Novel Info and Map breakdown

S.T.I.G.M.A; Synthetic. Telekinetic. Immolation, Gnöll Manufacturing Apparatus.

Delmore(dell-more-a): (modern day Europe) central continent (almitraqa und Amboss)

Elliria(ee-lee-ree-uh): (modern day America) upper continent (The Album Aurum Kingdom)

Mylesore(miles-ore): (modern day Russia) eastern continent (drifted left carrying Britain with it slammed into Canada (The Dracolisk Empire.)

Isle of sunrise: (obviously modern day Japan{it's country is literally called land of rising sun}) western most continent (China broke off and drifted to Japan immensely increasing there influence and landmass now (The Golden Onyx Empire.)

Hecatoria(Heck-a-Tory-ee-uh): (modern day South America) southwestern continent

Obitalous(oh-bee-tall-uhs): (modern day Africa)

Southeastern continent(Two empire's, Egypt returned. extremely powerful and influencial different magic that S.T.I.G.M.A all together.(The Nubia Regime and The Great Cameroon Empire)

Forbidding Consortium of Unlit : (modern day arctic) northernmost continent ( so powerful that the name of the continent is the same as the empire, there is no one in the world who doesn't know who, (jon eterni frigoris is.)

Southernmost continent: unexplored since the last Great War (modern day Antarctic) but will be every important.


All continents are connected except for the isle of sunrise which drifted after China collided with it.


STAGES OF POWER: SuperHuman level

STAGE-10: extremely weak meager magic at most they can slide objects slightly. No internal power. Such as strengthening of body mind or spirit.

STAGE-9: magic begins to format inside body is able to be released from within instead of external. Extremely light strengthening can occur.

STAGE-8: powers of both 10 and 9 combine on a minimum scale and form basic magical section circuit. S.I.G.M.A implant implementation mandatory.

STAGE-7: just like 8 but power increase more noticeable. Magic circuit hardens and forms mark on skin. Now able to not only lift and throw object but able to slightly re-arrange it's shape.

STAGE-6: like 7 still able to lift throw and reshape object but power increase jump is now extremely noticeable before element crystallization. Can now almost completely change shape of objects.

STAGE-5: unlike stage 6 power increase isn't drastically like before. Yet magic form changes drastically. Now able to bind magic with element. Object manipulation easily mastered. Ability to fly can be learned. Magic circuit hardens around heart protecting it. Crystallization not possible yet.

STAGE-4: Element crystallization possible to slight degree. Can now harness elements ranging from wind all the way to specific gases and or light(literally light{neon, and any other forms}) or darkness (shadows and can make areas completely void of light{any form of dark or blackout matter or material). All powers forms stages prior usable with experience.

STAGE-3: great jump in power. Element crystallization now able to be implemented on a scale like never before. All abilities of prior stages will easily be mastered. Magic circuit now forms with specialized element to persons person.(pre-ordained)

STAGE-2: massive power jump. Now able to utilize magic on a mass lethal scale. Element crystallization can now be triggered whenever the wielder desires. All abilities of prior stages are now novice level. Grand level magic now possible.


Grand level magic: (magic that is powerful enough to kill 1000 or more depending on intention. Works off intentions and emotion and intellect.)


STAGES OF POWER: Demi-god level

STAGE-1: extremely large power jump. Comparable to that of a nuke,(think of little boy or fat man, not to large but still a lot of power) element crystallization now can take physical form. Grand magic is now able to used but at risk of magical burn out. Magic circuit now condenses and becomes the heart and defends the wielders soul passively from most forms of harm. Authority level 1 reached.


Magical burnout: ( A breakdown of not only the physical but the psyche as well, will be incapacitated for 10 days when burnout point is reached.)



STAGE-0: power near absolute. Power jump beyond drastic. Now able to bend matter to elemental power, crystallization now triggered whenever wielder speaks its name. Magic now has an invoking name; power has reached authority level 2. Wielder will have the powers of every single stage from birth without use of training or experience. Magic circuit now allows for spiritualization and protect from near all forms of harm except death.


Authority level magic: The power of a persons element has reached levels of godlike levels and now has the ability to command all elements of the same no matter what form it may be in. Now has the ability to warp element into all four states of matter at will no matter it's pre-state.

Lv.1: slight authority control

Lv.2: moderate authority control

Lv.3: absolute authority control

Spiritualization: element now can form its own sentience and won't act of free will without its master's(the wielder) permission. Will also take physical form if the wielder desires it. Will not only talk but advice and preserve its masters livelihood.


STAGE-0 Negative: absolute power. Not only in magical aptitude but as well as element. Power authority level 3 reached. All powers will be slowly experienced to protect wielder from themselves. Magic circuit now protects from all forms of harm even able to rewrite death; usually your own. Power has now reached a level where words and thought carry absolute control over not only matter but space as well. Although powerful wielders of 0 Negative have Unique or Singularity powers and magic rather than full elemental control. (elements can't be fully mastered as a power stop cap)


Many other unique elements and powers in all stages but I'll let you find out when you read.


Unique Magic: unique magic comes in many forms such as elemental sub sections, animal morphing, intellectual and or emotional magic as well as base forms and elements. (wide range for no plot holes)

unique magic is a specialization and cannot be changed nor can it be weaker than any other learned magic. (this means all other magic must be weaker than unique for magic)

Singularity powers: Ability or abilities that are the wielders only power and form of it. Singularity powers cannot be properly copied, scribed or taught, because they are unique to individuals as if they were unique magic. Yet Singularity powers follow not magic but divination and have cards that can be shown with what power or powers the wielders hold.


21 Main Singularity powers

follows the tarot stack

The fool

The magician

The high priestess

The empress

The emperor

The hierophant

The lovers

The chariot


The hermet

Wheel of fortune


The hanged man



The devil

The tower

The star

The moon

The sun


The world

8 off shoots



The Cosmo

Miss Fortune (Fortune's younger sister)


The paladin


Avarice (can only be obtained through the wheel of fortune, chances increase by each use of the wheel)

3 primordial powers

The king of sand

The queen of dawn

The jester of lie