The Town of Festric

After Alex gave them the gold, they headed to the town which was rather close it was half a day on foot "welcome to Festric young lads" said an elf

"hello" Anna and Leon said to the elf

"I'm Aster what can I help you lads" Aster said

"we're searching for the towns breeder" Leon asked

"ah your looking for Jenise well you can find Jenise's shop at the towns circle. Anyone else?" asked Aster

"oh yeah and the towns chief" asked Anna

"well the town chief is right in front of yea" Aster replied

"oh, sorry we didn't know" Anna said

"no problem" Aster said "so, what can I do for you lads"

"we need the adventurers starter pack" Leon said

"okay" said Aster as he took out three huge packs from a tiny pouch

"thank you, Aster," All of them said

"ah no problem it's a gift from me" Aster said.

Inside a pack was a weapon ruin, an armor ruin, 10 mana potions, 5 double power potion, 5 double mana potions. Anna got a nature staff and nature armor Ilion got a royal sword and royal armor Leon got monster gloves and monster armor.

"wow many thanks" Anna and Leon said

"ah don't sweat about it's nothing" Aster said smiling

"ok I guess we should leave" Leon said

"yeah your right Leo" Anna said.

After reaching the town cercle they went into Jenise pet shop "hello is anyone here" Leon asked

"hello young men and woman" a rock golem said "I am Jenise what can I do for you" Jenise asked

"um we have an egg we like to know its querent state please" Leon asked

"oh, an egg where is it" Jenise asked as he was getting exited

"here it is" Leon said as he gave the egg to Jenise

"oh, my what beauty I have to see it's heart beat and everything" Jenise said and hurried and put down the but when he placed the egg on the hay nest a crack was heard.

"who is in charge of the egg" Jenise asked

"me" Leon replied

"well come and sit next to the egg cause it's going to hatch soon" Jenise said

"ok thank you mister Jenise" Leon said

"ah just call me Jenise" Jenise said

"ok" Leon said

After what seems to be thirty minutes another crack was heard.

"oh god I am getting exited" Anna said

An hour later the egg hatched.

"hey there little buddy" Leon said as the creature snuggled its head to Leon's chest

"oh god it's so cute" Jenise said

"are you crying?" Anna asked the rock golem

"no there is something in my eyes" Jenise said

"hang in the big man" Anna said

"so, I have to take it and examine it" Jenise said

"ok" Leon said

Jenise took out an old wood plank with a needle that have ruins on them. Jenise took a blood sample and the results were.