Faraway anyways? Sounds like a dumb decision to me.)

After internally laughing and berating at the designer of the town's name, I start walking towards the town.

Walking for a while, I began to feel mentally tired.

(...I might be underestimating just how far 500 meters is.)

And so began my journey towards Faraway.

End Chap-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: I'm so sorry for not uploading quicker but you see i got the sudden dose of procrastination so I'm sorry not really but hey maybe if you drop some power stones i might upload quicker? Maybe just maybe? Anyways that's all for now once again Es_simp signing out.

Edited by Daoistofboredom