Chapter 17

"Master, this is what Miss Gu asked me to give you just now."

Qin Ruhai was kicked out when the door of the room knocked.

No one else, but Siyi.

He didn't dare to look at Huo Sishen's face, so he lowered his head and sent a circled drawing paper.

Huo Sishen had been ill for three consecutive days, and Si Yi had followed him for many years, knowing that he would undoubtedly be sent to death by causing trouble.

But this morning, Master Gu handed over this painting to him, so that he must give it to Huo Sishen.

This could not help but let Secretary have an idea that he had never had before.

Miss Gu...maybe it can save the boss, or at least relieve his depression!

"Miss Gu has gone to work, let me give her gift to the boss for your review. If the boss doesn't like it, she said let me take it back and return it to her."

He bit his head and ignored Huo Sishen's coldness on him. look.

That day, Miss Gu fell directly into the boss's arms.

The boss didn't even dodge or push her away... even after she fell into a coma, he sat on the side of her bed, and after Qin Ruhai diagnosed the infusion, he looked gloomy-added her WeChat...

When the Secretary thought about the situation that day, he felt extremely dreamy.

Thinking about it, he resisted the low air pressure and weird and quiet in the room, and slowly opened the drawing paper.

But the action was only halfway there, and it was interrupted by a cold, hoarse, majestic voice.

"Get out!"

Si was taken aback for a moment.

But after hesitating, he quickly put the drawing paper on the coffee table before bowing and exiting.

Miss Gu, I can only help you here!

You have to work hard!

However, the hopeful teacher Gu had just arrived in the studio at this time, looking at the strange man in front of him a little confused.

He was even more at a loss for the giant bouquet in his hand.

She turned around to make a detour, but the other party blocked her way.

"My name is Wu Zhenhao, and I started a company nearby. I came to eat a while ago and met you by chance. I fell in love with you all of a sudden. I can't extricate myself."

He was in a straight suit and his hair was neatly covered with styling glue.

Speaking is a straightforward confession, which also shows that he is an elite boss.

Wu Zhenhao's eyes flashed with confidence.

There is even some satisfaction on his face!

Yes, satisfied.

The job he received was simple and highly paid.

Let him pretend to be a social elite, hang this Gu Shishi on the bait, and date him.

Just take some intimate photos of the two of them to the employer.

The employer's price is 100,000 yuan guarantee!

If the photo is of good quality, you can still increase the price!

And now I have a look-the quality of this girl is also super high!

This Master Gu is standing among the many girls in the studio at the moment, one of the best!

In this small white silk-woven skirt with green borders, although thin, her chest was curvilinear, and the fluffy skirt covered her small knee bone a little, just to reveal those slender, white straight calves.

And with a thin light green belt tied around her waist,

she pinched all the waistline that was not full while looking at it from a distance, making people wonder... Look at her little white face, even though it is hot, But it is still flawless, the snow skin is matte and tender, and people can't help but want to rub it hard.

A glance at her made him feel extraordinary and refreshing!

This sale must be done!

He has to have fun first!

Wu Zhenhao thought, the smile on the corners of his mouth became stronger.

He reads countless flowers, the master of urging flowers!

At most a week, he can surrender this little girl!

"Miss Gu, I know it's a bit abrupt and presumptuous, but in the past few days when you are away on vacation, I know that you have occupied a very important position in my heart."

Wu Zhenhao said, raising his hand and turning around on purpose. Diamond watch on hand.

He knows the little girl Mu Qiang and vanity's careful thinking very well, and has studied the costumes and behaviors of many rich people.

From head to toe, he is a "rich" noble son!

It's the tall tree that girls dream of climbing!

Wu Zhenhao's little white face raised a fascinating calmness.

"I want to ask you to pay me..."

He handed this huge bouquet of flowers that an ordinary girl was struggling to hold in front of her.

Shocking temptation and sincerity of words!

But Wu Zhenhao's confident face was suddenly stunned by a shocking sneeze.

"Sneezes! A—sneezes!" With a

whimper, Master Gu's tears and nose flew, covering his nose in pain.

After a while, there were tears in his eyes!

This body is allergic to pollen.

The same as before.

In the past, she was sneezing constantly and couldn't stop when she approached the sea of ​​flowers.

At this moment, she immediately sneezed against the bouquet in front of her.

She covered her nose and squeezed from his side.

"Sorry, let me, thank you! Aye—"

She ran away with a beam of light!

This bouquet is even more impossible to receive!

Wu Zhenhao held the flowers, and his smile stopped awkwardly.

But soon, he reacted violently, and was busy blocking her path again.

Take out the handkerchief from the suit pocket and fold it into squares.

"Use mine."

"Sorry, I didn't know this flower would make you like this, I just threw it away!" The

rich don't need tissues.

Wu Zhenhao's full preparation for himself must be praised!

He put on the handkerchief, turned around and strode away, threw away the valuable bouquet with a bang.

It also conforms to the role-playing identity, and shows the importance and concern for girls.


Get it!

"Miss Gu..."

He turned his head with a smile.

As a result, there is no trace of Gu Shishi on the corridor!

Wu Zhenhao's mouth twitches!

People! ?

What's the matter with this woman?

The babbled voices of girls in the studio rang quickly.

"Master, are you here? Are you better?"

"Who is outside? Waiting for you at the door every day~"

"I bring different flowers every day!"

Wu Zhenhao's face looked good again.


Even if he heard that she was going to be sick for three days, he would come here every day to guard him, making a look anxious waiting for others.

Women love romance the most!

But a calm sentence quickly wiped out Wu Zhenhao's pride!

"I don't know him, I'm already engaged."

Master Gu's tone was still a bit embarrassed,

"Well, I'll go and tell him clearly now."

Wu Zhenhao's brows and feet jumped.

Just because she was engaged, the employer wanted to find a way for her to cheat, and the money would be so high.

Wu Zhenhao thought about it quickly and walked into the studio with more frustration and sincerity on his face.

"Miss Gu, please give me a chance! I will prove to you that I will not lose to other men, and my love for you will not lose to others."

He said and took out a golden VVIP bank card.

"Except for the real estate and company, this bank card is all my net worth."

"As long as you are willing to be my girlfriend, I can tell you the withdrawal code now." There

were a lot of people in the studio, and there was a cry of surprise. call.

This is too idol drama!

No, it is more exaggerated than the plot of the idol drama!

Zhao Xian, who was waiting in the studio to watch the play, couldn't help but smile and look at her boyfriend Luo Zheng.

Hearing that Master Gu is coming this afternoon, Luo Zheng came here to be a student for the trial class.

At this moment, they looked at each other and smiled triumphantly on each other's faces.

They waited for this scene for three full days!

The liar I got was a man who pretended to be an expert!

On the first day Zhao Xian saw Wu Zhenhao, he was almost fooled by his famous brand and superior temperament!

He knows how to show off his wealth, and squeezed the little girl's vanity mentality!

Master Gu, see how you resolve it!

Now it is estimated that you have been fascinated by liars!

Zhao Xian smiled expectantly.

But soon, a crisp sound rang.

"I don't accept it, you can take it back."

Gu Shishi didn't even blink his eyelids.

Even her voice was extremely calm, making the studio quiet for an instant.

Zhao Xian and Luo Zheng were a little unexpected.

But Wu Zhenhao is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp.

He quickly withdrew his astonished expression and lowered his head.

"I'm sorry."

He took back the bank card in a penitent manner.

"I don't mean to offend you, you are a good girl, I was too anxious." That's


It's the first time to meet, and to collect his money in front of so many people is a bad reputation.

"Then what do you like? I will give it to you in the future."

"Skin care products, jewelry, shoes and bags..."

Wu Zhenhao raised his head and smiled, his chin raised again with a sense of superiority.

His words and deeds almost captured the admiration and admiration of most women in the studio.

But who expected, he was interrupted again before he finished speaking!

"I am not short of money, skin care products, jewelry, shoes, bags, clothes...not a boyfriend. I am very grateful for your appreciation, sorry, I have to work."

Gu Shishi spoke sharply, covering with a tissue Stuck his nose.

With that, she backed back again and again like avoiding a snake.

Wu Zhenhao was stunned.

The other party seems to resist him?




Which woman has no eyes to see money? Even if you are not short of money, you must be short of love, right?

What's wrong with her! ?

Wu Zhenhao couldn't help but look at Master Gu, but his inquiring gaze seemed to be burnt!

Looking closely now, her little white dress seems to have Dior's English mark faintly printed on it! ?

Look more on the thin belt, the button is double C Chanel! ? Looking down again, the most inconspicuous pair of white shoes, with faint FENDI letters on the side...

This big name is at least 30,000! ?

This time, Wu Zhenhao was dumbfounded!

After a closer look, she saw the rose gold chain with spiral gold rings and white porcelain on her neck, faintly gleaming.

He even jumped in his chest!

Italy's top luxury, the classic style of Bulgari jewelry! ?

He remembers this one is more than 20,000!

what's the situation?

According to the news from her employer, isn't she a vain woman?

She is now a famous brand? !

"Sorry, Mr. Wu, we are not suitable."

Seeing that he had no feedback, Master Gu definitely refused again.

Without thinking at all.

Since the other party chooses to contain her confession in public, she loves the show.

She also made it clear in front of everyone!

joke! Is she such a vain woman who is greedy for wealth?

Using money as a prerequisite for communication, isn't this using money to hit people?

How could she accept it! ?

Unless...well...unless the big guy speaks, she...will go.

After all, her life is still pinched by him!

"Please go back."

Gu Shishi even turned behind Ling Xiaomei and stopped showing her face.

"I'm engaged. If the fiancé is unhappy, that's not good."

If the boss gets angry after hearing it, then it's not something she can bear!

Wu Zhenhao opened his mouth, but he couldn't refute it.

She is at least five to sixty thousand at a glance!

In a small studio, there is definitely no high salary to buy luxury goods, and 80% of it depends on the fiance.

If it were him, he would cling to the rich fiance, unless he was a fool!

But even so, he pulled out a handsome smile, "Then I will buy a class to study..."

He decided to impress her with emotion.

But with a blink of an eye, Master Gu waved his hand and left, as if burning his hips.

"Sister Liu, does any student want me to help in this class?"

Wu Zhenhao was extremely embarrassed.

But he did not leave either.

The money given by the employer is his main source of income!

He was cheeky and went to buy a class with a smile.

But in the afternoon, Gu Shishi deliberately avoided him, and the store manager Liu Li also relieved her and found Ling Xiaomei to take Wu Zhenhao to the elite lecture room.

Wu Zhenhao could only listen to the inexplicable painting skills, but he didn't have any phone conversations with Master Gu!

Zhao Xian watched from the side so that even the corners of her lips were almost broken.

"She must be pretending..."

Luo Zheng put down the paintbrush in his hand and looked at Master Gu with a little more interest.

He naturally saw that Master Gu is expensive, but in the eyes of a rich second generation, these are really nothing.

"It seems that the Gu family treats her well. But for those who can't make it to the table, what is the use of raising them for a day or two!"

"Gu family?"

Zhao Xian did not understand.

Luo Zheng chuckled, but didn't explain it to her.

In a blink of an eye, he raised his hand to Master Gu who was teaching next to him.

"This teacher, can you help me look at the painting?"

He came from a nobleman, and he was completely different from such fake Wu Zhenhao!

The clothes and accessories on the body are not about brand prices, but about matching the occasion.

Even the perfumes sprayed on the body are different every day, day and night, pursuing decent and just right.

The high-ranking temperament revealed between gestures is a sharp weapon to kill grassroots!

He also received aristocratic education and had art appreciation and learning courses since he was a child.

These are not comparable to two years of grassroots painting!

"What do you think of my peony painting?"

Luo Zheng ignored Zhao Xian's surprise and handed the painting to Master Gu.

His Chinese painting is also a bit famous among the dudes in the circle.

Show up when you pick up girls, it's all right!

To put it bluntly, they belong to the rich, talented and handsome second generation. Which woman can hold back her waist?

As soon as Luo Zheng stretched out his hand, he naturally circled Gu Shishi on the corner of the table.

The overlord temperament is undoubtedly revealed!

That male liar is too fake, he can only go out in person to see her true to life!

A frivolous smile appeared at the corner of Luo Zheng's mouth.

Men are not bad, women do not love.

"Teacher Gu, please advise."

He lowered his voice a bit, with a bit of sexy masculine charm.

Master Gu was stunned when he was sprayed with hot air on his face.

But when she was about to frown, she caught a glimpse of the painting the man had brought to her.

What a pair of blazing peony!

The red color is strong and dazzling, and the blossoming petals are all eye-catching!

Although it is made with watercolor, it has the majestic and majestic blend of ink painting.

She couldn't help but glanced at the second man in front of her.

Although she didn't know, why he skipped Zhao Xian to ask himself, and he didn't know why he asked this question, why he forced her to the corner of the table in such a second place...

and so close... exhaling at her?

However, she was still quite sure of his painting.

"Not bad."

As a salary teacher in the studio, Gu Shishi did not hesitate to praise.

She was also afraid that the language would not be convincing, so she nodded in particular to express her approval.

"This painting is more mature than the teacher Zhao Xian who taught you, the color is bolder, and the artistic conception is good."

She also used comparative grammar to show her recognition.

"What are you talking about!?"

But when Zhao Xian heard this, she almost vomited blood.

In front of her boyfriend and the students and teachers in the studio, Master Gu pointed her nose to curse! ?

However, Master Gu was full of innocent expressions of'I accidentally told the truth', which made Zhao Xian Qiqiao smoke.

She was about to argue with anger, but the next second, Luo Zheng laughed, and her face turned pale!

Luo Zheng actually completely ignored Zhao Xian's face and was very happy.

"Teacher Gu, you have foresight."

He really doesn't like this teaching studio!

It's nothing more than a group of skilled workers who have been trained in batches!

And he has a history from his childhood.

"Yes, my painting skills are indeed better."

"Then Teacher Gu, is there anything to point me to?"

Luo Zheng looked at Master Gu as if no one else existed.

The ending sound rises, which is actually a bit frivolous.

Zhao Xian's body was shaking.

She is his girlfriend!

In front of her, he was hooking up with other women, and he used the same method of hitting up a conversation! ?

How many women did he use this trick on! ?

Even if she knew that he was going to play tricks on Master Gu, she couldn't help but feel angry.

Pinching his fingers desperately, he endured it.

But she stared at Master Gu!

However, Master Gu glanced at the painting again.

But his face didn't even have any emotion, tempest, or even shyness, but moved back a bit with disgust.

"Don't dare to give advice."

Her backlash made Luo Zheng's expression unsightly.

And the words behind her made his face suddenly gloomy!

"It's just that you don't have the basic skills, so you have an artistic conception, but the brushwork can't support it. It's a pity, but it's okay, it looks pretty when hung up, just don't pay

attention to it." Gu Shishi said, just on the wall of the studio in the distance Compare it.

"Hanging on the wall, it's just right to mount."

Luo Zheng suddenly flashed a stunned eye, but soon became angry!

With a bang, his watch hit the corner of the table.

He made a very rude voice.

When he looked at her fingers, his face became even darker!

Master Gu's fingers were compared to the farthest wall from them, at least six or seven meters away!

Does this mean that his paintings cannot be seen at all?

Huang Zhong, the old man who taught him, also commented on him that he was "good eyes and low hands".

These words made him angry, so angry that he tore all the drawing paper!

Later, I never went to Huang Zhong to learn painting!

"I can't do my basic skills?"

Luo Zheng didn't like to hear these words the last!

This word is the thorn in his heart!

But Master Gu smiled slightly and pointed to the peony on the drawing paper.

The flowers were clustered into clusters, like a sea of ​​flames, a little overwhelming.

But from the source, something went wrong.

"Flowers and leaves seem simple, but freehand drawing methods are not easy to master. First, you must experience life and observe in nature. The growth pattern of leaves is in groups of three to five, and both sizes are used; the petals are well-placed, primary and secondary... …"

"If you have not figured it out, you will write down, and you will see more mistakes."

"Furthermore, the hooks, lifts, pauses, and files of the pen are very vague. Freehand, informal, but not a quick picture..."

"You need to use both eyes and hands."

"Starting from today, practice using the pen for one hour every day, observing and collecting flower shapes for half an hour, for three consecutive months, and the peony in your pen will have a qualitative leap."

Gu Shishibi I moved my finger from the farthest wall to the next closest wall.

"It can be seen almost three to five meters away."

Luo Zheng's face turned black and white, white and black!

The same as the old man Huang said!

Obviously this is a freehand drawing, not a sketch, but let him observe the bouquet!

Obviously it's not calligraphy, it's painting, but let him practice repeatedly to pick and draw the pen!


He didn't want to listen to that back then!

But today this woman actually said the same!

"You know Huang Zhong? What is your relationship with him?"

Luo Zheng squinted dangerously.

"Huh? I don't know."

Gu Shishi thought for a while, but didn't remember this person.

There must be no mention here.

"I'm going to take care of the other students first. You continue to work hard, it is still good."

Master Gu thought for a while and gave an encouraging smile.

After all, it's an amateur painting class.

Luo Zheng's teeth are itchy!

He wanted to let Master Gu take the bait on behalf of the liar, but he was even taught a lesson by her! ?

Ask him to go back and practice his pen for three months, and then, the work he draws can only be seen five meters away? !

He only felt hot on his face.

He stood up!

"My dear, don't bother..."

Zhao Xian squeezed his hand.


Luo Zheng flung away the fire!

Zhao Xian was trembling with anger.

Luo Zheng also gritted his teeth.

"Okay, very good! Master Gu, then you can draw a picture for me!"

"Huh? Do you still know my name?"

Master Gu was stunned.

But without thinking about it, she shook her head.

"I'm not your teacher, and there are other students who are responsible." After

she finished speaking, no matter who he was, she turned and walked to the place of the next student to answer the other's questions.

Luo Zheng smashed the drawing table with a bang.

I walked in front of the store manager Liu Li in a stride.

"I want to take Master Gu's class!"

"Give me an appointment now!"

Master Gu turned around in surprise.

Luo Zheng sneered, "How much does she cost for a class? Three hundred? I bought her all this month!"

Gu Shishi didn't expect him to be so persistent.

Luo Zheng was soon brought to her by the helpless shop manager.

"Teacher, starting at three o'clock later, you will be responsible for this gentleman's teaching."

Luo Zheng laughed.

His eyes were full of ridicule that she could not escape.

Three o'clock came in the blink of an eye, even if Zhao Xian was about to tear the drawing paper in his hand, but it couldn't stop Gu Master from teaching Luo Zheng.

"You are quite persistent."

Teacher Gu praised.

Luo Zheng sneered and sneered, and threw the pen over, "You can show it to me now!"

Master Gu took it, and quickly dropped a stroke on the drawing paper.

When Luo Zheng saw it, he laughed angrily, "What is this!?"

"In this class, you first pick up a pen three hundred strokes."

"Like me..." After

Gu Master made a stroke, he stopped.

"I'm kidding! I want you to paint peonies..."

Master Gu raised his eyebrows in surprise, "I am a teacher, but are you a teacher?"

Luo Zheng's face almost crooked.

"I'm paying to listen to your nonsense?"

"Yeah, otherwise? If you want to withdraw from class, you can ask the store manager."

Luo Zheng stared.

"Want to complain to me? It's okay, you can change your teacher."

Luo Zheng only felt that he was too angry to speak. How long has he not been so angry! ?

I just want to swear!

"Hurry up, we won't refund the money in the past."

Luo Zheng was so angry that he was about to faint!

After 300 pens were picked up, there were three hundred hook pens, and then a whole class of flower appreciation time, and the flowers on Baidu pictures were also appreciated!

He couldn't bear it, but Master Gu was off work.


you tomorrow ." "If you don't come tomorrow, remember to continue practicing at home, otherwise today's hard work will be in vain."

Luo Zheng is really going to be mad!

And Master Gu has happily carried the small bag and left work with Ling Xiaomei!

Get out of the studio.

Ling Xiaomei looked over in admiration.

"Master, you are so courageous, I'm almost scared to death, why don't you show it to him?"

Gu Shishi shrugged.

Paint him peony, he can't learn the essence.

Besides, why paint him?

When she turned her head, she could see Wu Zhenhao who was following, still lingering in the shadows, yet he hadn't given up on her'pursuit'.

This person appeared inexplicably, she searched the memory of the original owner but could not find it.

Moreover, when he came in the afternoon, Zhao Xian's expression was very strange, as if waiting for her to make a fool of herself.

In addition, the interaction between her and Luo Zheng seemed very close, and Luo Zheng also knew the name of her Gu Shishi, so they seemed to be malicious.

The sixth sense made her think that he might have something to do with Wu Zhenhao's inexplicable pursuit.

In short, let her paint a person who deliberately made trouble for herself, she hasn't had so much leisure time yet!

Besides, when I bid three hundred for a lesson, I wanted her to make a peony painting, and I looked down upon her too much. She hadn't done so cheaply yet!

She can get tens of thousands at random now, okay?

"Hehe, he is almost out of anger!"

Ling Xiaomei snickered.

"I think he was shaking with the pen at the end."

"Well, the basic skills are not solid, the wrist is not using the right force, and the muscles are probably sore."

Master Gu said with great experience.

Luo Zheng, who happened to pass by with anger: "..."

Damn, he suddenly felt pain in his hands!

"Miss Gu, I'll take you home."

And Wu Zhenhao was in the small room before, not knowing the situation in the studio outside.

At this moment, I thought that Luo Zheng was upset because he had repeatedly failed.

He immediately caught up with Master Gu in a hurry.

This order cannot be ruined, and the employer cannot be upset!

"My car happened to be in the underground garage, you are waiting for me here."

Wu Zhenhao immediately pressed the car key.

With a beep, a new BMW convertible coupe next to it turned on its headlights!

Wu Zhenhao looked complacent.

The rent cost nearly five hundred, and he has to go back after driving!

But coming out to pretend to be forced will definitely brighten the eyes of blind girls!

"Go, I'll take you!"

He said, he couldn't help but look back at Luo Zheng.

Sure enough, he saw Luo Zheng's somewhat approved eyes.

But in the next second, a trace of surprise flashed in Luo Zheng's eyes!

Wu Zhenhao is triumphant, this is the new model this year, at the million level, and the rich second generation may not be early adopters.

But just after a second, another beep sounded beside him.

Turning his head to see, it was actually a Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly driving beside him, and Wu Zhenhao almost fell to the ground admiringly with his jaw!

If it is a long-axis phantom, it is a market price of more than 9 million!

Compared with this car, his BMW was simply rubbed on the ground!

"Meimei, you get in the car first. I'll tell the driver and I will take you home on the way."

Gu Shishi's voice soon came.

Soft and beautiful, but like a slap in Wu Zhenhao's face!

In the next second, he watched eagerly at Master Gu and his female colleagues, getting in this super cool and money-burning phantom.

"Thank you, teacher, hey, it seems to be different from the one last time. I didn't recognize it."

Ling Xiaomei, the painter, is very sensitive to the shape of the car although she doesn't understand the license plate.

The driver who came down to pull the door for them, explained with a smile.

"Today, the boss wanted to change his mood, so he asked me to drive this car out. It just so happened that I will pick you up now."

There is more than one luxury car at home!

Wu Zhenhao only feels his face hurts!

He also tried to show off his wealth in front of Master Gu, and wanted to convince her with a fake bank card, a BMW, and a bunch of roses! ?

However, she has professional drivers and luxury cars to and from her. She is full of famous brands. What else is she missing! ?

Nothing is missing!

Wu Zhenhao was about to cry.

This business is too difficult for Nima!

And Luo Zheng also looked complicated, "Huo Sishen's driver? She really lives... with him?"

Rumor has it that this hard-fought lone star of Tiansha has already killed two fiancées!

None of them survived three days!

"How long can she live?"

Luo Zheng squinted.

He promised to help his cousin to vent his anger and help Wushuang to seek justice, but if she can only live for a few days, what would he do with this effort?

Isn't it just tossing around, is there nothing to do? !

When Luo Zheng thought about it, he felt that his chest became more tight!

Damn, my hands are sore!

"How long does it live?"

Zhao Xian blinked.

"Shut up!"

Luo Zheng was so upset that Zhao Xian felt a little disgusted.

"Just take care of yourself! You take a taxi and go back by yourself, and I have to go to the company!"

After speaking, he left without looking back.

Zhao Xian stomped fiercely.

And Wu Zhenhao was even more speechless, vomiting blood on the ground and put a BMW that was useless but cost him five hundred rent.

Really angry!

When Gu Shishi returned home, he found that it was only eight o'clock in the evening, and the villa was already dark.

The servants returned to their rooms at night, and Huo Sishen needed absolute silence and darkness to ensure sleep at night.

At this moment, she was the only one who walked in, which was a bit gloomy.

Accompanied by a touch of chrysanthemum lamp in the dark orange of the corridor, the dim light did not make her feel at ease. On the contrary, she squeezed the sweat even more, and immediately accelerated her pace.

She is afraid of the dark!


Even sleep at night will leave a little light far away.

When she was a child, the master liked to tell her various ghost stories about Liao Zhai and demons, and trained her to be extremely courageous.

At night, being alone, she would be so scared!

After nine o'clock every night, she is determined not to go out for activities, even in big cities, she will not go out to have fun!

Although it's only eight o'clock, this suburban single-family villa is not in front of the village and no shop in the back.

From the first floor to the second floor, there was nothing but her footsteps in the open and quiet at this time, and the fragile light flickered, pulling her shadow very slender...

Master Gu's little heart was beating, swiftly facing Rushed to the second floor.

But abruptly, as she was about to walk through the living room, a low-pitched, gravel voice sounded from a distant place suddenly and coldly.

"Come here."

Master Gu puffed and almost knelt down!

She yelled and hugged her weak and helpless herself!

With a stab, I don't know what sharp weapon slid through the glass, making a sound that makes people get goose bumps!

Gu Shi Shi Ping was about to step back, turned and flee.

But a cold hand suddenly grabbed her wrist!


Gu Master couldn't help but screamed.

"Shut up!" The

hoarse voice fell again!

Master Gu shook, but she gritted her teeth and glanced in the direction of the sound. Only half the salary was sure to shake her voice and speak, "Big, big...?"

Under the dim light, she saw it. A figure in the dark on the sofa next to him.

A pair of faint cold-lighted eyes were staring at her, making her tremble again.

Huo Si Shen?

Master Gu swallowed.

However, the other party remained motionless and did not respond.

The living room is so quiet!

Master Gu almost cried.

She trembled and fumbled out her cell phone, trembled out a flashlight, and shone her teeth on the sofa where the face was invisible!

A beam of strong light suddenly shone on the man on the sofa.

The crimson-blue nightgown was loosely tied with a belt, as if extremely impatiently, it didn't fully pull the top, and it showed a piece of wheat-colored skin with faint muscle lines!

Master Gu pursed his lips and shook his hands.

Following the light, his eyes moved up, and soon he saw a dull and tough handsome face.

Those cold black eyes were shattered by the strong light, almost sharply narrowed into a line, and the dissatisfaction that came out of it seemed to cut her to death on the spot!


Master Gu swallowed, and moved the phone away with a dry smile.

"Boss, ah no, Mr. Huo, it's you... haven't slept yet... huh."

Huo Sishen squinted.

Master Gu wanted to wave his hand to say hello, but found that his right wrist was still in the palm of the opponent!

She blinked.

What do you mean?

"Are you looking for me?"

Master Gu was confused.

The boss called her to come over, and he held her without letting go, but he didn't say anything. What happened?

Hmm...Is Tsundere's disease committed again?

Is it unclean at this time?

"Hey, did you receive the drawing I asked Si Yi to paint for you in the morning?" As

Master Gu said, he secretly called up the system interface.

She quickly checked the details of the male owner's favor!


The degree of favor is actually rising!

It is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, with 1% more progress bar per second!

He didn't speak, grabbing himself, and he was secretly increasing his affection for her? !

Big brother's Tsundere disease, this is a new level!

He received his own azalea and was very happy and liked it, but didn't he say?

So now quietly killing her with his eyes to show her gratitude?

Master Gu was extremely confused.

But when she was tangled, the big hand holding her on her wrist gradually loosened.

Master Gu leaned in the light of the mobile phone, raised her eyes and saw Huo Sishen on the sofa closing her black eyes, like a devil sleeping, her quiet expression became obedient and soft...

She opened her mouth.

Fell asleep again?

Master Gu couldn't laugh or cry.

But when he was about to lift his foot to leave, there was a faint sound from behind.

"Sit down."

Huo Sishen was still not asleep.

Teacher Gu turned around.

He didn't open his eyes, but moved his arm.

It seems to have found a more comfortable position, ready to fall asleep.

Gu Shishi dripped sweat.

The boss is going to let her... sleep with...? ?