Monitoring | Keen Observation

(Before Erza's meeting with Sudou Ken)

I made my mind to observe more and more. I need answers for the fact why did she agree with; me meeting with her. And discuss.

Why was she so eager for the conversation before? I will get my answers. I have so much to learn from you, Wistaria.

What exactly are your intentions? Why are you observing me? Also, what did you learn about the 'System' ?

Guess, I ll get your words, the moment I'll face you. I am eager to meet you, today. Really.

The problem is Sakura Airi. What if she leaks the observation? She will undoubtedly a hindrance.

Lets assume that, Sakura Airi couldn't be present at that moment. Will Wistaria skip this 'Meeting'? If the 'Key' is Sakura here, then I am gonna need her, as the key.

But what if the another possibility, is that, Sakura will be present, but Wistaria will skip 'Some' of her observation?

Why do I think like that? Well, as I told earlier, she is the type to be mysterious about herself. She doesnt like personal intrusion. Thus assuming, she wouldnt like to 'share' her opinion or rather observation with anyone else. So, a stranger like me would be thousand of light years away.

But the fact, she didnt hesitate, is suspicious. I, atleast, expected her to twist her words, in order not to get too close to me. But the reality is purely opposite.

First lets see, how close are they really. That might give me an idea about 'Sakura' being an important part or not.

I, started observing her moves and expressions, to be honest. To get an idea, of her future actions. Not perfectly, but still an 'idea' gives me a huge step regarding the question between 'their' relationship.

She always gave that small smile to Sakura or anything related Sakura. Thinking a possibility that, they are close, then Sakura is trustworthy?

But what if its the opposite, what if those 'smiles' were a mask worn for any other purpose? No, it couldn't be.

It would be only if she knew my 'existence'.

Well, she did saw me in the bus. But that doesnt explain the possibility of me crashing onto her in the same Year and same Class. Therefore, this is not a reason, I suppose.

For now, lets focus on whats ahead. I ll later think about the 'reasons' behind her observation.

It was lunch break, I saw her switching off her mobile. Before, she was reading. She looks like she was about to go to buy some lunch.

Where could've she be going? Anywhere, where normal girls go to? Pallet? Its a famous café.

Hmmm. I guess not. She rather bought those 'Cheap' Body moisturizer before. She is CALCULATIVE. She is precautionary to this 'Point System'. As expected, she is wary of it.

Thus, maybe she could've gone to somewhere cheap. Guess, for my case its the same too.

I followed her. I saw her going to the way of the 'Convenience Store'. Correct. My brain is nearly exhausted by you Erza.

I acted very natural, so that she wouldnt notice me. Well, she never really, notices or cares about her surroundings, anyway. That thing is your weakness, huh?

No not that either. You are observative about every of your surrounding. Arent you?

My stomach growled.

Its best if I also buy something, for myself. Thanks to my stomach for distracting me.

I narrowed my eyes at her figure, and at last disappeared inside the store.

I sighed. Why am I even doing this? This is frustrating.

Nonetheless, I was also on my way to the store. I was some steps away when I saw something very 'usual' yet 'unusual'.

Something like an 'eye'?

Eye? On the corner of the wall?


I , with my usual 'Unique' face, moved my eyes somewhere, as if I noticed 'nothing' and got inside the store.

A store with a Surveillance Camera. Quite Normal. I didnt think much.

Wait, where is Erza, I was glancing here and there. I was worrying about what if she recognizes me?

No, I am just a regular customer.

'That wont do, she is hilariously sharp.' I thought, and suddenly I spotted the 'hoodie girl' in the counter.

I sighed in relief. Guess, I wont have any excuses to make for now. I grabbed one of the burgers.

I saw her leaving the store. Fast. I cant lose her sight.

The automatic transparent door closed. I could see her leaving, I sped walk to the counter.

Why did she stop? Oh well, there was some 'incident'...

Dont tell me she Will waste her time in some sort of 'common issue'.

Does she realise, she is being watched by a Surveillance camera?


Surveillance camera - dark side - not noticeable from a distance. Wait, is that implanted by the school? To notice the student's actions? To fulfil the 'criteria' for the 'Gradation System' !?

How could I miss the fact everything is under the supervision of THE SCHOOL.

The incident between Sudou Ken and the opponent students, may cause a serious trouble to the class and 'Point System' related to 'Gradation System'.

I wonder if Erza noticed.

Notice it.

Damn. Just Notice it-

I saw her glancing here and there and then she goes stopping at the right moment at the right position.

She took note of the ' Surveillance camera'.

I paid for my item and got close to the door in the opposite side. I waited for the People to move.

Then I can quietly move out, with 'em, without her taking note of my presence.

And I did the same.

It worked.

She became aware of the situation. Her eyes became dark. And narrower. Intimidating eyes.

Her eyes change the moment she is serious about something. How smart.

I saw her glaring at Sudou. What exactly is she doing? Does she think that will make him face her? Then? How will she tell him to stop?

I was one of the audience. Now. I guess, she wouldnt notice me.

Sudou Ken, most aggressive student of CLASS-D. Guess he was known already in the school. Not a good thing, obviously.

She shook her head? Sudou stared at her.

Hesitance caught him!

Seriously, what a trick...I didnt even thought of it. I must say You are the Real thing, I wanted in a 'High School'. Interesting.

She not only noticed the camera, understood the Situation perfectly, handled it like an excellent performer.

I went from the scene and made my way to the classroom.

Even though, I still didnt get the answer of her, how 'Strong' Wisteria and Sakura's bond is. But one thing is clear. She undoubtedly, knows whats going on with the Three Issues.

The Point System.

The Gradation System.

The Sudden Examination.

As expected. You really dont have anything to discuss or whatsoever. You want to check up on me. Very cunning. Erza Wistaria. You are amusing.

I walked forward and was in the School Corridor. I noticed Sakura, she saw me and came towards me.

"Umm... Ayanokouji? Where you at the cafeteria? " She asked.

"Well, I wasnt really, why?" Why was she finding me? Did Erza expected me to--

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about the Meeting today."

"Ah...okay, what about it?"

"Shall we go somewhere else to talk? Its noisy here..." She suggested.


We walked to the corner of the hall. There were few 'specimens' of the school. Not too noisy. Thus she continued her words.

"So, about the Meeting, the timing is 7.30 PM. We will meet at Your place." She told assured. " We can unfold the 'situation' right?" She asked me worried.

"Uh...I dont know. I am supposed to be the same place as you, And why my place?". I maintained eyecontact. This will make sure I am not lying to her face.

" Actually, she told me later, she still have some preparation to do so thats why...And. I wonder if Erza found something. She understood the 'Other than Academic parts' right? " She said while she went to 'Thinking' posture.

I took my chance.

"I was wondering, how long are you guys friends? I am fine with the destination being my place." As I put my hand inside one pocket.

"Me and Erza? Well...we met during...Yea! During our Viva Test. And Thank you."

"Since then, I kind of got attach with her. And eventually became friends." She smiled.

"Are you girls close? I mean she is a little distant? So I wonder how--"

I was interrupted by her.

"Oh...About that actually...Well I kind of think though..but still I consider her as a friend. Cause she accepted me for who I am. And I am not nervous around her...even though I was, at first."

"She can make anyone Nervous huh?"


A silence occured.

"Mind if I ask, what did you meant by 'One-sided' ? " I asked.


"I told her about my past. Because I wanted to." She made contact with my eyes. An evitable worrying face was noticable. "But...she never told...anything about hers..not that I want to pressure her or anything...but I ll listen to anything she had to say, whenever she is ready, that is" .

Her worrying face, turned to a gentle expression.

"I guess, she will someday, also I am sure she considers you a 'Friend' Don' worry" I assured with my fake words.

"Yea I hope so. Thank you for listening." She told.

"No problem I suppose. "

So she doesnt 'Trust' her, huh? I dont think she has said anything about her 'observations' to her.

I might conclude that, they are not that close. And Sakura is not a 'key'.

I sighed in relief. Great I can make a room for us to 'discuss' without any interruption, Erza.

Finally, I entered the room. Guess Erza came already. Our eyes met.

'Wait...Erza with Sudou Ken?', I thought.

I sat on my place.

"No for holding your shoulders...tightly....I didnt mean to hurt you. I guess my feelings got the best of me." Sudou said in an Apologetic voice.

He hurt her? When? After I went? Well It has nothing to do with me. But still what made him?

Don't tell me she told Sudou about that 'Camera'?

Well that wouldnt give him any kind of suspicions though.

I stared at the scene. Listening carefully their conversation.

She speaks in a very smart manner and in a low voice. Thus, its a little tough if it were to be Any Other Person.


So they will meet at the 'Pallet' for some misunderstanding? Thats unlikely of you Erza.

Doesnt matter what you do in your personal life anyway....

[Erza POV]

(Present : Last Period)

As usual I momentarily felt stares on me. It didn't affect me. Its fine. I want to be observed specially by 'him'.

Also, in the 'store' , I felt like someone following me. Well, that was just a 'Feeling' until I got inside the store.

Later, when I stood in the scene. I felt like I saw 'him' . Definitely.

I dont know for sure.

Another thing, when I came to the class, I didnt see Airi, neither Ayanokouji. But a second later , she was present and Ayanokouji too. I noticed Ayanokouji, but. When did she come? Was she with Ayanokouji? What were they doing together? Its not even a single day, they know each other.

Was he including her in his idea of 'stalking' me? Or collecting info. about me? Or about his 'Observation' about the 'System'?

Well, I ve never told anything specific to her anyway. Its useless for him. And moreover its reckless for him to go on speaking about it.

He avoids trouble like me anyway.

But , can I make the Meeting 'appropriate' if you are there...

It is Social Studies now. The teacher is teaching. Everyone as usual doing their own specific work.

I sighed. This is mentally tiring but Not 'THAT' tiring, of course.

"Students,May I have your attention please?" The teacher enquired.

Every head turned towards the teacher.

"The questions above in the textbook, will be considered as your homework for tomorrow. Please do your best. With then Thank you class". As she went off.

Seems that she was very much less interested in our class. Of course, everyone paid attention to their respective so-called 'Jobs'.

Also, luckily, S.S.T is one of Airi's weakest subject. She always comes to me regarding any question related to that. Not that I am particularly interested into it or anything. I just DO WELL.

I heard footsteps.

"Um...Eri...I---" Airi came and spoke nervously.

"Yea sure you can take my notes. Also you need to study well this time. okay?" I said with a stern face.

She was delighted. "Thank you, but about that Meeting, I think I cant go, because of this sudden Homework." Her voice dropped down.

"Oh I see... I guess it cant be helped."

" Be sure to tell me if you guys come to any conclusions okay?" She said and went off to pack her bag.

I nodded ; started packing my bag.

4.30 PM. I still have enough time to go and revise the materials and do the Homework. Maybe I could rest for a while too.

'Guess, today its just you and me, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka' I thought. And I went out of the class and waited for Airi .

She came and we followed our way to our Dorms.

Its. A. Tiring. Day. No doubt.

[Erza POV end]